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Everything posted by eastcoastcarve

  1. My plan is to be arriving between 9am and 10am tomorrow and ride until afternoon some time. Anyone else have the day off?
  2. one in the same buddy boy! Ah the memory's of race team trips... It would be hard to one up that prank on Carrot Top :)
  3. My carving boards are both Coiler Pure Race 19.5 at center 166 and 184 They don't like to go off road much :(
  4. Don't worry about Gordo he probably enjoyed it :)
  5. I have been meaning to check out the NSST alpine racing team. I raced with Gordon Tanner back in the day in N.S. but have been out the game for the last few years. When do you do the Race team training as I would likely come out some time when that is happening to check it out.
  6. I only have silver pass to Cypress but it sounds like I haven't missed that much good weather this Christmas week. I am off to Whistler this Friday to see if I can find some powder. Time to break out the soft boots as the last time I tried plates in the trees I think I just about died!
  7. At the moment the 20th works for me :)
  8. Also just a note: There are rocks all over the bottom part of Bennys!! And Horizon has a few patches with dirt and rocks coming through. Not to bad but they are always just past a roller to you don't get much warning
  9. I saw Kaz at the top and though he was right behind me and a friend but when we got to the bottom I didn't see you anywhere sorry we didn't wait but were just about at the end of our day and wanted to get a few more runs in. Cheers, John PS Nice air time Boris... Its good to show the softy's that plates are not stuck to the ground :)
  10. Heading to the hill tomorrow from about 10am to mid afternoon for some turns if anyone is around.
  11. Very nice day up here today! Bindings adjusted and i have finaly remembered how to carve :) Also the runs have been between the clouds all day so it has been clear
  12. Holy Crap am I out of shape! I mean I own a gym for God sake so you would think that doing a few runs on a snowboard work be a cup of tea but I was quickly reminded that when you can't remember how to let the board do the work for you, your legs start burning very quickly. Run 1: was a bit of a write off as I had the bindings set up completely wrong so all I succeeded in doing was tiring my self out and make some sketchy turns. This kind of sucked because the snow seemed like it was awesome to really cave some good turns. Run 2: got the bindings a little better but still not quite right and actually made some turns that looked like I knew what I was doing on the flat stuff but went to complete hell as soon as it got steep. Run 3 I think my brain was starting to remember what my body was supposed to do but my body was refusing to comply. Run 4 Brain and body started to work together a little bit and linked turns that would probably resemble a solid beginner that just learned to carve. Run 5 Brain and body were agreeing what to do but for some reason my legs no longer responded. At this point I thought I should pack it in for the day but decided to give it one more run to see if my legs would recover. Run 6 Ran into BlueB and Kaz where both carving some very nice turns proving my thoughts on run 1 that the snow seemed like it was awesome to really cave some good turns. I on the other hand Tried my best but just couldn't hold an edge to save my life... Run 7 Ya I know I said that I was done at run 5 but now I had people to ride with. This proved to be a bad idea as I had to sit down 4 times on the way down as my leg was cramping and when I stopped at the bottom I almost fell over because my quads were done! Nice to meet you guys It can only get better from here.
  13. Off to Cypress for the morning / afternoon to dust off the cobwebs. Todays Ride Custom Coiler 166 Pure Race
  14. Hey All, Looks like the weather will be good on Friday so my plan is to come out and try and carve off the rust, the plan is to be there for first tracks. First time in the new shells and bindings so we will see how they feel. Deeluxe 700T and TD3SI. BlueB are you around Friday to get some feedback on the setup I currently have?
  15. This makes the most sense of all the ideas / reasons as to why this could happen. Good incite. I will send you a private message and change things a bit on my end. Thanks!
  16. Do most of you carvers have full seasons passes or do any of you only do the one day a week pass. I think I am going to have to invest in something.
  17. Sweet that means I can go... if only I wasn't to busy to break out the boards:(
  18. No I don't get pop up spam, but the email address that I used to register for the form started getting ad spam emails as soon as I was registered. I know they are somehow a product of signing up to this form as this is the only location I have every used this new email address for. John
  19. I don't know if anyone else has seen this but a few days ago I joined this form. I like it and there are lots of good forms to read and comment on however... I always create a new email address for use with new forms and found out that some how bomberonline.com lets there address list and in less than 24 hours I have recived spam from over 12 different locations. Anybody else have this happen? John
  20. I went over to the dark side and road my soft boots for a few years. So it is time to break out he Trench diggers again. Just waiting for enough snow so I don't find rocks at the bottom of said trenches. I don't as of yet know any local hard shell riders so I hope to meet a few of you as we get more snow. John
  21. I hope to get to SP at some point this winter as I have never been there. Perhaps I will see you there.
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