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Posts posted by NateW

  1. Sean's offhand remark about injection-molded wood got me wondering... I had a foam-core K2 Gyrator back in the 80s, it turned to crap after the foam broke down. Has foam technology improved to where such boards might actually last for a while? I notice wakeboards are using foam cores, but I doubt they have to flex like snowboards.

    Or some other non-wood core material... How about a many-layered sandwich of glass/carbon/kevlar/tyvek?/whatever-fiber interleaving with some kind of plastic?

    What's so unique about wood? It's kind of interesting to me that it hasn't been replaced (successfully) by something cooked up in a 3M or DuPont laboratory.

  2. Not for money, but I've done some for fun... lots of skate ramps, a few car stereos (speak enclosures, amp racks, a motorized amp rack in my old VW bug back in the day), and a not-very-pretty stereo cabinet for my dorm in college.

    Been thinking about building a computer desk lately, might have to dust off the table saw.

  3. I knew something was up when the old forum wouldn't load. So I went out and bought groceries in hopes that the new site would work when I got back...

    It didn't, but it only took about 2 minutes before it came up. Great timing, Fin!

    And if you'll excuse me, I have TD2 pictures to examine.

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