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Aggressive, damp, loaded, springy, etc.


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Seeing as how I am still fairly new to this carving thing I am asking more questions than I am answering, I hope y'all don't mind.<br>I have been reading posts on the characteristics of boards in the gear reviews and also on the posts here and in the classifieds.<br>I can guess what the words mean, but having no frame of reference still allows for a great deal of diffrernce in how I perceive the meanings of the words, and what the author meant. For example when a board is described as aggressive does that mean that it must be ridden aggressively, or that it "loads up" and delivers a lot of energy to the rider, or something else entirely? And does aggressive riding mean lots of turns, lots of speed, both? Likewise if a board is described as damp does that mean it is boring? Like you can step on it, but it will never return the energy back to you?<br>I think I made my point, is there a glossary of terms anywhere so I can brush up on my Carvespeak?

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Guest Randy S.

Hmmm. Lots of possibilities with Stiff and Damp. It sounds like a good combination to me.

Aggressive is a tough one. Someone else may have something to contribute on that subject. "Ridden Aggressively" to me would mean you have to put a lot of power into the board. In other words, turn it hard and really compress into it. Otherwise aggressive could refer to sidecut, or almost anything. Context will probably help you more in deciphering it.

Damp to me means it absorbs vibrations. In other words, it smooths out the bumpiness inherent in carving, especially at speed on hard surfaces. Since we're blessed with pretty awesome snow conditions in Tahoe, damp isn't as critical here as it might be in VT. That said, with my knees, I'll take all the dampening I can get.

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Any chance carver's almanac or raceboarders (etc.) would attempt a glossary....anyone....bueller......bueller......ferris bueller?<br>

Speaking of raceboarders, their search on ebay from their website has saved me some considerable time in my searching, thanks guys!

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Guest Randy S.

Yeah, I've used that eBay search they have too. It is pretty cool.

I'd email Scott Firestone about the glossary. He's put a ton of work in to the Almanac. Maybe Jack Michaud could publish something that would be appropriate for both here and on the almanac.

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