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Dusty Bottle

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Posts posted by Dusty Bottle

  1. I have some 29.5 Burton Reactors I had posted for sale that I could part with pretty cheap. Good liners, great shape, search a previous thread. I'm traveling today, but if he wants to try them let me know. James

  2. Juwan, listen very carefully to what's being said here! Yesterday we discussed the possible further brain damaging issues of second concussions like memory loss, coma, paralysis, mental impairment, death.... Consider spending the rest of your life as Cristopher Reeve spent his last years, in a wheel chair with a breathing machine. The advisements above are from walking, talking, thinking... well, anyway VERY LUCKY survivors of concussions. This is not a joking matter and not a race to see how quickly your testosterone can get you back up on the mountain. The fact that you had a headache last night is some indication of the effects of a bruised brain. Just the change in elevation from the ride up to the hill (5000'+) could have ill effects and you still may not feel anything bad for a couple of weeks. And don't take the doctors too literally, 2 weeks may not be enough recovery time! Doctors can only advise you what to do, they can't follow you home, check on you daily and let the air out of your tires to keep you there. There's a reason why they call their business a "practice", its an educated guess, based on past experiences! Get lots of rest and eat well and if you feel any nausea or extended headaches, get to a doctor ASAP! You're young! Demos will keep and there will be plenty of future carving time, if you listen up!

    Take Care!


  3. Juwan only had a light concussion and is doing well. Getting him checked out of the hospital was the easy part, borrowing a shovel from ski patrol and digging out his vehicle in the Loveland parking lot was a whole different challenge. Seems the plow crew had a bet to see if the overnight snow could be piled up deep enough to hide his car. Pretty darn close... the roof was showing! Anyway, we visited the salesman on the way home and he bought a new helmet and he will be joining the LCI for upcoming Sunday morning sessions. We met briefly last weekend and from what I saw from the lift, he's quite the carver!

    Lessons Learned: 1) Don't ride alone! 2) Buy a new helmet after a fall! 3) Never leave your vehicle in the resort parking lot overnight, if snow is in the forecast! 4) You don't have to crash to meet the LCI!

  4. Noir, I was planning on heading up for some riding relatively early in the morning, but I could make a delayed trip and swing by to help out if you need a ride. I was lucky when I got my brains scrambled back in January, as I had family there to watch me and take me home. Get checked out well before you plan to drive all the way back to the springs. I live down in Castle Rock, so give me a call, as I'm still coherent this eve.


    Three Oh Three, 6 Six Seven, Three 1 Oh Eight

    btw... No worries about food or fuel, just happy to help out!

  5. Charles, I was planning on making a solo run tomorrow and have plenty of room, so if you don't want to leave at "stupid early" you're welcome to ride. I also have an extra pair of Race Plates you're welcome to borrow if you didn't find any and want to ride that FP173. Just let me know.


  6. Mitch,

    The 167's are pending sale, but the 173 is still available. Checked with USPS and you are correct. Only requires a customs form. Cost is $51.30 for Priority Mail International 6-10 business days. If this works, let's talk via email - dstybtle at g mail.

    Thanks, James

  7. I haven’t ridden these in a couple of years and they’re only taking up space in my basement. All are in good condition, with only light binding marks, a few top sheet scratches and dings, but overall they’re in good shape. Camber is decent and edges are good with no rust. Base scratches are minor and would only require a light grind to remove (if you’re that picky). The 173 has a small cut in the base about ½ inch wide, but not deep. Add a little wax and all are very carve-able as is. If no interest, they go to thee bay. US shipping only or local pick-up in Denver area. I Prefer PayPal. PM or give me a call.


    Three Oh Three, 6 Six Seven, Three 1 Oh Eight – Phone/email restricted M-F/8-5

    167 – 6.7 180S Silver (Demo) (SOLD)

    Overall Length 167cm

    Running Length 147cm

    Waist Width 18cm

    Sidecut Radius 12.29m

    164 – 6.4 190S Red (SOLD)

    Overall Length 164cm

    Running Length 144cm

    Waist Width 19cm

    Sidecut Radius (Heel) 11.79m

    167 – 6.7 180S Red (SOLD)

    Overall Length 167cm

    Running Length 147cm

    Waist Width 18cm

    Sidecut Radius (Heel) 12.29m

    173 – 7.3 180S Red (SOLD)

    Overall Length 173cm

    Running Length 153cm

    Waist Width 18cm

    Sidecut Radius (Heel) 13.31m



  8. Good Condition – A lot of runs left in these boots! Great for carving on a budget!

    Burton Shadow Shell – 3 Position Adjuster 10*/20*/30* w/ Ride/Relax Lever (Ride/Walk) – Heel/ toe pads in great shape, still soft and very little wear – Buckles in good condition with Burton booster strap – Made in Italy-NOT CHINA!

    Standard Burton Liners – M29.5 w/ Footbeds!

    $60.00 + Ship & Ins (Prefer PayPal and US shipping or free pick-up in Denver area)

    FWIW, I ride with the LCI and have a 100% rating on the bay… just saying!


