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Posts posted by skipuppy

  1. So my sister is in love with her bf (perfect match) they are seventeen and totally cute together. My mom seems to be in love with her brand new bf, my dad is with his high school sweet heart, and then there is me...

    sick, in bed, and alone.

  2. Our last race is a costume race (it used to be a naked race but the mountain had problems with that) and my team's theme is Comic Book Heroes (DC, Marvel).

    It would be really easy for me to be the silver surfer because the GS suit I'm wearing is silver but I am worried it might be lame... I honestly don't know what else to do to the outfit to make it more silver-surfer-like.

    A friend mentioned catwoman but I'm worried about not having enough time to change into the costume (we may only have five or ten minutes)

    So the question is:

    What are really cool superheroes that I could be for the last race??

    (Already taken are: The Hulk, Batman, Robin, Superman and Wonder


  3. so if it leaves from boston at 5 does that mean its going to be stuck in rush hour traffic? I could leave earlier and just do homework there or something. How long does it take the bus to get there? I'm driving myself from Waltham and don't like being stuck on 95.

  4. I will be at Smugg's doing race training for the ski team the week mentioned in the title. I'm bringing my board and was wondering which runs are good. Last year I brought my board and made an ass of myself on the kiddie slope so I am hoping not to repeat that.

  5. I had the same problem and it took two years for me to finally get it right. Bootfitters on both coasts (StartingGate in VT to Squaw) added junk, heated and tried everything. We finally took the liner out and there was a plastic boot sole in the shell that had this wall built on the toes to keep the liner back. I don't know how to explain it but we ground it off and its been better ever since. Bob Dea looked at them and could probably explain it better.

  6. Same thing with sending a message I think. If you send a message to someone they will be able to see your limited profile for thirty days (and you can adjust the privacy settings so they cant see everything) but you won't be able to see their profile until they respond to your message.

  7. I don't know anything about snowboarding but I am a big lurker of the technical threads and my post count is 95% from the OT forum.

    In my lurking what I've noticed is tone is the fuel for flame wars, not content.


    It makes sense (to use the room analogy) if a new person comes in and says something controversial to the flow of the conversation that it will be challenged right away. If it is challenged strictly by speaking about the content the conversation should be more more civil and "gentlemanly" whereas if it is challenged with tone (you don't know anything, who are you, that is just wrong, blah blah) of course it will escalate.

    It takes an incredibly powerful person to rise above that kind of attack and see that two things may have been occurring: 1) the people in the room felt belittled by the implication that they know less than the new person, and 2) want to know why they should listen to the new person. Unfortunately the way most people have been trained in conversation is to react instead of to look at the underlying needs.


    The other thing I have noticed is that we do have two newbies in the forum 1) people like me (even though I've been here for years) who admit they don't know anything. This automatically changes the tone they use in forums because its not threatening to those who do know stuff and they are open to receiving that knowledge.

    2) people who are experienced and are here for some reason whether it be to sell equipment, network, or make friends, whatever. In this forum these people are new and don't have the "cyber persona" that necessarily equates to the respect they receive in person. They don't need to post their CV to demonstrate their authority on the subject, but they also shouldn't use demeaning tones towards others (ever) or expect automatic respect without earning it within this online community. That being said, I have no clue who is a racer on here and who isn't but I also don't pay attention to advice online, I use it more to find people to ride with and then get their advice- maybe that is a luxury I have.


    Idea on using names instead of aliases: This is a great idea if you want to remove the anonymity of the forum and turn it more into a discussion amongst people who can put faces behind the names. It might also drive away other people who are rightly paranoid about the internet.

    Idea on CV signatures: You could do this and then also put signatures for controversial posters saying something along the lines of: Please try to differentiate between the content of my words and the tone and respond only to the content. [That's not a serious suggestion but I think its funny]


    Lesson: The problem is always the tone not the content.

    Solution: Learn to differentiate and avoid reacting to it.

  8. I've been on it for several years now and one of my friend's applications just hit 5million people!

    Just some words of caution/note:

    1) You don't have to be in college anymore to be on facebook- anyone can be on it.

    2) You can restrict privacy settings on your profile so that people can't search for you and then see your profile- just your profile picture (and you can even make that part private too). [A friend I went to school with in the fourth grade in Germany found me which was amazing!]

    3) Right now its still the cleaner version of myspace. I found these links last night: http://mycrimespace.com/ and one called The Dead Kids of Myspace. (It has a reputation of being a place for pedophiles, etc)

    4) Before facebook went public and was just for college students one way of thinking of it was as a Rolodex for your contacts that self-updates. The nice part about it is that for your acquaintances you don't need to run after them and make shallow conversation to get their updated contact information if you think they would be a person whose contact info you should have for some reason. It was originally designed as a networking tool for the Ivy League.

    5) When you add yourself to groups you make at the very least your name and profile picture visible to anyone visiting that group and this is how the sketchy people have figured out facebook stalking. That being said, as long as you don't do anything sexplicit you probably wouldn't be bothered. Plus you guys aren't twelve.

    The Hardbooting links that I have found so far:

    The EC Group from Nils: http://brandeis.facebook.com/group.php?gid=14648450553

    and a Hardbooters Unite! Group:


  9. Have you tried that? ii tried sleeping w/ one of those breatheright strips a few weeks ago..apparently they fall off in the middle of the night

    Really? My dad keeps his on the entire day... even when we go to the Cheesecake factory. I'm not sure whether he forgets or just doesn't care.

  10. I had to do that when I was in the hospital in fourth grade for a week. They made me rinse my nose with salt water and do yoga :mad:

    Difference between German health care and US health care: privatization

    In germany in addition to the horrible nose salt water experience that I absolutely dreaded everyday they keep you there for a week, prick your skin and do allergy testing, etc, v the US they put you on a breathing machine for an hour and send you home. Source: Asthma attack. I think if I had a choice I would choose the hour quick fix.

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