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Posts posted by floBoot

  1. Sunsurfer,,

    Real sorry to hear that. I've heard people describe a tear to the Achilles,:eek: and sounds extremely painful, including when it actually happens..ouch!

    A speedy and full recovery to you:biggthump

    Post some pics of any nice boots you have to wear;)

  2. Sunsurfer, I hadn't heard of dr goldacre,, something more for me to read.

    pharma have some very dangerous drugs that doctors legally push onto the public. So yes I wonder at the efficacy of the tests done and then of course the statistical analysis of results.

    Its very challenging and complicated times we are in. my method of trying to heal myself is based on reading and intuition (as much as the scientific community would scorn at the latter). My reason for chiropractic treatment was partly both reasons. I felt my spine was wonky but I also thought for any good nutrition to have a as best chance as possible to feed all areas that there shouldn't be nervous system blockages.

    But hey ho got to give these things a go:) I'll be getting some more clic_clacs tonight

  3. Philw an interesting read.

    I agree that their are unscrupulous offerings of alternative medicine. I certainly do my best to keep an open mind on both sides. As much as this homeopathy was seen to breach codes etc. I also bear in mind that the law can be set up in such a way as to make alternatives appear unscrupulous. at times laws need changing to suit moving times. The western medical system could do this if they wanted to embrace different approaches. I feel they don't because they cannot patent nature.

    Kieran,, that video made me laugh. I do come across people that are so into their alternative stuff that I find them weird.:eek:

    Still I live in hope that being slightly obsessed with my diet may help any further deterioration our if i'm lucky eliminate what I have:)

    In the meantime, my problematic toe edge carving has come on a treat. Holistically, I advocate everyone eats tons more veg if they want to improve their toe side turns:rolleyes:

  4. Old snowboards, as usual I have no video or pics..I'll try next time.

    Philw, evidence based medicine has it's place. However, different ways of looking at medicine can come from different theories. It appears to me that allopathic medicine does its best to stop naturopathic medicine being taken seriously. Everything is geared towards money for pharma.

    My doctor and specialist do nothing to help me find answers to what might be causing my condition but they'll offer me drugs long term and operate on me when I almost can't breathe. I used to believe this system cared but I realise from hard luck facts in my case that it doesn't.

    So I decided to try and do something about it myself. Thus I've learned a different way to approach my health after like so many believing my doctor and specialist.

    Each to their own really. I an aware that wouldn't be alive today if hadn't been operated on but I just wish these two industries could work alongside each other in an altruistic way.

    All I can say is i'm glad I've woken up and I have a different path to follow .:biggthump

  5. I have been visiting a chiropractor for the past 2 Weeks, 3 times a week. It's quite a good feeling having the spine cracked into place. The guy offered this 4 Weeks for free. You may wonder why? I was in a desperate state when I got to his office, I reeled of a load of medical problems that I have/had. Fed up with the Doctor/ specialists just watching me deteriorate and waiting with their surgical knives to cut me open again, and that I want another way! when I went back after our initial consultation which cost me 65 quid, I thought we was going to tell me he couldn't help plus I thought he may see me as a middle aged mad women:eek: much to my surprise he said he wanted to take me on as a clinical trial and offered the most intensive part of his treatment free:D

    I chose this physical option as a) I wanted to come off my inhaler b) I have a rare lung condition that is getting worse.

    I have avoided seeing the orthodox/allopathic/western medicine style specialist for about 3 years, as the last few times I visited he kept mentioning lung transplants. trouble being he would not answer any of my questions straight. So I plucked up the courage to go back again a couple of months ago where I was given the usual bad news that TBH I didn't want to hear. Needless to say I broke down in his office flooding the place with tears.

    I've also stopped wearing make up to work because it's usually cried off before I get there :rolleyes:

    I've only over the past 3 years woken up to the medical tyranny that prevails in western medicine ie pharmaceuticals making money our of sick people. How on earth could they make money if we all really knew how to look after ourselves properly. I've been an avid reader of medical and alternative literature over these recent years to find another way.

    This condition I have came to light over 20 years ago but on a different organ where I underwent surgery to have it removed. I ran a full 26.2 mile marathon a year later to prove to myself I was fit both physically and mentally and it wouldn't get me down. 5 years after that I had a collapsed lung. Biopsy taken, same condition now attacking my lungs. I've had as mentioned on this site a pleurodesis on each.

