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Posts posted by bobble

  1. powder ridge?!? when was the last time we had powder?

    red tail ridge? there better be tail on that run. :biggthump

    olympic dreams?!? :barf:

    its good that they opened up the north end a little bit. maybe if they put some landfill over on that end. doubtful that the people living behind there would allow it.

  2. What are the actual advantages of Vew Doos, Extreme Balance Boards and Indo boards? What makes them better/worse/different?

    The indo does not have the spine running down the centerline of the board like the vew doo. With indo, you're not limited to just rocking the length of the board. If you align the indo so that the centerline of the board is almost parallel or slight angle to the roller, the side to side motion feels like you're cruising on powder. Since there are no stops on the edge of the board you're limited to small side to side movements. Go too far and you'll kick out the roller.

    I don't have an indo. I only know this from experimenting with 4" pvc pipe and some boards I had laying around.

  3. Plates would be really really dangerous...straps or skyhooks is about as connected as I would want to be. As for how many wheels are down ...until you get really leaned into it you can feel at least 6 wheels. The problem is that it rides a lot longer than it's wheelbase and you end up kick turning it a lot more than you think you should

    yeah, it is insane. its not something i would try. every time i try to picture myself going down a small hill i can't see past the part where i'm getting catching an edge on asphalt.

    i just wish there was another alternative to t-boards, freebords, carveboards, etc that really felt more like an alpine board.

  4. so tell me - are ALL 8 wheels on the ground at all times throughout turns? I don't see how they could be.

    i was thinking that with loose trucks and plate bindings, only 4 wheels would make contact with the pavement. at the transition point, all 8 wheels would make contact.

    i'm not mechanically inclined (nor suicidal for that matter!). wouldn't plate bindings on a skateboard give you enough leverage to put the board on edge and force the trucks mounted towards the rails to pivot?

  5. i'm always on the lookout for something that simulates snowboarding in the off season.

    the tierney board is okay but to me its not the same sensation. feels more like tipping back and forth while flexing at the ankles. not sure about the carveboard. looks cool.

    for some sick reason i can't help but think about mounting two sets of skateboard trucks to a board and mount plates. i would think that having the trucks closer to the rails of the board would really simulate carving.


  6. I think t-boards mimic carving in softies more than in hardboots. It's super fun on hills( if you're familiar with breck, I like taking mine down ski hill rd). If you're a skater, t-boards are a fun challenge. I'm working on landing kickflips on it-rediculously difficult.

    despite the tierney videos of kids doing ollies and such, i don't think the urethane wheels can handle landing kick flips. the hubs can crack. i've cracked one. i felt the wheel knocking. when i inspected the wheel the area around the bearing fell apart.

    here's a previous post with a photo of the wheel...


  7. its a helmet cam from viosport. i mounted the cam to the top of the board with a piece of sheet metal. i used the hole pattern of the truck to hold it in.

    on the bottom of the board i used tie-wraps and adhesive mounts.

    i used a sony handycam to do the recording.

    the last couple seconds of that video where it crashes into the grass... i was going down a decent hill (in the video it doesn't look like much it but it was). i was picking up speed. i thought there was a car coming from behind. i started to get nervous and realized if i was going to bale then now was the time. i jumped off the board and the cable almost yanked the camera out of my hands. i had to run with the board. when i saw the footage it looked pretty cool.

  8. barry

    i've owned a t-board for about 3-4 years. the board i have has the old-style trucks that have an elastomer torsion ring that needs to be replaced. i've gone through 3 sets of wheels. i ride rubber rear, thane on front because the hills aren't that great here.

    the turns in the video are ankle initiated because i was on the board (i made the video). i was probably going a little faster than i can run, not 30 mph. at low speed you can't really extend your body over the edge of the board. again, its feels like you're tipping the front of the board.

    the hills i ride are short. i have a dragonfly board from insectskateboards.com. in comparing the two boards, riding on four wheels is alot faster than riding two. on higher pitched hills i wouldn't dare ride a long board. i would switch to the t-board with rubber wheels front and rear. every turn on a t-board bleeds speed. probably a good thing on hills.

    i'd like to see other people with t-boards post videos. c'mon, lets see them!!!


  9. video of a t-board in action

    yes, it is a fun board but it does not imitate snowboarding. in the footage, all those turns are done at the ankles. its a tippy feeling. every turns bleeds speed. the hill i was on was not steep but that's what happens in minnesota. every 10,000 years a glacier moves in and flattens the place.

    i really wish i had the balls to mount plates to an 8-wheeled skateboard . having trucks mounted one edges has got to be as close as it gets.

    anyone know if its been done???

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