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Posts posted by skipuppy

  1. Hi all. I will be at the three mountains from tomorrow (Saturday) through Wednesday. Monday will be Killington (possibly Tuesday and Wednesday).

    SATURDAY/TOMORROW: I need to make friends.. anyone going to Stratton or Okemo tomorrow?? (Or Sunday) Send me an email (skipuppy@brandeis.edu) or instant message via AIM at urtacomagurl.


  2. i never said i was educated :o I have actually been usually considered the "innocent one" or the "little one" or the "young one" :ices_ange Also keep in mind that most of you guys are in your middle ages and have had a lot more time to learn. At least I HOPE you have gotten better at sex since college.

  3. So I just had the best sex ed I have ever had in my entire life. It was called "Female Orgasm and Enjoyment" and I honestly think every guy should go to this kind of stuff. Interesting stats I learned: It takes women during penetrational sex 10 to 20 minutes to orgasm and men 2 (on average). The average man (our age) masturbates on average three times a day, and women on average masturbates once a week. The Vagina is 4 to 8 inches when excited and 2 to 4 when not. Orgasms are -only- caused by stimulation of the clitoris, but the clitoris is way bigger than just the head, and has roots and tendrils running down the vulval lips and even to the anus. 10-69% of women ejaculate. 80% of women do not have orgasms during vaginal sex. It takes a woman 3 minutes on average to orgasm if she masturbates. Missionary position is one of the least enjoyable positions for women and they are the least likely to orgasm during that time period. If she arches her back and points her boobs to the ceiling she is probably faking it- they grind down into the bed. Stimulation of the g-spot, which is about two inches inside the vagina, behind the urethra, is the surest way to get a woman to ejaculate... and if you are fingering it she might shrink away because she thinks she has to pee (because it hits the bladder) and this is the worst thing you can let her do.. you should NOT STOP and this way she is more likely to ejaculate. There is an a-spot which is right before the cervix up towards the belly, which is even more sensitive than the g-spot. The most likely enjoyable position for women will be sitting on top just because she can position herself.. unless she is good at giving directions and he is good at following them... HA! Added lubrication is likely to increase pleasure. If she isn't wet then she isn't stimulated and you could tear something. Same with anal. If it hurts you are tearing something and should stop. Lubrication with glycerin is more likely to cause yeast infection and isn't healthy. Silicone lubrication is super slippery (I had some on my finger- its amazing). If you try penetrating the anus (to hit the root or whatever by the anus) never start big and always use lube. Women who are or were on any kind of medication (including and especially birth control pills) will experience (don't hold me to this) a lowering of their sex drive permanently. They may be at a seven, go on the pill and go to a five. Then if they go off, they could go back up to six, but never back to seven (depressing isn't it?). Women in the porn industry have surgery done on their vulvae including cutting and tattooing. The most a woman has every orgasmed in one entire hour was 136 times. The best way to get a woman to orgasm is probably with your fingers and making a "come here" motion/tickling her belly. Women go through more sexual pleasure closer to the surface in the vagina than deeper down. Women are more sensitive close to the surface than deeper in, so the most a 8"+ penis will do is hit her cervix, and that, the woman said, is about as sexy as being punched in the leg. If you are giving head and she brings her pelvis up, you are too high, if down, too low.. same with right and left. If she shrinks away you are too rough and she feels tender so it doesn't feel good and you need to be more sensitive. During sex or fingering if she grinds her hips it stimulates the blood which adds to the sensitivity. Pubic massaging usually helps getting her excited.

    PS- I don't want to hear about you already knowing this... rather, if you know something else in addition to the above that might be beneficial please by all means add to it with a comment. :-) I recognize that many of you probably know this ... but I am young and didn't get any kind of education other than what they taught in high school (ie how to put condoms on bananas). It is still fascinating. Also... sorry if it makes somebody feel uncomfortable: email me and I can edit or remove it no problem.

  4. Hmmm.....you don't want him to be a med student unless you want to be with a guy who's more self-absorbed than most.

    And med students usually turn into docs....and a large percentage of male physicians are unfaithful-they work daily with women who find catching a doc similiar to winning the lottery.....

    Honestly... most of the people at my school are self absorbed and spoiled. I don't have much experience with med students but I am pretty sure that they can't beat the people I deal with all the time here. I don't know about the faithful factor though.

