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  1. 3D, I would like two, and I dont need the offsets.
  2. Looking for cant/lift disks for my burton race plates. email me at edegirmencio.student@manhattan.edu for a quick response.
  3. I would give you an answer and dont worry your not polluting the thread, I honestly dont know enough to help. Im new to hardbooting and this will be my first setup. You will probably have better luck posting in the carving community part of the forum for a more knowledgeable response.
  4. Hachis, I have the Burton ALP too, but mine is a 56.
  5. Looking to spend under $150, im open to all bindings that will fit my Burton board with the 3D binding pattern.
  6. Very interested in the gray ones with the 3D disc, please email me at edegirmencio.student@manhattan.edu for a quick response thanks.
  7. Thank you a lot for your response, the TD3 really sounds like the right choice for me. Thanks for the response, since you and fin both said TD3 SW's they are probably the way to go. Im really looking forward to learning how to carve, I was so disappointed when my last bindings broke and I couldn't ride. Thanks again for your inputs!
  8. I have a pair of Atomic Ski boots http://www.atomic.com/en-US/Products/alpine/ski-boots/all-mountain/HAWX_1.0_80/AE5011280.aspx?filter= which I want to use with an Alpine setup so I can switch between Skiing and snowboarding without changing boots. I already have a board and I bought bindings (X-bone Carbons) but the bindings broke.I figured it was because they were plastic and the ski boots put to much stress on them (a very small piece that holds the front of the rear boot in snapped off). What bindings would you recommend me to purchase. I was looking towards Bomber TD1's and Catek's but i heard mixed things about both or is it just a lost cause? Thanks for looking and please forgive me for my ignorance I am really trying to get into this sport but I've been finding it hard due it being a very small niche.
  9. Hey I'm very interesting in these. Please email me at edegirmencio.student@manhattan.edu or PM me if they are still available. I'll answer the email much quicker. Thanks.
  10. I'm looking for a board and bindings since I'm new to this I really don't know what I want exactly. But here's a list of things that can narrow it down. - all mountain board - size around 160 - my height is 5 10 and I weigh about 160 - bindings must be compatible with ski boots - here's the big one. I'm looking to spend 150 In total. That's flexible. -I'm really not looking for boots but if you throw in a cheap pair ( I'm a size 28.5 but a little smaller would work too) I might take a look. With boots I'm looking to spend around 200 including board/bindings Im not not sure how to set up the pm system but my email is edegirmencio.student@manhattan.edu
  11. Thanks for all the help I'm Heading out to Berkshire east tomorrow to give hard booting a try! Wish me luck hopefully I don't fall to much!
  12. Thank you! im definitely going to look into this! Thanks for the tips ill being reading your sig soon. Since i live in Southern Westchester no mountain is particularly "close" so i just go to the one im feeling that day. So to answer your question, no i dont usually ski at Hunter, i usually alternate mountains to spice things up! But yea I will definitely link my email up asap. Im also still pretty unclear about the binding situation, which bindings would i have to buy and where could i buy them?
  13. Ok, so I can consider myself an Expert Skier, I have no problem skiing any trail. Recently at Hunter Mountain I saw people Snowboarding with what looked like Ski boots carving extremely low to the ground and all i thought was "wow that's awesome". So I did my research and discovered that its Alpine Snowboarding and blah blah you get the point. I found out that you can use ski boots, but its not really recommend. What I want to do before i drop over $300 on another pair of boots, is to try carving with an All-Mountain board, and some bindings that will work with my ski boots. Im probably going to buy a cheap used board and used bindings to experiment with. If its something i really enjoy I will invest in the boots and better setup, if not maybe it will be something i alternate skiing with to spice things up. Why i'm here is to ask what size board and what bindings I should look into. Some extra info -I've Never snowboarded - 5'10" 160lb - Im 19 so i dont have much money - Since my dad and friends ski i dont want to just give up skiing for snowboarding, I would like to do both Thanks for reading, and if what i'm looking to do is not very possible or a good idea let me know. This type of snowboarding is something I really want to try!
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