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Posts posted by korc

  1. I have a big round head too. 61cm And currently I wear a R.E.D skycap XL helmet. I find at the start of the day, the sides feel a little tight but then pack out by a few runs. I have tried on the new R.E.D Hi Fi helmet. I found it to fit better but did not like the look of it on my head. Or you could just shave the sides of your head to make your head more oval shaped:)

  2. Hi all. Sorta new here. Was on site a couple of years ago but I guess your user ID expires if you don;t use it for a while. Anywho, I need peoples opinions on the different boots available. I am looking at getting either the UPZ race boots or the Dee-luxe Indy boots. I am only considering these two because they are the only ones I can get in Canada. Now I wish I could try them on but unfortunatly I can't. So I need the expert opinion of you guys for a best possible fit. My problem is that I have extremely flat feet. When i step down, my arc collapses and makes the middle of my feet very wide. Now the boots I have used in the past are Burton Wind, salomon ski boots, technica ski boots, and my present boots from Alpina H20. Now all of my past boots including the Alpinas are way too narrow for me. the Burton's fit me the best (still too narrow) but they were a few sizes too big. So which of the two boots have a wider mid section? Do the moldable liners really help that much? I figure I could learn to adjust to the flex of the boot as long as my feet will be somewhat comfortable. Also I ride mostly freecarve. No gates or racing. (Sorry aboot the length of post)



    PS I ride a Prior wcr175 w/ catex olympics

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