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Posts posted by Derf

  1. That really blows man! I'm no instructor, but I understand your position: convictions vs job. It seems there's nothing to do woth your boss, when people are that stuborn (or stupid, don't remember how to spell ;)), you can't argue, even intelligently, because they wouldn't understand or they know they're not right.

    I don't know about the Tanker, but go with the 3 straps and high angles for now. If your boss complains, ask if you have to dress like them, act like them, and so on. Just a suggestion...

  2. Ernie00 fait faire ses "base grind" de Coiler chez Oberson sur la nouvelle machine, alors ça doit être pas si pire. J'ai été déçu de mon dernier tune-up de Sharks aussi.:(

    Pour Québec, j'avais eu un bon tune-up d'un petit magasin de vélo sur Ste-Foy (coin Marguerite-Bourgeoys), mais j'ai oublié le nom... Je l'ai retrouvé: Bouticyle.

  3. My Mac is just a spare computer, almost a novelty item for me. I used to be on a P3-650 until my friend gave me a Sempron 64 bits a week or 2 ago, on which I dual boot WinXP/Ubuntu.

  4. It's about people working low paying jobs and the others thinking less of them for doing this. I used to be a bike messenger and got this when going in offices where big business goes on. Back then, it amounted to lower than minimal wage. I did this job because I liked cycling and some people think that we do this because we can't get/do better, which is often not the case. I spoke to some university grads who did this because they like cycling or being outside.

  5. It works great for me! I teach on a freeride board with a 25.2 waist with 21 1/2" stance and 50f 50r angles.The dial-in comes by shifting the rear binding more toward the toe edge and the front binding more toward the heel edge by about a centimeter.I found that the root of some lower leg problems I was having was all the leverage it took to overcome the high amount of underhang I had combined with lower angles.I jump alot and do some funky ground tricks onto and off of the tail and the years of doing that have caught up with me a bit.The higher angles and the shift of front toward heel and rear toward toe,combined with angles that are now more forward has seemingly aleviated the extreme lateral pressure I was putting on my knees.I discovered this fix (for me anyway)while demoing(word?)narrow carving boards at OES last year.

    Thanks for the tip, I'll look into it.

  6. I normally ride 65-60 on my freecarve board and when I tried an AM board last year, my angle were something like 50-45 (I don't remember) and I found out I really had to change my carving technique to get it to carve. I didn't like that and sold it, but you may like it (lots of people do). I don't know how it would work with higher angles and underhang though.

  7. Here, let me try.

    Hello everyone, here is the beast that I just recieved. It is a beautiful Coiler Titanal ..... with the new topsheet. I can't wait to try it out. have a good winter everyone.

    Maudit tabarnac.

    It seems the swear filter only works in english!:eek:

  8. My Nitro 166 has a 9,5m radius and a 25mm setback. I always rode it this way and never had the nose fold, but it did dig in (too much weight in the front initiating a carve) and it just kicked me out of the carve, nothing bad. Nitro stopped making carving boards in 2002 if I'm not mistaken.

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