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Posts posted by paappraiser

  1. I'll be out there. Not as many days, but I'll be out there.

    Brought everyone home today and getting settled in.

    Cooper James

    5 lbs 15 oz 18"

    Little early, but my wife has a habit of doing that.

    I gotta email you on some other stuff.




    .... my wife gave me permission to take my little girl with me when she turns 4... Weeee...

  2. pardon my stupidity....BUT

    How does a nose shape like that influence wheather you can ride in a ditch or not?

    I mean there are all sorta differnt nose shapes (ala swoard,some custom jobs ive see here)

  3. I have been pricing flooring for a rehab of my attic into a master bedroom...it's way cheaper than any of the other woods and from my research has a very good life expectancy

    Cork is nice also. Check it out, It is a very nice on the knees (but not carpet nice). Im starting to see a lot more of it in high end houses. Dont like laminates in bedrooms. Make sure you run heat to your attic.

    (Sorry my day job is creeping in)

  4. Yeah, and don't expect much sympathy from anyone. Everywhere you turn you'll meet people who've gone through it and had a rougher time since they had an earlier version of the operation. :-)

    I think they forgot to install my barometer, though. 8 months and I still can't predict a change in weather.



    Only people who talk to you about it if if you say something is in the snowboad shop. Then it turns into a "who has the bigger scar" competition.

    mines been 3 years. I think the only time I remember now is when Im looking at my knee cap or someone blabs off about there sore knees who have no damn reason to complain. .

  5. You may have just partially torn the ACL-or the MCL/meniscus for that matter and the treatment may just be rest, which is what you are doing....and some PT....

    Good luck and keep us posted

    from my understanding. ACLs dont heal.

    Mine was a complete tear, but I asked the dr that If IT WAS as partial, if it could heal.. He said no way. I asked about arthritis, he said it may cause problems in the future but no way to know.

    He said once they do the surgery, as long as you dont screw it up in the first 30 days you wont have to worry about it.

    I asked if the screws ever have to come out (mine should be in there till I die and thats going to be another 50-60 years) he said nope.


    Really dont worry about it. If your under 50 and active get it fixed.

    It will hurt for a week, but you will be on drugs.

    PT will suck for the first 30 days.

    6-12 months later your knee will be a little sore in the morning and if you run your knee will be sore.

    12+ you kinda forget about it. But youll be trying to loose the extra 15lbs you gained :)

    3+ years.. youll kinda remember about it. (and still try to loose the 15lbs)

    dont freak out about it, its really a small-medium scary surgery. The first week up until they take the long stitch out is the worst.

  6. So how do you know when you have an ACL injury? Intense pain right away? Loss of function/range of motion?

    I broke mine and it was sore but it wasnt enough to stop me from make another run.

    swelled up bad by the time I got home and the range of motion was limited about 20% for 2-4 days. Felt VERY stiff.


    "1) spend the money and go to the best sports orthopedic doc you can find "

    Agreed ..

    I think I last head it cost about 8-10K to have it fixed if you have no insurance.

    Agreed ..

    3) use your own body/knee parts

    It hurts a lot more though.. I can still feel where the gap in my knee cap is after 3 years.


  7. The doc says I've most likely torn my meniscus as well. Oh how fun.

    They always say that. My DR said the same thing, but there wasnt any damage. Infact it was perfect he said.

    they wont know until they get in there with the scope.

    Suggestion... there are supposidly some amino acids suppliments that can help with muscle damage from not being able to move for a while (there is a term that escapes me now). I think there was a study done and it did say it did help a little .... I remember this because it came out like 2 weeks after I had my surgery. Google it up .. and post some questions on "bobs bum knees"


    And when you get a brace get a cool color. Mine was black that faded into fire red..lol

  8. ACL-- Been there done that.

    Just follow the docs orders. There was a place on the net called bobs bum knees. Its a support group.

    If I have to do it again I think I would want the disolving screws. Im still grossed out over the steel screws.

    And do your own doner material if the idea of a dead duds tendon in you grosses you out.

    1st week sucks. After that its Ok for 3 weeks then no problem.


  9. name your price.

    weighs about 5-6 pounds for shipping (from 19083) so figure that in as well.

    Just think of the base plate missing as "extra grippy" lol

    They are already boxed up and ready to go.


  10. Hey now

    Burton ALPS 164

    97 model (I think)

    138 running

    210 Waist.

    9.53 Meter radius

    Good for 130-200 lbs (per burton)

    Full Specs.


    1st ---100$ includes Shipping in US. (OBO by 6/12 -- Post replies here )

    Top sheet is cosmetically scuffed up a bit mostly where bindings have been mounted. Few small dings nothing bad.

    Bottom has a few profesional ptex repairs. Doesnt look like a core shot but the repair color doesnt match the burton blue.

    Ive used it a little, has a good hold, quick and nimble. Camber still good .

    Great first board. Made in Austria.

    IMHO has lots of life left.

    Pay pal is cool

    Post replies here.

    If you want more photos please post your email here.




  11. polarized lenses

    I wear polarized lenses for driving. (I have very a screwed up eye)

    My wife had lasik and she swears by them during the daytime. (little glare)

    My assistant cut her eye lens and the doctor made her wear polarized sunglasses.

    not needed at night ..

    IMHO I wore them on the slopes once and never noticed a great benifit.

  12. www.sportsmansguide.com has some great mil-issued gloves... dirt cheap also.


    or http://www.sportsmansguide.com/search/search.asp?r=ad%2Fother&s=SEARCH&a=search&k=glove

    Ive bought many things from them over the years. Most of its is pretty good.

    some just crap.

    I have a plastic brace on the outside of my gloves, they dont wear down. They were designed so your wrist and thumbs wont break if you take a fall.


    Kinda bulky but I dont mind. Saved me at least once over the years.


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