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Carving lessons Alberta

Guest verity

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Guest verity


I live in Scotland but am heading over to Calgary for a month with work but hoping to do a bit of boarding there.

Can anyone recommend a Carving instructor?

I have been riding a race board for about 5 seasons now, and have found I get very little out of lessons with soft boot riders.



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Hey Verity

Trevor was out of town the weekend I was at Kicking Horse, and I haven't amanged to catch up with any of the other guys, but you might have some more luck.

Hopefully we get some more snow before you get here. It's been a pretty lean Feb ...

"Hey there Allee, just to let you know we don't have any carving instructors at the moment at norquay, but it is an awesome place to learn and get fast! There are a couple guys who work through unlimited snowboard shop, pete jensen and mark tanguay who are awesome at teaching people how to carve hard and fast, just give the shop a ring and leave a message for them. As well if you go out to Kicking Horse, get in touch with a guy named Trevor at the Snowboard School, he is incredible and really knows his stuff (he's an exquebec-er)"

Unlimited Ski and Ride is in Banff.

Hope this helps!


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How soon are you heading over? I'll be out of town from the 18th to the end of the month, but if you wanted another girl to ride with, give you the inside goss on the ski areas, or maybe split a private lesson with, then drop me a reply, I'd love to help out.

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Guest verity

I am heading over in May, so not sure what the snow will be like.

hopefully there will be some, any would be better than scotland!!

Thanks for the advice.

It would be great to have someone to ride with

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All the hills will be shut, with the exception of Lake Louise (May 9th) and Sunshine (May 16th). I had an awesome day at Sunshine the weekend before close last year ... maybe you'll get lucky - a foot of snow in May is not uncommon!

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Guest verity

I am afraid that work dictates when I can get over, hI had a feeling that it would be a little late.

Hopefully I'll at least get a couple of days boarding in while i am there.

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