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Walking! kinda....


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As many of you know, I broke my ankle/talus 2/05 and had my first surgery for it 10/05....I had my second surgery for it, an OATS procedure-osteoarticular transfer-of cadaveric cartilage and bone to the hole in my talus


I've been off it for 8 weeks and started to walk today....taking it easy with crutches still...

Doing good, so far...

Get those "ankle sprains" you get while riding CAT scanned....save you a lot of heartache later....

I'll keep everybody posted...

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I opted to start on a cane last night....still taking it easy....

but, NO PAIN!!!

I can't tell you how good it feels NOT to be taking Mobic, Ultram, or vicodin!

Not even Tylenol...I would carry it around "just in case" but haven't used it in a couple of weeks

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i have 2 friends right now on crutches. one hurt herself back 4 years ago racing on skis and the other from over working her knee resulting in some serious injury. does not look fun.

I just developed a knee problem with my left knee. got an MRI and they found some benign cis so i go back in a year to get it checked up. No marathon for me this year because I defintly cannot risk hurting myself before the snow starts falling. Btw, the mri machines are relaxing. I passed out so fast it was amazing.

hope you heal up and recover fast. :biggthump

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que es esto?

its like a tumor but its not really harmful. malignant tumors are the dangerous ones because those are the ones that spread throughout the body. She said that most likely that my knee pain isn't a result of the cis at all, i just probably over worked it and I used running shoes that were too worn out. It was an excuse to buy some high quality sneakers and I'll be getting some thermo liners and possibly footbeds for my boots.

I'm just suprized that through my years of wrestling and playing many, many other physical sports like rugby and football that my knee never bothered me once.

I miss wrestling though:mad:

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thanks. instead of running, i rollerblade everywhere. went around 15 miles on the charles river yesterday.

the mri was relaxing in a weird way. My head was almost in it and it seemed like there was a jack hammer going on all around me. Before I knew it, I was passed out. I fall asleep pretty easily though. Sometimes its not a good thing.

Skatha, are you going to be 100% before the season starts up again?


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I had an MRI a few years ago, and yeah...same thing happened. I think that its the constant rythmic noise that puts you to sleep. the one I was in was also very brightly lit, so it may have been a kinda sensory overload thing going on that knocked me out. Best 30min of sleep I ever got I think...

Speedy recoveries to both of you!

Gleb, you should come up riding with us this year, we head to cannon alot during the winter and this summer a bunch of my skiing friends and my girlfriend have been going biking alot, maybe something low impact like biking would be good for it. E-mail me if you're interested.



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thanks man. I'm planning to be up at cannon as much as possible next season. Its a 2 and a half hour drive from boston but as long as I have enough gas $, i'll be there about two times a week for the $25 lift tickets with some of my friends. One is a brand new hardbooter too. We defintly gotta meet up there sometime. Its one of my favorite mountains. I'll email you when I'm planning to head up there with my crappy mountain bike. Thanks again.

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I'll email you when I'm planning to head up there with my crappy mountain bike. Thanks again.

hahaha can't beat the crappiness of the bike Im riding right now. I have a really nice MTB on layaway until at least the end of the month. I broke my last crappy bike last month, and I've been without a bike since. Two days ago I caved into my addiction and went to walmart and picked up an $80 bike. How's that for crappy? We'll be biking at either Lake Massabesic (Manchester) or Gunstock on friday, you're more than welcome to join us. There will be at least 3 walmart bikes there, so you don't need to worry about your bike keeping up. If you want we can continue this in the "New Cycling Thread" Thread.

Sorry about the threadjack skatha.


Isuzu motors polska

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Well, I'm walking better...I had to take 1 "throw-down" vicodin left over from the hospital after walking the scenic overlooks to the Black Canyon-couldn't do the last one(but it was monsooning anyway).....

But my ankle didn't hurt the next day, yay.....

I'm hoping to be good to go for the rest of the cycling season, let alone snowboarding....

Got the Hotter 'N Hell in August.....

Plus, the Ride for the Roses in Austin in October......

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