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Posts posted by lordmetroland

  1. Forgive me if I am being unclear, English is not my first language. That said: 

    2 Counter-rotation: You push the board into the turn with your legs and feet. This turning moment must have something to brace against. You use your torso as a torque plate, so to speak, by rotating it against the direction of your turn, thus giving your legs something to push against on their upper end.

    Ah, exactly what I was looking for. Symptoms typically present on heelside turns, the result being that ugly, straight-legged, butt out, mummy-armed contortion that makes my eyes water when I see it. Great description. Now I have to make sure I'm not doing it!

  2. But, what Joerg and the Pureboarders have been able to beat into my thick skull is not so much the proper rotation, but getting rid of the evil counter-rotation.   This has been a big help in carving on steeper sections of the hill and on ice, crud, and frozen cat tracks.


    Can you say a bit more about this? Where does the counter-rotation come in to play?

  3. This^^^

    They were great as far as softies go, but had a soft seemingly bottomless forward flex, and way less lateral stability than my soft 123 Raichles; which surfed the pow just fine w/burtons on the same 25cm wide all mt board; and carved better because of progressive forward flex.

    One pair of boots and type of bindings for all my boards is way simpler. So even new & improved still makes for extra gear to cart around.

    I have to confess having the same reaction to the Kwicker (aside from the cringeworthy name that sounds like something straight out of a Big 5 Sporting Goods sale rack). If the new version is as stiff as a ski boot, doesn't that obviate the one advantage of soft boots? Reviews from some splitboarders seem to count the stiffness as a negative, particularly in touring mode. And if the boot is a stiff as a hardboot, why not stick with a proven interface with greater adjustability?

    The recall notice would make me nervous as a potential buyer, not because of the recall itself, but because it suggests that K2 has moved <800 sets of bindings. I'd have to wonder about K2's commitment to a product with that little uptake.

  4. I have this board and can confirm. This is a stiff board with a foam core and no dampness, it has a nose that's too stiff and does NOT ride well on ice/hardpack and is prone to chatter, making it very demanding. I think it has a 10.5m sidecut.

    I assume this is pulled directly from Rossignol's marketing material...

  5. I know I'm not the only one looking for these things, but would like to find a set of the Catek polycarbonate spacers. Prefer 23 cm, but beggars can't be choosers. A guy with a drill press, a jigsaw and some Lexan could make a little business out of this. I actually found myself on the Catek site, considering ordering a pair just to see what would happen. Is there a 12-step program for this?

  6. fortunately, for the sake of my marriage, my gourmet tastes are held in check by my food bank budget :nono:



    only a dozen or so skis between the wife & I

    I might do some seriously depraved things to get my hands on the Lib Tech "Shalom" board. All time classic topsheet right there.

  7. Give me a call, I have like 90 inserts. 1/2 black and half translucent. I have both bits also. I live in west Arvada. We can find an eve that works for both of us and you come over and we'll drill. You can take it home and add epoxy and mount a binding to hold them up in place.

    three-O-3 513-9042


    Feed the Addiction... :eplus2:

    Don, many thanks for the offer! I'll surely take you up on it, but it may not be immediately. I'll give you a call. Thanks again!

  8. Toko makes some inserts with P-Tex on them. Drill thru from the top first, then with the special champhered step bit drill from the bottom. Bombproof but the bits are spendy. Maybe find a shop that has the bits/inserts.

    I thought about this route for remounting an old Crazy Banana, but the $90 bit for 8 holes squelched my enthusiasm. If anyone knows of a shop in the Denver area that has this setup, please post. Or if you have the bit and would be willing to rent it, even better! Two shops in Golden I talked to wouldn't touch this job with a ten foot Release&Waiver form.

  9. IME, Ostrich semen works best. The snow repellent properties dissipate drastically after 48 hours. Keep your large flightless bird warm, dry and well fed and you will be rewarded with many years of snow free topsheets and huge omelettes.

    I'm confused; semen AND eggs from the same bird? I'm happy to get a pair, I just don't want to overspend if I don't have to. Thanks, this is vital information!
  10. Iciest day of my life last year at a little hill here called Ski Granby. Spring day, hadn't yet warmed up from the night before. Riding the lift and secretly gloating about my Lib Tech Skunk Ape MTX serration and how it would carve up the ice like a Christmas turkey. It cut like a hot knife through granite. I've ridden some pretty gnarly stuff in my life, but I've never been so afraid for my calcified bits as I was on this near horizontal green run. There was zero cutting through this stuff. It was a bit of an extreme case, but I wouldn't be counting on Magnetraction to be the solution. Full disclosure, this was in softies. But I don't think my non-MTX boards would have been any worse. Someone had a 176 Kessler The Ride for sale a while back. I'd LOVE to try that sucker out on the ice for comparison's sake.

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