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Everything posted by Je.St

  1. Well if your really keen and want to know what it says its " if your really proud for your country, be a citizen and stand up on a snowboard!"
  2. Yeah it really is haig has perfect groom laid out on it. And yeah those days when centre gets the treatment under the chair probably one of the funnest runs to ride. I think i know whom your talking about.
  3. Cheers for reply Dave. Pretty much locked down at castle cause of work, but yeah rode nakiska early season last year and totally agree its stellar for riding. As well just checked out the NES thread definitley down to hit it up for couple days as long as I can grab some time off haha. Jeff
  4. Hey going to be at castle most of the year, wondering if theres any riders around the area that ride alpine boards?
  5. Now days the chopper is pretty much is a relabeled kids ltr board they use at resorts. The salad bowl effect on the concave isnt that severe as heroshmero mentioned. Most importantly for a child a starting out it will be more beneficial to understand how to correctly position there bodies over their feet when going down the slope be it sideslipping or turning, either way it will lead to quicker transition to turning stage and stronger skill base for their future riding vs trying to understand how to accomplish bending camber which may stagnate progression to degree. I guess to answer question more directly by the time they will be on a camber deck the skill they've developed on the chopper will allow them to easily get performance out of their snowboard.
  6. Rode a chopper myself as kid back in the day and had nothing but fun times on it. As well have had many kid that I've taught that have been riding them over different abilities and its never hindered there progression. Overall great little deck that you can grow with as riding evolves.
  7. Sure hope there's more to come, really amazing cinematography. Just make me miss the lack of riding on east coast now even more.
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