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Posts posted by unitednihilists

  1. I've been out about 40+ times this season and I can honestly say that was the worst riding conditions of the season. Felt like we were riding on iced over cement. However, great turn out, indoctrinated new riders into the group, and the cold beers made for a great evening. Lets do it again next week!

  2. Powder day @ Sutton?? I was getting snowfall email alerts all last week from them.

    ~50cm last week, they did have time to groom the Pow into the groomed runs but yes, it was a very soft ride. I traded the board in at lunch for planks, so I could play in the woods. Pretty fun day overall.

    The locals seemed pretty happy, they haven't had a lot of snow this year.

  3. What Queequeg and Hilux said.

    Just rode a different board that wasn't brushed well enough, slower, no glide. Came home and brushed the bejeebers out of it, and re-rode, it was way better. It takes 5 extra minutes, why wouldn't you?

    Next time you wax your car, don't buff, see if you notice a difference.

  4. Not wishing to start a new thread on the same subject, I'll just tack on a post to the bottom of this one.

    I have a 9 year old son who has been snowboarding and skiing for ~7 years. He is very comfortable carving on both. I'd like to move him to a carving board soon, used hopefully, but I'm open to possibilities.

    Here are the stats:

    - He is ~65 lbs, 55 inches (140cm) Mondo (24ish)

    - We ride in Ottawa, narrow runs, firm conditions.

    - We have no interest in racing

    - I myself ride a 10m carving radius for tight controlled turns at medium to slower speeds. I'd like a board that promotes similar style for him.

    Any suggestions as to what size of board I should be looking at? Do they even make one? Or do I have to call Bruce at Coiler to make one?

    Any input would be much appreciated!

  5. Quick note to say that tomorrow's carving session (Jan 21st) is still ON, despite the week of cold temperatures. I'll be out there, dressed warm, having fun :D Come play!

    7pm, at the base of waterslide-side quad.

    I'll be there!

    Rode Pak this morning, incredible conditions, firm fresh cord throughout, and totally untouched. We were pretty much the only people on the hill. Even got to do some limbo with the line that separates the hill from the play park. :P Good times!

    Dress warm.

  6. We're not hearing much feedback about days other than Tabby and Ryan (thank you!), so it's executive decision time.

    I think that safety and space to play are paramount, so let's do tomorrow (Wednesday the 15th) for our first session. Same start time; 7pm on snow!

    Ian :D

    Sorry for the late response, I always forget to check bomber. (can't go 30 seconds without checking twitter though) I'm in for Wednesday, Thursday works as well.

  7. Here are a couple . . . apologize for the quality . . . doesn't do the board justice.


    I went with stock board & graphics. The stock board is actually built for this/your/my weight range. Sidenotes: 1) the graphic selection is actually for the CODA monoboard shape so when it comes to sizing graphics to the skwal there will be distortion, e.g. see CODA logo on left split-tail above. I wouldn't try to design and submit your own custom graphics for topsheet especially if it's quite complicated around the split-tail - best to keep the graphics simple whether you select stock design or submit your own design. 2) Discuss beforehand the stock hole pattern.

    I've seen that board in person and I didn't even notice that the CODA label isn't on straight... Crazy.

  8. I might be able to ride Thursday or Friday. Has anyone ridden since the freeze? What's it like out there?

    Pak was garbage today. Groomed, but they just chewed up the ice into ice granules. Really fast with no edging. It might be "ok" for someone on a Coiler, but on my crap board it was survival surfing. I might try again tomorrow morning.

  9. I might be able to ride Thursday or Friday. Has anyone ridden since the freeze? What's it like out there?

    I'm going to ride tomorrow AM at Pak, I'll let you know.

    On a totally different topic, does anyone else think Ski Logik is making the sexiest skis on the planet? Side wall hard wood construction, great specs and killer inlays. Almost makes me want to go back to the dark side and ride skis.......

    Thread jack,


  10. POW! I'm excited, can't wait. Carving Sessions!

    Killer ride day at the Boge yesterday with with mikel45 and his new Whip.

    Happy 2014 everyone!! May the new year be full of wonder, love, and high-G turns for all of you <3

    Speaking of which...

    Carving sessions GO!

    Everyone who responded to the poll said that Tuesday works for them, so Tuesday it is! Let's start on Tuesday, January 14th, and go until the snow gives out. Let's aim to meet at the bottom of the main lift, ready to ride at 7pm.

    In case of sketchy weather, please check this thread the afternoon of the session to make sure it is on... I'll aim to post by 2pm if we need to cancel for weather reasons.

    I'm looking forward to seeing y'all on the 14th, when we'll transform Cascades into a space full of inspired carvers!



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