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    Bellevue, wa
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    Professional College Student

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  1. Not even cookies! hahaha Thats alright and I am right with you on the weird weather. I am planning on just getting a pass for Stevens next year, because Snoqualmie makes me . I ended up buying a pair of Rc10 UPZ boots and F2 race bindings. There mounted on a K2 Slayblade right now, because I don't have enough money for an actual board-waiting for the prior boards to go on sale. I love these UPZ boots now that I have broken them in. Thank you again by the way for explaining everything to me, it really helped!
  2. I finally got my hardboots and bindings about a month ago. Hardboots 100 trillion times better than soft boots by the way. I unfortunately only have a season pass to Snoqualmie. Anyways I was wondering if anyone wanted to meet up, possibly at Alpental, this Friday(14th) around 11 (I Have class earlier)? If not I understand Snoqualmie is awful, and I would not wish it on my worst enemies. I bring cookies?
  3. Quick question. Is this typical with all Burton boards? I am buying a Hardboot setup, and was going to put everything on a Burton Custom until I find enough money to buy an actual board. Now I am thinking that is going to be harder than I orginally thought
  4. Hey I am interested. Live in Washington aswell, and can pick up depending on location.
  5. Thanks so much for all the replies. For mondo foot size is 23cm-- I know :rolleyes:, height is about 5'8-5'9, and weight is 180-185. There is a small chance that I might be able to get to Cypress/Whistler it would be a long shot though.
  6. So I have been using good ole softboots since I was 6, and decided its time to switch to something more suited to my liking. I will admit I have a minor speed addiction, and that addiction is only fed with more speed. Been doing the same thing for 13 years now, and its getting a little old. I think that the constantly breaking straps, and chattering board also means that I have maxed out my 5 year old Burton Custom--complete with cartel bindings :rolleyes:. Anyways it is a sign of the times, and I believe it is time that I move on to greater, and faster things. Besides everyone rides freestyle boards these days, and hangs out at the terrain park. *yawn* booorrriiinnnggg. Slight dilemma though I have been looking around only to notice that I must be some rare breed of human, and that getting into this side of the sport is not as easy as I first thought. Secondly I don't really know what I am doing: hardboots? Freeride/race? is it much harder? [Read the FAQ, only to take away that I much more of a kinetic/hearing learner] Thirdly my beloved snowboard--yes the one with cartel bindings-- was stolen recently whilst snowboarding at Sunpeaks :( I have taken away from this though that it was someone really telling me, "Stephen you really don't want to be as slow as everyone else, instead you want to make beautiful turns, and go even faster. You are destined to have a hard boot snowboard" That or they thought they could make tonz of cash off of my snowboard [Yes that is a "z" on ton, also did I mention the bindings were rusting?] The jokes on them though. That thing will only catch 10-20 tops HA!... Atleast thats what I am telling myself... There are some stupid people out there... that would pay $100+ for POS snowboard... So I was calling on this wonderful northwest community to help a fellow college student out. I have noticed that no one really caters to hardbooters, which creates in a internal conflict, because in the past I have always tested things out before buying them. So my question is there anyone in our neck of the woods that would be able to lend a poor college student some equipment for a day, and possibly give them some pointers? Or point me in the direction of a place that demo's such equipment? In any case I am not really expecting a reply , nor am I really sure if I posted this in the right place. I have a seasons pass to snoqaulmie Lets see. Hmmm.... oh and maybe I can milk losing my board for more sympathy, because I have had that since I was 14 (So young were does the youth go :() It was my baby, and had many memories of various ski vacations around the country/once to Zermatt. K I should really stop writing this post. It is a tragedy, and I am really sorry you had to decipher the various spelling errors/clumped paragraphs/run on sentences. TL;DR Hoping that someone could lend some equipment/give some pointers for a day to affirm that this is really what I want to be spending my money on. Or if you know of a place that demos/rents alpine setups around the Seattle area. Poor college student, recently had softboot setup stolen.
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