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Mark Brown

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Posts posted by Mark Brown

  1. I did the raise the goggle trick, anti-fog coatings, and lot's of cursing -- what a pain!

    Contacts have finally advanced to the point that I can wear them, but with my more mature eyes I need reading glasses to see close up???

    Solution: I only wear my contacts when I ride and it's phantasmagorical!!!

    Sorry, doesn't help the OP, but I feel your pain...

  2. Not sure how old you are, but I am actually crusty enough to have skied with leashes.

    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... Out skiing with my step-father and someone lost a ski. It took off at Mach 9, heading straight down hill. The old man, all 280 pounds of him, takes off from where we're standing, catches up with the ski and spears it somehow with his pole stopping it in it's tracks. Most amazing thing I ever saw - that big a man get going that fast and be able to stop the runaway.

    More on topic: Yep, I use a long leash to help with the "sherpa" tasks and prevent disaster if I'm stupid... I loop it through the big hole at the end of the TD2 base plate, underneath the heel receiver. The leash will then run up the side of my boot/leg and I can loop it around my leg, it just below my knee. That way I can take of the board and still walk with it while the leash is attached.

  3. Been there a only a couple of times - usually I ended up doing laps on Squirrel Cage. Nice wide run without too much pitch. That was back when there was a mid-station right at the top of the run - now you have to come down Randal's Run to get to Squirrel Cage. Solly, not a lot of help...

  4. Here are the Marylanders that I know about:

    BadBrad - Columbia

    MarkBrown - Metro DC

    DaveKempmiester - Westmister (Baltimore?)

    Rich - Germantown

    In the "who cares" department, I'm also in Germantown and about a stones throw from Rich. Just figured no one would know where the heck Germantown, MD was :confused:

    Oh, and by the way Rich - as my teenage daughter would say: You suck! Aspen for the holidays??? Colour me jealous!


  5. Another Marylander here - If Mark Brown posts up then that should cover the whole state.

    Oh, hotbed of carvers all right - it's all the snow we get 'round here...

    Might have to challenge Rich on the metal Prior being the best comment, but it'll be 5-6 weeks before my new metal Coiler chews up some of our ice^H^H^Hsnow -- 1st rule of mid-Atlantic ski resorts: NEVER use the "i" word, it's always "firm conditions", "frozen granular" or "packet powder"!

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