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Posts posted by korc

  1. Hello,

    Wasn't sure if I should start a new thread or not for this.  Need help w/ a dilemma.

    Looking to buy a season pass next year for myself and daughter.  She skis.

    She took her beginner lessons at Cypress this year and absolutely fell in love with it and I want to sign her up for next year as well but her best friend's parents just bought their pass at Grouse.

    Do I be the good parent and buy a pass at Grouse so she can ski w/ her friend or do I be a "little" selfish and  buy Cypress?  

    Are there any good runs for me to get some nice turns in at Grouse?  

    BTW, conditions were pretty amazing this past weekend at Cypress.  Soft groomers and moguls that my BXFR cut thru pretty easily.  Visibility not so much.

    Thanks in advance


  2. My buddy's a smaller guy. 5' 7" 155~160 lbs. He's used to riding a freestyle/freeride board about 153cm. So a 160 ish BX board will be quite a big step up for him effective edge wise.

    John Deer. So you have any specs on the board?


  3. Hello everbody. I have a buddy who wants to get back into boarding and wants to try a BX board after hearing me rave about mine. Looking for something under 160cm and about 24cm waist. Its going to be used with soft boots. Any still available out there? I remember when I was looking for mine a couple years back, there were some prototype Doneks a race team was using and selling.

    Thank you in advance


  4. I'm actually riding one of the new Prior BX boards. Talking to Dean at Prior prior to purchase, he said these were built like the 2010 WCRM boards. But it has dual side cuts and decambered nose and tail so I guess this makes it very similar to the FLC.


  5. Hey Alex. Were you that guy on skis I was talking to near the bottom of the mountain? I was the asian dude hanging on to the SLOW sign. If so, hi again and I'm glad you remembered the site address. If not. Welcome anyways. The guys/gals here are great.


    PS. Had a blast yesterday guys n gals. Hope to do it again soon. Hope the pics and footage turned out.

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