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Posts posted by timinor

  1. Okay, I'll log in my opinion. I thought "Kill Bill" was pointless and pathetic film making with gratuitous violence to attract audience and a rediculous story. The movie was a joke. Frankly, I think Tarantino is a hack...IMHO

    "Goodfellows" and "The Departed" included violence because, as Skapegoat said, it was integral to the story...realistic stories I will add. And let's not forget "The Aviator" a movie that did not include violence but was a lesson in brilliant film making as it re-created actual events and eras in American history. Scorsese's films are memorable and classics. Scorsese deserved best director for "The Aviator" but the politically correct Acadamy decided a "B" movie about euthenasia was on their list of "causes" so he was passed over.

    But I have to ask if those that don't like violent films saw "Akeela and the Bee".

  2. Hi Ken,

    I agree with you. My wife and I both thought "The Departed" was a great movie experience but also both thought "Little Miss Sunshine" was the best picture of the year...of those nominated. We both think "Akeela and the Bee" was the best of the year and were sad that it was completely ignored.

  3. I'm trying to ship two boards to Sweden. The total weight of the box is 20lbs. I went to DHL and it was $226.35!!!! They said a business account has a dramatically lower rate but that doesn't help me. Does anyone have any insights into how to ship from Oregon to Sweden for a reasonable amount?

  4. Many years ago I was a "freshman" on the Sun Valley Ski School. The director was an Austrian, who took teaching skiing seriously. While most of us were obsessed with knowing more about technique than the other guy, this Austrian concerned himself more with how to be a "Professional." He had lots of advice about appearance, etc but he said one thing that really caught my attention. He said, "no ´professional´,no matter if you are a doctor, accountant, lawyer, actor...or ski instructor bad mouths or criticizes others in their field. I don´t want any of you to be bad mouthing any other instructors or ski shops...ever. What would a guest think if he overheard a ski instructor saying that another ski instructor was bad or that some ski shop sucked? I reflects badly on all of us. Don´t do it. A true professional doesn´t need to criticize others to boost himself up."

    One of the reasons I enthusiastically embraced snowboarding was that as a young sport, there were no rules...goofy, regular, hard boots, soft, air, powder, carving. The measurement for success was based only on how wide your grin was. A true "Professional" understands this. A true professional would say, "I rode like that as I developed my riding. Then I moved on to this. You can try it...enjoy."

    Oh, and dittos to Utahcarver...

  5. I missed the entire House board thing but a retailer, named House, picked up a close out on f2 boards and sold them on-line. Many people on BOL bought them and the boards are perfect. A few on BOL declared all of the "House" boards to be flawed and seconds. The truth is probably a few of the boards were flawed...but I have no first hand knowledge because I wasn't involved in any way.

    I know my board to be very clean in every way and not a part of any perceived "sleazy" promotion. And, my board is a different vintage from the "House" boards. To my knowledge, there is very little difference between my board's vintage and the new ones but I'm sure someone on BOL could elaborate on that.

  6. If you go back into ski history, Head started making metal skis in the late 50's and that was a big "revolution". Then in the mid 60's Dynamic and Rossignol started making fiberglass skis and they completely outperformed the metal skis so metal skis were more or less abandoned.

    I remember around 1984 a friend got ahold of an Atomic race stock ski that was completely different than anything we'd ever seen. It was a metal ski with a really soft flex but torsionally strong and it held and carved like crazy. We tried to find a ski like that to buy but never could. Then Salomon created a revolution of sorts with the "cap" construction. It had been tried by another company using an all metal cap but they delammed and bent if you went into the bumps. Other than that, they were supposed to be great. I can't remember the name of those.

    Does anyone know anything about the early Head metal skis? Were they any good? Why were they replaced by fiberglass box construction? Was it the type of metal?

  7. I read two articles at Hardbooter.com and it seems to boil down to this. The addition of metal into the construction allows the board to have extreme torsional strength without having a stiff flex pattern. Thus, the board holds incredibly well but has a softer flex so it will absorb and flex over uneven terrain, rolls, ruts, chatter, etc and maintain contact with the snow and not "bridge". That constant contact makes for better hold and smoother ride.

    The article raves about the Prior WCR metal boards but the website gives no specs on those boards. Does anyone know what the width and SCR are for the Prior WCR?

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