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Trenches and bumpy terrain


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The coaches at Snow Performance carving camp told me to use my legs as super shock absorbers. While carving on bumpy terrain your legs should be constantly flexing in and out to adjust to the surface. I have found this to work very well. The legs should be very strong yet very springy. Practice in a stationary stance flexing the legs up and down. Now apply this same action in your more laid out carves. Good luck.


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i like to train for the real bumpy stuff every once in a while by taking a line near the side of a bunp run and going over the top of the bumps using my legs to keep my board on the ground. its comes in handy at the end of thoes realy busy days. just keep your legs loose and you should be alright.

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toward the end of the day, find the widest most bumped out run you can and just start making nice easy long arced turns. Really focus on maintaining your upper body as static as possible. Continue to make your turns progressively more aggressive over the same terrain (you'll know basically what to expect), all the while using your legs to absorb the terrain and keeping your upper body still. I have found it easier if I get into an exagerated squat (really bend those knees and get your hips down) when I do this, it seems to prime my body to flow with the bumps. After a few runs you will find your balance point, be carving hard and actually having quite a good time doing it.

Cheers, Mike.

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