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Everything posted by 1surfer

  1. I have had several of those Merrel Supercomps. I like them. I have a pair with the white plastic in my shed. I bust them out once in a while. They are nice. When they get that old, the plastic gets brittle and cracks when it gets too cold. I heard Scarpa is coming out with an all leather boot. May be at the ski show this year. I also heard it was going to retail for over a grand. I still sort of tele on my split board in the driver x boot. That is more of a rondane style turn. Still fun. It is like kiting or bicycles, we have so much great equipment to choose from that you can find what you like even if that is not the right setup for other people. Comfort is very important to me. I am willing to give up a bit of performance for a bit of comfort.
  2. I am willing to pay my dues. Did not realize that was the case. Thought someone tagged me....No worries.
  3. Cool ! Yah , I started to Tele in 86 just for the leather boots. I didn't care about the free heel or tele thing, I just wanted comfortable feet. I hurt my feet bumpi'n too much on alpine. I did start snowboarding in 86 / 87 but continued to tele in the back country and on bumps. I am a snowboarder at heart but do love to tele. I had to stop teleing because nobody makes leather boots anymore. Plastic boots just hurt my feet. Still have a couple of older hard boot / plate sets but I just cant bear plastic boots of any flavor. I will admit that I did like the Koflack Superpipe and oxygen but not sure those qualify as "hard". Spent my first 20 years in Hawaii and I guess I have Surfer feet. For me, snowboarding is snow surfing and carving on snow is very similar to what I like to do surfing. I get great performance with the Burton Driver X with custom orthotics and the Burton Co2 binders. ( and I can walk around town and drive my truck in my boots ) This year I am going to get both a " No Board " and Lib Tech snow skate. Those may be harder to carve......although I will try.....
  4. Yes, yes I do. You mean like Fabian or LULU or khumbu or Corbets ? Yah..... ANd when it's soft enough to get a grip, it puts goose bumps all over my body. I have close to 2,000 days of snowboarding. U ?
  5. My thoughts are with you J Tear.... One of the most consummate professional riders I have ever known. You should teach a class that all wanna be pro's should have to attend. You could call it " How a pro should behave". Interesting, I did just decide this year to go to an all carbon full face helmet on dirt and snow. The possibility of a jaw buster has been haunting me for the past couple of years. You Will be back and better than ever ! RIDE ON !
  6. One more question. Is carving, or a carver defined by equipment or by the performance of the rider ?
  7. Beaver creek, with their up to the minute reports and all day grooming is hard to beat. Way more steep, fall line runs. They ( aspen and those ) have nothing like the Talons or Grouse. When the Golden Eagle DH run is fresh groomed, no area in the lower 48 can beat that. They have nothin on the Beav. It is connected to Batchelor Gulch and that is ski in to the Ritz. That is connected to arrowhead and I think we all forget how long and well kept the runs are there. If you have not been to Arrowhead in a while, re visit and you will be pleasantly stoked. The Beav is pretty darn bad ass. Besides, how could someone not like poundi'n the Beav ?
  8. How do I get the skidder moniker removed from under my user name ? I do use an all mountain board because I am an all mountain rider. Not to be crass, but I PROMISE that I can out carve at least 75% of the hard booters out there. Willing to prove it. Oh, thats right, I already did that. I used to live behind buttermilk. I would come out on Wednesdays when it was carving club day and make a point of riding my 163 Underground all mountain board and carving inside the "carvers" lines all day long .... In soft boots..... With all the specialized equipment, only a couple of those guys could carve deeper or tighter. I think the result was all those boards the underground made for them. I really dont like skidding turns. I feel guilty, like i'm copping out every time I skid a turn. And I'm talking about all types of terrain in all conditions. Ever carve turns on a 50 degree slope ? Ever carve in bumps ? I love to. So my point, to the powers that be, cant it just say "snowboarder" or something ? No bad vibe, I do respect all disciplines ( except bro brah dufus dorks that like to run into people ) RESPECT...... I am many things, but one thing I am not, is a skidder.
  9. It is sold. Thank you for the interest. I got a great deal so I had to pass that on. It is all "blah, blah, blah " to me until I hear... "Sold" "I WILL take it" "MINE" "How would you like to get paid" I love to carve but i ride an all around board that carves like a mow-fow but I can still ride the rest of the mountain.
  10. It is sold. Thank you for the interest. I got a great deal so I had to pass that on. It is all "blah, blah, blah " to me until I hear... "Sold" "I WILL take it" "MINE" "How would you like to get paid" I love to carve but i ride an all around board that carves like a mow-fow but I can still ride the rest of the mountain.
  11. Looks like the F2 and Oxy go to Beetle 3. First to commit. I will need to confirm shipping costs.
  12. I can send you pictures if you send me your e mail.
  13. It looks like the BTS is sold....
  14. I grew up riding hand shaped surfboards provided by my sponsors. I thought custom hand shaped boards were the only way to go. I have been riding moulded surfboards for about 13 years because they are so much faster. Most people react the same way the first time they ride one. They usually fall backwards off the tail during or after the first bottom turn. This is because the muscle memory of the surfer is used to the board flexing a bunch at that point. The moulded Surf Tech style boards are so much stiffer that you lose less speed due to flex in the bottom turn. Il tell you what, my SurfTech McTavish boards are soooooo Phreakin Fast !!!!! Faster than any foam board, I GUARRR---ON--TEEEE !!!! ( however due to the stiffness they do not absorb shock as well... )
  15. $85.00 F2 Speedster RS 182 cm in good condition. No dings or repairs. Will e mail photos too large to post. U pay shipping from Summit County Colorado. About $25.
  16. $85.00 Burton Factory Prime 7.1 with 3D binding. Good condition. No dings or repairs. Can send photos, too large to post. U pay shipping from Summit County Colorado. $25 or so.
  17. $75.00. Oxygen 2002 LE 171 cm in good condition. No dings or repairs. U pay shipping from Summit County Colorado. I can e mail photos, they are too large to post.
  18. Bomber BTS boot tuning system. Red springs. These have not been used. I live near Bomber and I can have them evaluate these if needed to re assure buyer of condition. I can e mail photo. To large to post and I cant seem to shrink it.... $50.00 and you pay shipping. I take PayPal.
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