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burton wind boots

Guest crikey

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I have just crossed over to riding hard boots and have found the burton wind boots very comfy and ideal for me.

I have also acquired some intec titanflex bindings.

It it possible to fit Intec heel pieces to burton wind boots? as i like the idea of stepping in with my rear foot. I understand the fire boot had intec heels but were they burton intec adaptors or are they generic?

Any info is welcome.

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Crikey, I believe that all Wind boots are intec compatible. I have a pair of Winds and I put intec heels on. The intec heel that I have says it was manufactured by F2, at least the box has F2 on it and the installation instructions have F2 on them. I believe that all intec heels will fit intec compatible boots, if I am wrong I'm sure someone will correct me.

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