    My guy is pretty good. He thinks he is losing his mind though: he left his skis at the resort but took the ten other pairs he was supposed to take during the races, lost his wallet, phone, and keys, and lost track of his car for a while all in three weeks. I think that would be a humbling experience for anyone. He thinks it might be intervention time which brings us to the next point: why dating a chemist student is beneficial (especially if you aren't into chemistry at all): they know how to keep THC while making tea and brownies.

  5. WAIT - YOUR BOYFRIEND???? Thought that was not on your list for a while?????

    :D Yeah... well I said that I would probably get myself a boyfriend in January or February. I wanted him to be a med student that didn't go to my school but was close by and somebody that I could see on the weekends who could either ski or snowboard. In January I ended up with a guy on the ski team, which means that I see him every weekend since that is what my weekends are like now. He does go to Brandeis but he is a Chemistry student which means he's got like twelve hour academic days and I don't see him too much which is awesome because I get to maintain my social life (and this is why I was shooting for a med student). Lesson: Tonja gets what she wants.

    He is awesome though!!! Russian. We actually just got back from buying an external hard drive and a vacuum cleaner. He WANTED to come. What is up with that?? Pretty sweet deal.

  6. The Obedient Wife

    There was a man who had worked all of his life, had saved all of his money, and was a real miser when it came to his money. Just before he died, he said to his wife, "When I die, I want you to take all my money and put it in the casket with me. I want to take my money to the afterlife with me."

    And so he got his wife to promise him with all of

    her heart that when he died, she would put all of

    the money in the casket with him. Well, he died. He was stretched out in the casket, his wife was

    sitting there in black, and her friend was sitting

    next to her.

    When they finished the ceremony, just before the

    undertakers got ready to close the casket, the wife said, "Wait just a minute!"

    She had a box with her, she came over with the box and put it in the casket.Then the undertakers locked the casket down, and they rolled it away. So her friend said, "Girl, I know you weren't fool enough to put all that money in there with your husband."

    The loyal wife replied, "Listen, I'm a Christian, I

    can't go back on my word. I promised him that

    I was going to put that money in that casket with


    You mean to tell me you put that money in the casket with him!!!!?"

    "I sure did," said the wife. "I got it all together,

    put it into my account and wrote him a check. If he can cash it, he can spend it."

  7. excellent...

    you should come out and compete a bit in the USASA series, in MA. we are very low key, and have a great time. check out our website: www.ridemass.org.

    get in touch with bob Dea. he is a central mass guy, and has some smaller boareds that he like to lend out.

    you could also come west to Bousquet and hook up with my team and just come ride with us when do some gate training...

    hope to see you on the slopes soon.

    p.s. sonja's handle is skipuppy

    I WAS REMEMBERED!!!!! Woot woot !! And thanks to Ike for sending me an IM about the forum. So yeah, I am a girl, I ride hard boots and I live in Mass. I am on the ski team at my school so I have been preoccupied for the last four weekends with races and have two more weekends for them as well. Because of the nature of our ski team (lots of party no work) I basically have no life during the week and haven't been checking Bomber out (I know- complete and total shame!!!)

    I will try to check it more often now though. :-) Keep up the good work ladies!!

  8. Nothing like watching a bunch of highschool girls puke at the bar, sweet.

    Do they really puke their guts out in Australia?? I have found that where the drinking age is lower (as in I am a German citizen) the kids tend to be a bit more responsible and act more mature regarding how much liquor they take. I honestly feel like it is mainly here where people are so stupid that they get themselves in the hospital more than once a semester because they drank too much. People who throw up in the hallways just annoy me. Is that wrong to get annoyed??? I don't get annoyed because I do not drink- most of my friends drink- they just know how to hold it. Throwing up in the hallway is just not cool. Punching doors is not cool either. Becoming an A$$hole to your girlfriend is definitely not cool. So what is the deal? Are they just as bad in Australia as my neighbors in my dorm?? (Keep in mind my neighbors are fresh out of highschool, spoiled, and like to shriek like six year old drama queens- for a bit of distance on my part: I am a transfer student and have been going to college parties for the last three years already)

  9. speaking of beer...

    women who drink beer are cool. I'm not talking coors light and mich ultra. I mean BEER. A woman who know the difference between a lager and an ale. wo can appreciate a stout and a fine pilsner. who can differentiate between a red and a brown...Especially if she does it afetr a day of carving

    Born and raised in the wine country: the reply would be- A woman who knows her wine is not only cool but sophisticated. Yay for Sonoma County (mine) and Napa Valley (nextdoor).

