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Posts posted by Dw3

  1. Been riding the hard boots 4 years. I’m finally at a point where I can carve a GS course pretty well (imho) riding a Donek  secret 170. However, I cannot seem to do very well on the SL course on a Kessler 162.  I’m sure my technique is the main problem but maybe a different board would help? The Kessler just seems so stiff and hard to turn. What would you recommend? Btw, I’m 5’9”, 170 lbs

  2. Just got back from 4 days at telluride. It snowed about a foot the night we arrived, powder day blah blah blah. Day 2 finally got to check out the groom. Man sunshine was fun, then wanted a little steeper so rolled over to butterfly and misty maiden. Spent the days lapping those. Been hard booting three years and finally felt like that board was on rails.

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  3. Sorry but I just saw this. I was you 3 years ago. At the time I was heading out for a snowboard trip to Whistler... I happened to find the guy you are looking for at Cypress. His name is Boris and he teaches there, including alpine. He had equipment I borrowed, it was great. I know he’s on here sometimes and I hope you can find him. I will look for his contact info and post here if I can find his card he gave me. I know we can’t travel to CA yet but it will come back eventually. Dive in, this is so much fun. Ok. I found him, looks like he’s pretty active. hope he’s still teaching BlueB

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  4. So USASA Mt Hood series has new directors. I reached out to the old director several times with no response. The new directors are open to GS and SL but not this year due to available dates and needing a certain amount of events in other disciplines. They sound enthused about including us next year. Be ready fellas, it’s coming.... finally

    • Thanks 1
  5. https://www.timberlinelodge.com/mountain/trail-map

    the area under the “magic mile” lift usually stays open until about the third week of camp. I try to go earlier for the most terrain. After that it’s just Palmer snow field which is a steep blue run, icy in the morning and mush after about 1. By the end of the summer, only the top of Palmer is open which is a pretty small area. Two summers ago I scratched up my board but last summer was better.


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  6. Also, I think this camp is geared more for newer racers, idk but maybe if you are already really good you might get something out of it. For me it’s great, again I’ve only been on hard boots two years, riding about 8 years total. I race USASA and am competitive in my age group. However, I did race one FIS race this year...... I still have a long way to go to compete with those guys. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. https://mthood.com/snowboard_race.htm
    link to Mt Hood summer ski camp, snowboard. (Scroll down for the video with Vic Wyld)

    If you are looking to run gates over and over and over, you will be frustrated in this camp. The coach is a body mechanics guru as it relates to snowboarding. I heard he is currently coaching the US Paralympic snowboard team. 

    as far as the daily schedule, meet at 8 every day and talk about daily goals. Lots of drills and visualization on the board in the lodge. Usually on snow about 9:30ish working on what we talked about. After lunch we worked on what each racer specifically needed. Ran gates in the afternoons 3 days I think. 

    Again, if you want just gate training this is not your camp. (I was of this mindset at first too). You will ride in the half pipe and park, I even learned to carve the board pretty well riding switch.  I ran into some racers at Mt. Bachelor who went to camp too. They said about day 3 they were very disappointed that it wasn’t just running gates all day, but were shocked when they finally did run gates at how much they had improved. The coach breaks down the fundamentals so well even a dummy like me can understand. 

    I think it was $1500 for the week if you lodge at the camp (think Boy Scouts summer camp with lots of activities), or $1000 for just coaching. This includes the lift tix ($75 per day in the summer). 

    hope this helps

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  8. I’m new to racing and hardboots (second season)... been to the Mt. Hood summer ski camp two years now and it’s great. Planning on attending again this year. It’s not a camp of just training in gates every day, lots of riding all mountain. 

  9. There is ONE Giant slalom and slalom during December each year at bachelor. Usasa.org is where to find it. However, there are a few banked slaloms and border cross races. I want to try and get a sl or Gs at Hood. Orrrrr... race with pacrats. It’s fun and uses ski gates, but would be a good place to start 

  10. Heading to bachelor tomorrow afternoon for Saturday GS and SL.... I am planning to go out for a few hours tomorrow afternoon but I need some recommendations for a place to go make some turns. I’m not super familiar with bachelor and I don’t want to spend my time looking for good runs for racers

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