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Training Aids for keeping in carving shape


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Now that summer is creeping upon and my mtn closes this sunday, looking for input on some things. Not interested in what you do during the summer to stay in shape. Thats been posted plenty.

Shopping for Pedometer, but when googled about 100 different types come up. Any recs on what brand and/or models are good at a reasonable price. Main interest, getting those 10,000 steps ina day to maintain weight, or even reduce.

Also, got back into swimming a couple months ago after 15 years off, down 15 pounds and looking for 15 more. At 130 laps nonstop and goal is to swim 1,000 laps non stop, but when I get into a rhythm (or a zone) I lose track of lap count. Is there a lap counter for swimming?

Interesting little tid bit I learned on Sunday from JBS. Since losing the weight, I have noticed my days of riding were less ardous after 3-4 hours of solid riding and the legs dont tire as readily. He indicated for every pound lighter you are, it takes about 4 pounds of stress off your joints. I'm sure the numbers change due to the physics of riding and other factors, but it has made a world of difference for my riding these past two months.

If I reach my goal of 30 pounds, that's an average eight grader I'm not toting around or 3, 5-gallon buckets of water.

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Finis Lap Counter

This might work for your lap counting problems. I'm not sure how many laps it will record though. I've never used one as I rarely do more than 1500m a session but Finis makes pretty good products. They make a cool waterproof mp3 player too called the SwiMP3.

I'm not sure about the pedometers. I searched in google for "top pedometer" and "best pedometer" and came up with several articles on how to choose the best pedometer for your needs.

Good luck on meeting your weight loss goals. I'm working on it myself and its a huge challenge but its well worth the effort.

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Simple equation from Newtonian Physics... F=MA Force = Mass x Acceleration

as you carve a turn the resulting increased G forces cause your legs to work much much harder. Best way to feel better... reduce M


Or reduce acceleration, but who wants that??

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