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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. after some careful research and snooping, i found the REAL tools.
  2. whoa, ive never seen white UPZs. Cool.
  3. should've called it a day when I had the chance. Last run of the season (most likely) and I was cruising down. 2 skiers in front of me, and one is barely moving. As I'm about to pass, he starts to move right in front of me. The mogled out trail doesn't let me stop so I end up bear hugging a little woman as I went down. My knee went right into her binding, with blood to prove it. Luckily, only a tiny chip in the top sheet in the front. Good day overall. Race city was prime since it was closed off. Hard to ask for a better season. Can't believe I topped off at over 40 days and didn't fail out of school. I think I actually do better in the winter months. 8 months till next season and a peanut butter and fluff sub will be in the works. whoa, who changed my avatar!!!!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? Abuse of mod powers!!!!!!!
  4. you f***ing know it. I'll be there. No parties here this weekend, so I'll be on time. Need a ride?
  5. Gleb

    Carver Education

    on my way to a PharmD (doctor of pharmacy) which is totally kicking my ass. first 2 years were a breeze and now the work piles on all at once. I miss recess back in good ol' elementary. Back to studying I go...
  6. Thanks again guys, but all the credit goes to steve! He put so much effort and detail into it. The mad hatter's teapot resembles the Russian flag, it says "Gleb" in his hat. As gdboytyler noticed, the cat is lifting Alice's skirt. Also, the smoke that looks like carves in the snow. Its hard to see, but mountains in the back at the top. I love the caterpillar with the crossed legs looking so relaxed. Everything is just so good! I ride regular, and the binding comes up to right above Alice's head with about a quarter inch to spare. When I'm snapped in, her head is slightly covered, but if you're standing behind me, you can clearly see it. The Queen's head is not covered at all. Steve did a great job lining it all up. I am really impressed. I'm saving for some TD2s because thats what seems to work well with the metal boards. My burton race plates don't look that nice on it right now, since they're not shiny. I can't use my cateks since I don't have the suspension ring. The yellow elastomer of the TD2s will look pretty good against the dark background of the board. Softbootsailor, Grace's art is pretty trippy, in almost a child's drawing kind of away. Except they actually look good. Grace Slick's Randy, I saw that thread when you first posted, and that board is beautiful. The cord looks so perfect! Jack, that board is sick too. Looks so much like the original, but modern at the same time. So slick. Isn't it nice to own something thats one of a kind? :) Carvedog, getting off with one foot is really the only way I've known. I just can't really do it any other way. Guess it works out. And yeah, who is that guy? I do like the topsheets of the boards he posted. Maybe its a she. Who knows. johnasmo, first skier to put a pole through this will get a face full of razor sharp PTC tuned edge. I will take none of that. And this past weekend I was thinking about those spikes. I was told that I'd have to take them off everytime I get a base grind but I don't plan on getting that many grinds. And those spikes can't be that expensive anyway. I just can't wait to see the look of the first skier to hit those with their ptex. I don't know what his or her reaction would be, but I'll have a big :D on my face.. P06781, he dispenses only the best just kidding! steve will treat you guys right!
  7. Alice is pretty damn hot. Dan, thanks, I totally agree. Steve lined the smoke and leaves for the bindings up perfectly! To get the topsheet printed and shipped to Bruce costs about $65. You can contact Steve about pricing. I'm not sure if he has a website. He gave me a deal because I really couldn't pay much at the time. I'll be going to him for all my future boards and I'll want to pay much more than what I paid the first time. I had a thread looking for a graphic designer here a while ago. I'm already trying to think of different designs for my SL deck that I want built, but that won't be for a while. I still gotta pay this bad boy off. For Bruce to put the custom topsheet on, he actually takes off $20 or $30 because you're not using one of his designs. The board, shipped to me cost $775ish, but I know prices are going up next year. I don't know when the cutoff for the new price is. Put your orders in soon! A full custom, super high quality board for less than the price of a nice STOCK pair of skis that probably won't compare in performance. I love alpine boarding :)
  8. Last week I got an email from the school saying I have a large package waiting for me. When I got it home, I was like a kid at christmas and unwrapped my present with tape and paper flying everywhere. I had waited 6 months for this. I wanted a metal board, but if I was going to spend the money to get one, I might as well spend a little extra to make it unique. With the talent of Steve Fleck, the topsheet design went from this sketch made by a pharmacist I work with: to this, done by steve: to finally this: The rest was up to Lindsey at www.snowboardmaterials.com and Bruce. Taking off the protective covering, I became 10 times more stoked at what I saw. It came it out insanely good! I was too lazy to put the images together into 1, but here's a full board shot: I just wanna say thanks to Steve for putting so much time and effort into this, Bruce for making kick ass boards and Lindsey for her nice job on the printing, because now I have a killer ride that looks sweet! Two days on the snow so far, and there is already damage near the edge of the topsheet at the tail. It doesn't really bother me since its a snowboard thats meant to be ridden, and not a museum piece thats only meant to be looked at, and imagined of how it would ride. Its an all mountain 181 with 13.2 scr and it feels so solid. I can't wait to use it on some nice hard pack next year. Who else has some cool original boards? I know there are plenty out there.
  9. damn, you guys have some cool jobs. I'm a pharmacy student with 3 more years to go. I'd like to think: Future Lottery winner, but thats just my retirement plan.
  10. turns out it wasnt piss on my pants, but pure wholesome, protein rich man juice. I guess the coilers will do that. I ll save ya guys a glass next time. The ride home was rough. I threw in the towel 30 minutes outside of boston and gave my friend the wheel. Those Canadians get nervous in boston traffic, but he did well. 26 is a good number. I think thats a payment plan we all can get used to. Wow, so now lap dancing is considered a preforming art. Well I couldn't agree more. 2 tests this week so I'm going into a drug induced hibernation in the library. I <3 school. I'll dth with you guys next sunday.
  11. today we heard this from a guy on the side of the trail: "Oh s**t. OH f***. OH F***!! NOOOO!" as his board torpedoes down. I wonder if it ended up hitting anyone, but I really wonder why he had his board off too.
  12. party is done!! A keg and a beerball kicked, and I am now $250+ richer :) See ya guys in 4 hours or so.
  13. Today was sweet!!! Found some ice to try the coiler out on and holy ****, that thing is incredible! Although, I think today would've been good with any board, as long as you had good wax on it because it was so slow. Anyone up for hitting the park in the afternoon? It was pretty good and easy there today. See you guys bright an early tomorrow. Again, the only reason I won't be there is if I'm too drunk (less likely) or I'm in jail (more likely).
  14. thats good that they have each other to keep on pushing themselves. She's going to be a ripper.
  15. I raced in 2 races in one day at a BX event. Out of 3 people in my class I got 3rd and 2nd. I recieved my letter to go to nationals. Yeah, I'm that good...Actually, not at all, but I'll be ready for next year for a full season to possibly be slightly competitive at bigger mountains. I saw many kids (9 was the youngest) and even if they lost, they had a great time because they were with their friends. Don't push her too hard, and never put pressure on her to do well. In wrestling, I see kids doing it just because of their parents, all the time, and its sad because they could be the best wrestler in the state, but hate every moment of it, especially in higher level tournys. If she ever says she doesn't want to race today, but free ride instead, let her. Her having fun is more important than having bragging rights. One of my skier friends used to race extremely competitivly and his parents and race program ruined it for him because of all the pressure. He hasn't been on skis in 4 years. Enjoy!
  16. I just started to go through the park with one of my skier friends. I can do the medium size jumps. Landing on the tale can be scary on icy landings. Its also the # 1 way to snap your board, but I still do it with my rock boards. The stiffer the board, the more landing on the tale can launch you. This past weekend while i'm on my F2 Silberpfeil going off a jump, my friend hears, "WTF is he doing here with a race board." I can't wait to be able to land switch and 360s :D The burton bindings compared to the catek os1s seem to offer a bit more give on the landings, helping you from rattling your brains on a flatter landing.
  17. I'm still in the top ten! I liked D-Sub's input. He was always honest, and had a different angle on things. If I had a job that let me be on the computer all day, I'd be tempted to be posting my ass off on here as well. 6 out of the top 10 are from the east coast. Its probably because we are bored for a longer time out of the year compared to the rest of you guys.
  18. I'm a shoe size 10.5 and mine are mondo 28. I got a thermo liner and it fits perfectly. I bet I can squeeze into a 27.5, though.
  19. Gleb


