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Posts posted by scotts.Scheinman

  1. well, i have enough cash for a dupraz. My one problem is that the board is 179 cm i ride a 156 silb. They guy(not bola) at all board sports said it would be too much board and i wouuld agree. i am about 5'6-5'7 and around 110 lbs

  2. Dan, you just took away what everybody else would have said :). Anyways yeah burton is sketchy around here. But for boots there is much choice I have heard good things about Head Stratos Pro boots, Upz boots are also good and i am sure most of use deeluxe though

  3. Well, i have friend who wanted to try alpine boarding. He would always tell me he wanted to try it. On saturday he tried it. I let him use my stuff for a few rund. granted the boots were like 2 sizes too small he liked the sport. I tried to explain that the softboot carving and hardboot carving were diffrent. he skid turned. I am not going to lie i tried softbooting for the first time in a long time. I couldnt glide. it is harder to get on and off the lift. I had an eaiser time going fakie than regular?!? (yeah i dont get it either). After one run my friend really liked it.He understand why us hardbooters like hardboots and our equipment. should i coax him into it even more? one little problem , he really likes terrain

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