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Everything posted by ktm162

  1. OK Time to move this board 125.00 and I pay shipping in the US.:AR15firin:AR15firin:AR15firin:AR15firin
  2. This is not the best but it's all I have. 69 1/4 Tip to tail 7 1/2 at center 9 in at tip and tail
  3. Sounds like fun I'll c u in the snow.
  4. Got this clean race deck on ebay last year used at Big Bear 4 times and no if you have a 13 foot its not for you. No hits, just a clesn race carver. $125.00 U.S. and I pay Shipping US, UPS Ground Payment with PayPal All will help me get my CODA V O XL Side Carve. The top sheet will be a thank you to all the US Marines we have lost from the First Marine Div. (The Big Red One) it will have a list of all the Ranks and names lost. Thanks Sam Semper FI.
  5. The risers R mine.Thanks first deal on my way to being a real carver. (staying in soft boot I think)
  6. I would love the risers, Sam at ktm162@verizon.net Thanks
  7. Thanks Mike and Jenny, one of the best days of the year. This summer the wife and me will ride up and we can hook for lunch.
  8. Working on a a big pot of chille now, I have a coller not a big one i drink comes first in it. Can some put the foot down on time and location?
  9. Ok life is good and if and when i can pay you for a set tell me!!! Sam, USMC Ret.
  10. This Jar Head will be on deck at 0745. Just to prestage my gear not my one last brain cell. What can I bring for the crue?
  11. Yes it's the Rossi on soft boot, (KTM) This is 3rd board in the carving world all soft boot. Last week end was my 2nd day on a full race deck. It was a chep set up from ebay total about 185.00. I like the 190 split tail that was on deck that day. Going to get some hard boots buy i need a 12.5 or 13 big foot. What can I bring on sunday? Marines like to drink!!Sam USMC Ret. P.S. I run the Range at Camp Pen. We have rounds and guns,45mm,357,9mm,40mm,38mm,22mm the day will run you about 25.00 if you bring up Bomber, good safe time.
  12. Ok so I was at summitt this last sunday and ran into a bunch of carvers what a cool day thanks. I'm the big truck with US Marines all over it and KTM. I run a Gun range at Camp Pen. on Sat but I'm up for Sunday. Sam. USMC Ret.
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