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Posts posted by davekempmeister

  1. Kind of redundant at this point, but I'll reitterate what Mr. Dea suggested. I have Head Stratos boots and though counter-intuitive, my feet are most warm in them when I utilize a nearly sheer synthetic dress sock that will pull up to well above the uppper most part of the boot.

  2. About the rossignol mini - I could innundate you with questions so I'll try to keep it to just a few. How many days have you ridden it? How tall/much do you weigh? Does it beg to be turned all the time? How stable is it when ridden flat and at speed? Is it flexy or stiff? Hold on steeps? Are you using your normal soft boot stance angles? Thanks for any feedback.

  3. I've been to Okemo several times in the past few years and found it to be very hardboot friendly. I've seen a gentlemen there that is clearly in his sixties riding alpine and I can't get enough of ""all tuckered out" on the newer Jackson Gore mountain. The ratio of time on the chair to time spent on that trail defies reason. It's a great venue.

  4. My feet are a large 15 (no 1/2 sizes after 12 or 13) and I can only attest to the fact that I have found Burton Moto softboots more than accomodating. Spacious even. Also, I had a boot fitter manipulate Head Stratos Pro Mondo 31.5 to my liking and think highly of them (both the boots and the fitter). All the best. I remember Shaq tried snowboarding in CO years back and he wears a 22 or some such. Probably cost $2K though.

  5. burton fp 164 make offer. Want specs? Go to Bomber member list and find the Honorable garyj. click on "all threads started" by garyj and view that of March 17, 2005. Pictures, how I came into posession of board, etc. It's all there - full disclosure. All the best.

  6. Thanks to all for more clarity on the subject. Looks arduous to be sure. I was under the impression that Silverton was a bit closer. Suffice to say I'll certainly post again as travel dates draw near. By the way, are the Loveland 4 pks transferrable? All the best.

  7. SILVERTON is accurate, not Silverthorne (although I did ride a skateboard in the parking lot at Starbucks in Silverthorne once). If there were anything to be had at Silverton at such an early date, I'd like to check it out. The timing is not lost on me either as I understand the dates would precede the "guided only" slide prone season. Might be a few hours drive, but I'll chauffer anyone whose been there and can be an "unofficial guide" (maybe even throw in a couple of beers in addition to transport). Lastly, I've no misconceptions about trying to carve there - I'd be in softies and even if the conditions weren't perfect I'd still love to see the place. You see, for the entire week I have absolutely nothing to do. Nothing.

  8. I know I'm getting ahead of myself, however, I've just learned that I'm going to be in Denver last week of november and am very interested in Silverton and doing some carving (Vail, Arap, Loveland). Anyone that's interested in hitching a ride to and fro from Denver Sun-Thurs/Fri. I'll have a seat or two open just about every day all that week. Flippin sweet!

  9. I've been using a Tierney board with 41" deck for a couple of weeks and am smitten. Anyone here ever switch trucks/wheels to a longer deck? I'm 6'5", 220lbs or so and envision a longer deck with the right geometry and flex (or lack thereof) as being something closer to the ideal. Many thanks to one Jack Michaud for the heads up with this board. Intuitively, it's a great trainer and does facilitate discipline in one's form.

  10. Hi Kendrick. I bought this board from another member last year and the pictures, specs, AND what I paid is all public record. Transparency is beautiful! Go to the members list and look up member garyj and click on "view all threads started by this member". Click on that of March 17, 2005 and scroll top to bottom. Everything is the same with the exception that I spent one day on it. Fun for sure but I am a pretty big guy - I just had too see how short I could go and I found the low end. Get back to me if you'd like.

  11. I've got a 164 in green and black I'll part with - make an offer. Board's base and edges are excellent - topsheet usual scuffs. Lot's of life left. Too small for me (6'5", 225 lbs). I bought it because I am crazy for my 167, but 164 is just too hooky for my tastes. In any event, all the best to you in the new endeavor.

  12. Near Hunter Mtn (not too bad) in the Catskills of NY is/was a place called Cortina? Maybe someone remembers more than I. Ownership was "sketchy" is all I'll say for fear of broken knees and the sound of van doors sliding, if you get my drift. The hill was awful but the atmosphere/ambience was tense.

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