    If you don't grab it by the middle of summer, I might. Its too much board for me, but at that price, I might as well try it if I can and sell it here if I can't ride it. Since I don't race, I think I'd look like a tool with it, but I could careless. You better hurry!
  20. JD, you're acting like I'd be emotionally hurt from you not liking my board. I think I will manage to survive. My eggs are made of steel and are unscrambleable. As Tupac once said in Thug Mansion, "bullets to my nuts only make my balls fatter." Maybe the rain will make it slightly icy at the top? I really wanna test this thing out on something other than waterskiing slush.
  21. I saved the new kids on the block one for you. trust me, it looks sick on the board!!! Steve Fleck made it for me. I'll tell ya the details of why I wanted it like that saturday, and it had nothing to do with fluff...well it kind of did, but only one time...;)
  22. imagine how much air you'd be able to catch with the reduced gravity. Got me drooling already.
  23. Gleb


    ezio, adam casanova has Tyler Jewell's Kessler with hangls for pretty cheap, like $850 or something. Search for him here and drop him an email.
  24. don't fight the urge, its human nature!!!!!!
  25. Its because of intecs that I use a leash, when I'm not at a place with a gondola. with a gondola, its too much of a pain to take off since the ice gets stuck in the leash buckle. Since I can be pretty spacey sometimes...well, often...I decided it was for the best to put one on. One example where it would've helped to have a leash is when I was on a tiny lift at Sugarloaf and the cable on my front boot was kind of bothering me. So I thought to myself, "I'll fix the cable on the lift." Right when I got on, I tried to adjust it and caused the board to fall off. So i decided to follow my board down the 2 foot drop into 4 feet of powder and face the humiliation from the people behind me. Good thing none of my friends saw me. I've seen a board torpedo down into a ski rack at Loon mtn. before. Always a rental board too. I totally agree with whoever says that a leash is not to prevent the board from flying down the mountain in an accident, but just when you don't have it attached to you, like while you're teaching someone.
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