    Personally, I am a party pooper- don't like alcohol on a large scale (this means I have not yet found a drink that tastes good to me)

  10. The woman entered the room, and with a knowing smile teasing her full lips, she sank into the comfort of the plush chair in the corner. The handsome stranger turned, having sensed her approach. Locking his steely gray eyes on hers, he moved slowly toward her, his experienced gaze measuring her, hypnotizing her with his soft murmurs of assurance. He sank to his knees before her and without a word, smoothly released her from her constraining attire.

    With a sigh of surrender, she allowed his foreign hands to unleash her bare flesh. He expertly guided his hands through this tender, often hidden territory, his movements deliberate, confident in his ability to satisfy her every need. Her senses swam.

    She was overcome with an aching desire that had gone unfulfilled for so long. And, just as it seemed that ecstasy was within her grasp, he paused, and for one heart-stopping moment, she thought, "It's too big! - it will never fit!"

    Then, with a sudden rush, it slid into place as if it had been made only for her! As pleasure and contentment washed over her, she met his steady gaze, tears of gratitude shining in her eyes. And he knew it wouldn't be long before she returned.

    Oh, yes, this woman would want more. She would want to do it again and again and again. He knew, deep down inside,

    that she would return to buy more shoes the next year, and the next, and the next.

  11. Be a skier! Be a skier! The shape of the board has transferred to the parabolic ski design and its awesome!!! I bought myself a pair of twin tips so now I have a ski setup for powder and the park and a board set up for groomed. Unfortunately I joined the ski team which means my skis will... be interesting for races... but the Brandeis "Ski Team" is happy if you "make it to the top of the mountain without needing help".

    Skiing is awesome and shouldn't be ditched. I practice somersaults under the lift on my skis and skiing on one ski. A helicopter in the air looks way cooler than what most snowboarders can do in the park (and I can't do anything in the park yet). Be a skier!

  12. I had a problem with my Stratos Pros that I got from Starting Gate. I brought them there and explained what was feeling wrong and they helped me out for about an hour. I highly recommend them. Sorry I can't offer more technical advice.

  13. My Christmas Eve was great. Went to Stratton today and had a blast on the PJ. Last run, car in sight on the Sun Bowl my friend and I are sitting at the top: "This is pretty steep" "I was just going to say that". Happens to be all ice so I announced that I probably was not going to carve but was just going to skid because I am not good enough for that yet.

    My friend was already at the base and I was taking my time and being careful: tripped the toe edge, slammed into the ice, slid a bit, flipped over and lay there for 10 minutes. I checked to see if I could still feel everything (a friend of mine injured his spinal cord on one of our trips- I know what it looks like) and clutched my right side of the chest and slowly made it down. Went to first aid. The guy who was being taken care of saw me crying "Maybe you should help her out". Luckily: No broken ribs or clavicle. It looks like I may have pulled the ribs a bit though- the entire right chest is swollen and breathing hurts a lot with tons of limited movement. Am on drugs and in a sling.

    Merry Christmas everyone!!!

    The good news is that since it wasn't broken I will probably still be able to race on the ski team (take it easy though) and go skiing in Tahoe the first week of January if I am feeling up to it. (If I am feeling up to it being key terms)

  14. I agree with Noah. My new plan is to get involved with somebody who doesn't go to my school and is very busy academically. This way I am able to maintain my social life at my school and go and spend good times with the other. I might even mix the two up every now and then. Definitely not mutually exclusive.

    ^^^^^^^^^I wonder if that is the drugs talking.

  15. A woman gets home, screeches her car into the driveway, runs into the house,

    slams the door and shouts at the top of her lungs, "Honey, pack your bags. I

    won the lottery!"

    The husband says, "Oh my God! What should I pack, beach stuff or mountain


    "Doesn't matter," she says. "Just get the **** out!"

  16. skipuppy is about.. 19? i know you said you were young but i can't remember the age.... that explains a lot about the way you look at boys. at around age 19 or so.... every woman on the face of the planet... is evil.

    just letting you guys know. ;)

    I would not disagree with you one bit!! My guy friends admit that I am evil. They say I am the devil under the guise of an angel. Works for me :eplus2:

    (got the right age ball park too!)

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