    There's only so far a girl can go with these ops...I told the consultant no lung transplants for me:nono: no way...Hose..the medical system plant the seed of thought as they see me as a 'good' candidate in a few years time. So does that mean I only have another 5 years of snowboarding before I can't breathe enough to walk and they whip me in for the OP?

    The good news is: I have been inhaler free for 6 Weeks, after initially suffering quite severely for about 3 weeks with my breathing wondering if I was doing the right thing, the chiropractor treatment also had made a big and positive improvement and gave me hope to stick with it, I have decided to treat myself at home with the Gerson diet which oddly enough is 98% vegan which I am of course but it is much more strict in things you should and should not eat. It's very time consuming which i'm still adjusting to my mistakes of forgetting things.

    Since doing the two treatments my breathing is already better than it has been in over 10 years. I bought a monthly pass at the local fridge been snowboarding for past 3 weekends and performing better technically, speed wise and stamina...i stay at slope all day and do about 8-10 hours of slope time:1luvu:

    No allopathic doctor is going to tell me what lies ahead..I will make that decision for myself:angryfire ...

    ...anyway my aim is to snowboard like you guys n gals on here:) and that's gonna take a few years!

    as TwoRavens and Jimmy Zell says " it's not everyday that's a blessing but every breath" or something like that.

  6. yippee, I have just fixed the problem..the water is on, no sound of running water, no leaks. However, I obviously will be checking in the morning. I am soaked and my back is killing me from bending forward all day and hammering and chiselling away at the floor...I am not very strong so it takes me ages...my approach is a bit like an archaeological dig:rolleyes:

    Sorry Oldsnowboards one of the pics was upside down! The first pics is looking through the kitchen floor to the ground underneath..on the right a very clean and new piece of joist with 2 shiny bolts locking it onto the old joist. Where water has been seeping in it has dampened the wall and thus the sand/cement mix has been falling of the wall and onto the waterproof membrane on the earth floor (but you cannot see it from the vast amount that has fallen. so that is 2 leaks that I have dealt with that had affected the same area..no wonder things were damp!

    The second pics is upside down. It is a shot of the water dripping from the foam that insulated the pipes, onto the sand that had fallen onto the membrane. If you look closely, you'll see a stream of water too.

    The third pic is the view you would have, simply standing in the kitchen and looking down at the hole, having lifted some floor boards.

    Hope that helps visualize...oh and no i'm not on a hill..just on the flat.

    As for the leak, the copper pipes were purposely bent, however, one had a bit of a dent which housed a crack, just off the bend where the water was leaking from. It is now blissfully silent with the water on:sleep:

    Yesterday I was in Dundee for the day whilst my car was getting a timing belt fitted, . I was feeling quite upset, worried and down about the situation , especially after reading up on the internet and chatting to an experienced plumber in B&Q (one of our national diy stores). He said same thing, I asked loads of questions, bought extra plumbing bits..made my way into the shopping centre to cheer myself up with some outdoor clothing purchases and I came across these two...who made me laugh ....and lifted me out of my glumness:lol:


    This morning and most of the day I was feeling beaten ..i'm so glad its sorted ..I feel like a dark cloud had been lifted:rolleyes:

    I know there is another leak but that only happens when central heating is on and its upstairs..so I've that to look forward to dealing with:freak3:

    A bonus is, I know exactly where the pipes are for future ref., and seeing as they are exposed I might as well get on and set the plumbing up for the new sink etc:biggthump

  7. Oldsnowboards,, Bobd....I hope you find the following interesting, as I did from a shock point of view...

    Well moisture/ condensation is one issue I can deal with..build a framework from the outside wall (but not touching it) for plasterboard to go on...make sure there is a damp proof membrane, insulate between the two, leaving enough space for air to circulate..as said on some other post I found an outside leak and fixed it last year.

    oh but how things get worse as I 'progress'..I found a swimming pool underneath my house:eek:...i'm a bit slow at times, as it took me several days to wonder why the water always sounds as though it's running...when my brain got in gear I thought 'I've got a leak somewhere under the house'..I thought I had nailed a pipe while putting down plywood..so I lifted a couple of tiles near the pipes, ripped up plywood, then floorboards , no sign of damage, couldn't hear hissing from a hole.but I could now hear a quick dripping sound, coming from about 4 feet away where water comes into the house..