    Three oh Three 6 Six Seven Three 1 oh eight – Phone/email restricted M-F / 8-5 MST



  9. Casa Bonita has reopened! We had dinner there a couple of weeks back. My first experience. The service was good, the food mediocre, but the overall experience of indoor cliff diving and virtual spelunking was amusing. It's an all-you-can-eat, raise-the-flag-for-more type restaurant. Cindy said the prices had increased pretty sharply since last year, but its still a pretty cool experience.



  10. I'm in for Wednesday. Gotta burn my tickets while conditions are good.

    I think you may be right about conditions. What's your ETA? I may make a rare mid-week appearance.


  11. Teach,

    Haven't been up in a couple of weeks due to warm weather and associated activities, but definitely planning on Sunday. And with the recent snow, others may show up as well.

    The season is coming to an end way too soon and the weather report is more warm weather!!! :rolleyes:



  12. Lots of fresh air on Saturday. Rode with Ice, PCDenver Brian and an old ski buddy - Eric. I'm trying to entice Eric to the dark side. I have a board he can use but it has step-in bindings. If I were to get some standard bindings, could he use his ski boots to get started?


    I definitely agree about the ski boots. When I got my first carving setup, I tried using my ski boots and struggled almost to the point of going back to softies. Then I found a set of Blax hardboots and Wow! what a difference! If Mario's boots will work, I have either a set of SnoPro Race bindings or Burton race plates and even a couple of boards Eric could borrow. Let me know, I'm planning on Loveland Sunday and always happy to support the sport.


  13. Fought 70 mph winds getting around Denver and through the mountains and it was snowing when I arrived at Lovey, with the flags flying straight out in normal Loveland fashion.

    Riding was sketchy at first, as the wind had drifted up the snow in places, so you might be riding in a foot of pow and by the end of the turn, you would be on clean groom. By 10:00am however, the weather totally changed. The wind died, the sun came out and it wound up being a stellar day (by Loveland standards). As the day progressed, the pow scattered and the runs were really nice.

    Representing were Ice, Greenleaf, Scott, and McDowall on the Skwal and I met another hardbooter Brian who didn't ride with the group. By the end of the day, Fire Bowl was trenched, Drifter was ripped, Fire Cut was grooved, Roulette was anialated and then we took the short bus over to Switchback, after which there was no doubt the LCI had been there. Outstanding day was had by all and my teeth are sunburned! :p

    Props to Ice and Greenleaf for the pointers to help me work my way back into the groove!!!

    Can't believe I almost turned around and went home due to the wind...


  14. ~tb

    - Glad you're ok!

    I just related a similar, although seemingly not as serious, accident I had this last Saturday on the YO LCI! thread. I was only unconscience for a few seconds and lost only a little of my memory of the day, but the whole weekend is blurry and still have a ringing inmy ears.

    Our helmets may have very well saved our lives!

    No violins, just empathy!

    I've been riding motorcycles for over 40 years (raced 20+) and seeing first-hand numerous lives saved by helmets, I'll never ride without one! Snow or asphalt!

    Hope you feel better soon!


  15. I planned to ride Lovey yesterday and hang with the LCI, but my son and his co-pilot friend flew some folks in to Beaver Creek Friday and invited the wife and I over to ski/ride on Saturday. I thought we could swing back by Lovey on Sunday morning... little did I know...

    The wife called it quits after lunch on SAT and retired to a base restaurant and as I can remember, I was having the BEST CARVING DAY OF MY LIFE, so I went back out with the boys for more.

    The next part is per the boys, as they say I supposedly avoided an out-of-control skier getting a beginner lesson on a blue run? screaming as she squated over her skis straight-lining. They said I was locked on toe edge, looked up and saw the girl, tried to change directions, high-sided down the mountain, smacking the left, rear of my head (helmet), then flipping and coming to rest on my back. I don't remember. They scored it a solid 9.8... prior to impact.

    I guess I was out for quite a few seconds before I could speak and I vaguely remember the ski instructor asking if I was OK and did I hit my head. I remember mumbling yes and asking for my son, who showed up with his friend a few seconds later. The boys said the instructor then skiied off with his student making some remark about how I shouldn't have been on the mountain on an old directional board, with ski boots (Donek FCI with Raichle 324's and TD3's), as they clipped me out of my step-ins. They helped me sit up and after a few minutes, I somehow rode down the mountain on beginner trails.

    I barely remember walking in to the restaurant where my wife was waiting and we immediately went back to the hotel room, where she watched me closely, while I nursed a pounding headache for 2 days. We made it home last night and the headache has now gone, but the ears are still ringing, the memory is spotty and I'm bruised and bumped all over. Bottom line? I'm here to relate this story, thanks to my new helmet, my wife bought me over the summer. I haven't felt like inspecting it yet, but I know it must have taken quite a smack, so it will likely be replaced.

    Hope to see all the LCI again soon!


    Buy a helmet and wear it!

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