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Posts posted by garyj

  1. The Physics work fine on my Indys with little modification. I had to lose the toe clips (which I kept breaking) and go to the toe bails--- this was a good thing.

    The heel assembly was a little more tricky because the diameter of the holes in the boot were larger than the hole diameter of the heal assembly. To avoid a trip to the hardware store and buy screws with less diameter, I chose to drill the heel pieces to match the diameter of the boots and the screws worked perfectly.

    Not as much work as it sounds, just be careful if you decide to drill, because the heel assembly material is soft and could suck in the bit and destroy the counter sink. Hope this helps.

  2. I also ride the Indy’s. The ratchets and the straps are funky, but I’ve never broken one. I did have to change to longer arch straps from the originals ones, just to get the boot buckled. If your really torqueing down the arch strap you may want to try a longer strap, which will allow for more adjustability. Not sure if this is your problem; nevertheless, you can find several strap sizes at Bomber (check out boot parts).

  3. Any thoughts or insights before I order TD2’s? Based on what little I have read in this forum, and what Jack has written, I have decided to go with a 3 degree front cant and 6 degree back. The rear cant is probably pretty close to what I ride now, although with Burton physics it is hard to exactly know. What can I expect going from a zero degree front to a 3 degree front?

    Hey D-sub, last time I saw you at Mammoth it looked like you were ridding 3 degree front cant. Let me know how it has been working since then.


  4. Thanks for the insight guys. I really need to spend more time on ebay. My bigest problem is that this kid is growing fast! I will be lucky to get 2 years out of one board (I don't want to go too big because he is only 100lbs).

    Paul the oxygens sound good. The 149 length would be a one season board before he grows, and the price is right! I'm not familiar with the oxygen line. I will learn more about them and let you know if I am interested. Thanks again and happy carves.


  5. I was at Mammoth several weeks back, sharring the chair with a couple ladies. I was sadly mistaken for a mono skier. My reply was "no its a snowboard" and I then explained the decipleship of carving. I think they were more imperessed with the way mono skiers move their hips :confused: Who knows what they were thinking.

  6. You should be able to get anything you need for your bindings through Burton. Last year I got two toe bails for my physics free of charge. I don't have the number, but you call call Burton and the will direct you to the right person. Otherwise keep looking on this site, spare burton parts come up from time to time. Good luck.

  7. I was up a little over a week ago and I ran into five other carvers, one of which I have ridden with at June. Was only able to make one run with them before they stopped for lunch:( Its always more fun to ride in a group. It sounds like it will be very bussy this weekend (Thanksgiving is typically one of the bussiest). Make your turns early to avoid the 405-like-traffic conditions. Traffic or not would love to be up carvin with you boys, but couldn't make it this time. Possibly later. Happy turns.

  8. Michelle for President! If only more females had the same character. I am lucky to have sharred the last 16+ years with a gal who comes from the same camp (characterwise). Additionally she is an awsome,wife, mom, loves to board, rarely hastles about surf time, and she just gave me Subaru WRX STi. Now I carve the commute to work. Life is good and is getting better with Mammoth opening this week. :D

  9. Guys check out the dates of prior posts. Everyone seems to have the same frustration trying to get a reply. I'm not sure why the bindings keep comming up for sale:confused: At that price, shipping included they should have been gone long ago.

  10. Originally posted by nekdut

    Oh, and I may be hitting up Mammoth at least once more in May. Anyone else heading up?

    When in May? I hope to make it up once or twice more also. Love to make some turns with fellow carvers. Weekends should be no problem crowd wise--- everyone is doing other things:D. Let me know your carving agenda. Maybe we could get several riders together.

  11. The intermountain west college days were in a different life, lost track after 80-90 days, but we secured Mammoth value passes again for 04/05 season, will break even around 8 days. With my wife and three kids we have had no problem going 20 days or so for the past several years. It is getting a bit more complicated with a high schoolers schedule, but we are still determined.

    My only regret is lack of surf time. The edge isn't quite there in the water as it is on the snow (yes a punn). Once the snow is gone the extra time will be spent surfing the over-crowded waters in and around Orange County. Untill then I will be trying to get four or five more days before next season.

  12. Thomas, this mutt rips. It is my understanding that Tyson was in nogtiations with Volcom and Sector Nine until his owner/manager threatened to have him nuetered after several fights with other male dogs on the boardwalk. Didn't his grandfather skate with Toney Alva in the Dogtown and Zboys video (late 70's early 80's)?:D Love to see Tyson in hard boots!

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