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Mellow Yellow

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Posts posted by Mellow Yellow

  1. This. Anyone. Bueller...

    Southern Condition Report: Epic conditions..... butter smooth groom..... chest deep pow off trail.... faceshots all day....

    Real World Translation: one trail open with a base of 6-"18" (under the guns).... bare spots, grass, etc poking through, groom.... lol... oh you mean the tractor we drove up the hill... yeah that.... death cookies, ruts, speedbumps between each groom pass.... (but at least the lifty was only 20 bucks!) :rolleyes:

  2. Beech is supposed to be blowing a white ribbon of death for this coming weekend... temps look like they will cooperate.... anyone up for hitting it if they open? If I go I am going for first chair and prob plan to leave by 1....

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