    ..imho, turns put the previous owner knew there was a leak/damp some kind because in the pics below you can see NEW wood, where a floor joist was put in, along with a new plasterboard wall (which I ripped out as I knew something was wrong) but the leaking source was not fixed.:angryfire

    Where you see a pics with a drip, this is not the source but the lowest point to drop from:rolleyes:

    So my tiling has been halted by the unforseen..better now than later though...my next job, after more cups of tea is to lift more floor boards...the soaking is now spreading to other joists and moving in a straight line towards the front of the house! Imho, I think the joists can be saved ...phew


    Any tips, much appreciated.that's how l learn...:D

    Bobd, are you an electrician..you know a fair bit about UK electrics:)...btw my

    adjoining wall with next door is not a solid wall...makes me wonder if in the past the two houses were one because on the other side there are solid walls with my other neighbour.



  8. What happens to your periphery vision at that speed?...does it become blurred?

    I watched a programme on F1 cars where an ordinary driver tried to drive one and they gave a good description of what skills to need to have to drive one and i'm sure they mentioned things at the side of the road start to blur and that's before they really got going in the car!

    Must be quite exhilarating taking that risk on the bike and hitting that speed:eplus2:

  9. Aye Oldsnowboards, it is the kitchen. I've never heard of quads, always very interesting to learn about these things...yes I will have at least 7 double sockets, a cooker switch, a fused switched for the under tile heating. The wall you can see further to the left has another double socket and the cooker switch.

    Tbh,, i'm not a house-proud type person but I really have had enough of the damp in the house and I can't stand the crappy cupboards lino etc..so had no choice but to rip out and bring in the new...the stuff I have bought is pretty basic and I like it too.

    Doing the work myself saves me an absolute fortune..I could never afford to pay someone to say, prep and tile the kitchen floor, treat damp walls, insulate and then plasterboard plus framework for plasterboard...and there's still the upstairs bed room to be done.. I love saving myself a fortune!

    I have to get this done a) before the snow comes:biggthump b) I bought bedroom furniture some months ago but I it's still waiting for it's rightful place upstairs :sleep:

    I meant to say I like your colour schemes...i'm not so artistic and have gone for builders magnolia which I secretly like:rolleyes:

    ..oh the green thing in the photo is a highlighter pen...I couldn't fine a pencil to mark the tiles..just shows how unorganised I am...I still get there via a slightly different route to everyone else...hahaha

  10. The tiles are ceramic..I have laid real slate before which was interesting when one end is 1cm thick and the other side 2! the razor/Stanley knife was in my hand when I happened to go to lay more tiles..so I left it on the floor..however to the front of the pic is a tile cutter on top of a spare tile... i'm really not a fan of lino..I can just about accept it in a bath room and that's it! Strangely enough the whole of my kitchen and hallway was done with cheap and nasty lino strips that tried to imitate wood ..yuk!!

  11. aye..I've got the correct plastering tools..can't find them though:p I don't mind a bit of extra sanding...I was more worried about getting a wrong line of tiles in the kitchen which would leave an awful line when the tiles run down the hall...I spent ages doing ...`dry-runs':)

    forgot to say, they are ceramic tiles...half price in the sale..I do like a bargain:biggthump

  12. hahaha...glad I wasn't the first to comment on the pics in the loo;)...but like someone I knew Yonks ago..had a pic of her and her new husband staring at ya' in the loo! I just assumed Oldsnowboards didn't have a short enough snowboard to hang on the wall , so a scaled down pic sufficed ...this room could be called... "longboard loo":lol:

    In the meantime here's another progression pic...things are looking:eek: pretty raw! I'm giving my back a rest at the moment but I have to get another 3 square metres done tonight, so I can shift stuff over to the tiled side of the room tomorrow and finish tiling the floor...so I can start building a framework...ymmv...i'm really not very good with right angles or the implementation of Pythagorean theory unless it's horizontal...I'll give it a go tho':freak3:


  13. "Sims salon, Burton bedroom".....love-it...you could get name plates for the doors too...Hahaha..

    I've been in my house a few years, as it takes me time to know what needs doing..last summer I demolished upstairs bedroom..and this year the kitchen..so this year I'll put both rooms back into working order....damp been the main reason for ripping out walls and throwing stuff out...along with some sound proofing and insulatingto do too.

    I'll post a couple more pics when I've progressed a bit more...nothing I do will look as grand as what you've done but it'll be a vast improvement;)

  14. Oldsnowboards,, were you the one who posted pics last summer r your massive renovation..new framework, walls etc? As I couldn't find the thread..i'm interested in an update:-)

    Btw what is mini ductless? What does the circuit board control?

