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Jeffrey Day

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Posts posted by Jeffrey Day

  1. ...that is the question!

    How many of you guys & gals detune your race & freecarve boards?

    How many of you guys & gals detune your all mountain carving boards?

    I have most of my freecarving decks tuned by Mike DeSantis at PTC. He doesn't detune my freecarve decks. But I recently picked up a sweet Prior 4WD 159 ( thanks again Danielle! ) and I had Mike do his magic on it. He asked me if I wanted it detuned seeing that it is an all mountain, go anywhere carving stick.

    Does it make a difference detuning one over the other?

    Thanks and happy trails!

  2. ...winter is coming along too slowly! Patience I guess! How are things/riding going with you & Dave? Last week-end was my first week-end out and as early seasons goes, I'm still sore! My quads were screamin' and I have a persistent shin bang/pressure issue that one of these days I'll figure out!

    Yes I will be at this years SES for the whole week! With a day of cat skiing, hopefully!

    See you guys at the SES! I hope you get out to the WES at Stratton in January...not that I'm one of those leg-humpin' perverts...hehehe :-)

    Happy trails!

  3. ...I am patiently waiting for:

    MADD 158,

    Prior 4WD 159!

    I've already gotten:

    a TD2 2nd board kit,

    a pair of Level gloves &

    03/04 Deeluxe Lamans boots!

    And I'm thinking about:

    a Donek FC-167 &

    a set of Catek Olympic Step-ins!

    Plus I was kinda close to buying Rays' Pogo Impact 168, but it was sold to Brian before I could act on it!

    What else should I get?

  4. Now Bob,

    Be nice :-) How do you know that Jeff aka 2extreme won't think you're talking to him!

    You see Jeff, Bobs' a little upset with me as we are friends, he helped Fin design the TD2s and I still ride with my Cateks!

    Just kiddin' Bob! Actually, that's the beauty of this web-site and market! From what I have seen, all the major players are more interested in promoting this market than what people ride!

    Peace be the Journey!

    Happy trails!

  5. Jeff,

    I do use both the TD2 & Catek Olympic step ins! I do like the TD2 bindings...but my favorite is still my Cateks!

    This will be my 5th season on plates and last year was my first year using a binding other than Catek. I don't think that I am sensitive enough to notice the sudulties between the Catek e-ring and the TD2 suspension ring or the differences between the step-ins and the conventional bindings! All I know is that I ride just a little bit better with my Cateks.

    I know that I'm going to get a bunch o' s@#t for my comments...so let 'em rip :-)

    I do like the fact that the TD2s are more adjustable than the TD1s...and I like the adjustability of my Cateks!

    Anyways, again my un-educated 2 cents.

  6. I'm by no means an expert, but I think alot of people will agree that getting two 3* discs is a nice neutral place to start. Then if you need to change something, you could go with a 6* disc. I run a 3* in the front and a 6* in the rear, but I'm thinking about switching things around this season... putting the 6* up front & the 3* in the rear. For me, I tend to weight my front foot too much making my tail wag. So in theory, with my mechanics anyway, by putting the 6* up front, I might shift my weight bias rearward. Just a theory that I'm working on.

    That's just my two cents!

    Happy trails!

  7. ...that has ordered a Madd :-) Anyone in New England that ordered a Madd have the chance to pick up their board from Mike DeSantis yet?

    If I recall, the first batch was too hopefully be ready on the 29th!

    My board was not part of the first 70% brought here...hopefully soon!!

    Happy trails!

  8. To error is human ( if that is how the saying goes! ) and yes our Patriots are human!!

    My hats off to The Red Sox for winning the World Series!!

    But I also tip my helmet to our Mighty Patriots for setting 3 records!

  9. Hey Geoff,

    Thanks for the kind words on my 167! The color of it sure draws the comments! I've been talking with John M. from Lynn, MA...so we have a group of 3 that are potentionally interested in working out some details about going out to The SES!! If we can find one more(or more!), we could look into finding a nice condo close to one of the ski areas!

    Geoff & John, I'm not looking to spend alot of money on a condo, but seeing that this is a vacation, I like the idea of a ski in/ ski out condo! We would just have to agree on which mountain to stay at.

    Geoff, it sounds like John & I are on the same page as far as wanting to go out on Saturday the 12th and returning on Sunday the 20th. how long are you thinking about going out for? Oh and discounts on car/suv...Excellent!!

    That is it for now! Happy trails!

  10. I know that the Hot boards are not readily available here in the US, but I believe they are available in Canada...just outside of Montreal is a dealer that carried Hot/Hammer snowboards. Almost made a road trip up the to get one! But this was a few seasons ago. Might be a different story today.

  11. ...consists of 10!

    K2 Dart 145 (second board, but first one that I linked turns with)

    Burton Alp 151 (brand new,I'll never use...who wants it)

    Hot Shine 154 (early/late season carver)

    K2 Eldo 155 (current softie set-up)

    Donek Incline 155 on order (to replace my beat up Eldo)

    Volkl Renntiger 158SL (great condition w/ a Mike DeSantis tune:anyone interested?)

    Madd 158 on order (to replace my Volkl)

    G&S SQ 160 (first board ever, it was given to me to learn on)

    Donek FCI 163 (my favorite board, unfortunatly needs to be retired)

    Donek RC 167GS (p/u this one at the SES last year & haven't figured out this board yet)

    I use the K2 Eldo & the Donek FC 163 the most!

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