    I am going to install a solar DC circuit to power up small devices, including lighting but I'll also be leaving the usual AC lighting circuit...i'm quite exited about this as I've not done it before and I've been reading up on bits over the past year...

    I've done a much bigger renovation before (learn as I go)..anyway here's

    a couple of pics, tried uploading video but didn't work...the one with the cat is half of the delivery of plasterboard (soundbloc)..the other sheets are in the hall...the other Pics is obviously after I had taken cupboards, cooker, work surface out etc and taken down one of the internal walls..I have since then put then new plasterboard up on one wall and this weekend will be doing more.


    Btw there are many hot-rod fans over here in UK, what engine size is it?

    I suppose I can always add that I do currently own another car that has a 5.8 litre Chevy v8 fitted..would that be about the size of the hot-rod?


  15. Benntech love the BMWs...I sold 2 e28s last year...both were M535i, one automatic and the other manual with a dog-leg gearbox, beautiful sound from the engine:-

    Anyway I didn't really expect to read about motors here..I thought you'd all be talking about knitting next year's onesie!!

    Currently, i am living in a bomb site, as I have demolished two rooms in my wee hoose...so my summer project is: sorting out damp, insulating, new plaster board walls, electrics, kitchen, sink etc. my hoose is currently choc a bloc with materials...it really is a hobby I quite enjoy doing this stuff and take my time:-)

  16. My thoughts yesterday...i'm still learning alpine snowboarding...and i'm fed-up controlling speed...

    ...conditions good soft spring snow...not too many people in the way...soft landing if I get it wrong....what a blast I had...all day:p

    The park rats were coming off the rollers at some speed ...whilst I came round the side of the rollers and was overtaking a lot of them, keeping up at other times..as we're heading towards the queue...all I was getting all day...was them looking at me and then looking at my board with a look of disbelief..but after a while ai got a couple of 'nods'...some kind of acknowledgment I think, and another was chatting to me as he knew it was a carving board, saying "it's good to see a board like that, you just don't ever see them".

    Even a few skiers were behaving in the same way, looking at me and wondering how I managed to overtake them..hahaha...

    ...oh boy did I have a fun day...i'm beginning to understand why you guys n gals like alpine boards...and I think i'm beginning to develop a 'need for speed':lol:

    A slight tangent, here's a 3 min video of comp. held on this park at Cairngorm a few Weeks ago

  17. Guys, no need to get into a flame war here, this is a huge tragedy. As I understand from the news reports that I have read, and being able to see the fracture line above timberline, which was above this doomed group, as well as the drainage it funneled into, there was not much in gear that would have saved them. Bottom line is they made some really bad choices, and paid the ultimate price. Lets be respectful of that.



    At least one of the deceased had an avalung, if not more, and another had an airbag. Ironically, they where all part of an event to promote backcountry safety and awareness. Here is a link to the most informative article I could find:


    one of the reasons I like this site, is that it is rare for 'flaming':)

    Although Leeho used the word 'prevent'...I didn't take it literally.....

    ...these guys done their best...although a sad outcome.

    Maybe this site has a backcountry advice section...i'm still finding out the depths of info on offer here.

  18. I hope you guys n gals all heal really quickly and are fit n strong for next season:)

    Not quite an injury but I do have a rare condition where I have had a Pleurodesis carried out on each lung. The consultant that I see was most surprised when I told him(4 years ago) that I took up snowboarding...he was avidly taking notes...haha...


    Anyway, I can't remember who it is on this site that has the signature something like..."it's not every day that's a blessing but every breath..."...that sure means a lot to me....and another uncanny but appropriate thing is, that I want to EC carve and the well know signature tune to Jacques and Patrice's famous video is called "breathe(believe)"...:biggthump

  19. Michelle, ohd you are both right, I think it is difficult to make yeast bread in the slow cooker.

    The yeast was fine. Flour was just rye. I wondered if the cocoa powder had affected it. Anyway, I have the slowest cooker ever, it is 160w:p

    I'll just stick to the oven, especially as that slow cooker will never generate enough heat. Thanks for comments though:)

    I really like the rye bread that I make but I don't think anyone else would unless they have steel teeth, for the crusts:biggthump I'll do a version of this with tons of cocoa powder in...

    Have you tried Kamut flour? It is the best wheat flour I have ever tasted.the texture when cooked is different to any other wheat I have tried. Well I just love it..yum...yum!

    My internet connection doesn't want to go to bob's site..I'll keep trying.

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