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Posts posted by dhamann

  1. Chicken dinner. Thanks Rob! I'll give them a go. Hold em for me and I'll grab em at loon in December some time. Let you know when I'm riding. Kinda full with work for the next two or three weeks. I have no idea how to install them but hopefully it's straight forward and can reuse the pin. I'll hope for the best. Thanks again 

  2. Uh ya. Two alpine to accommodate range of 170-185 boards. Two freeride 165ish boards. Just ship them to you if u don't have time to fetch em if possible/reasonable rate like 20frank. Do they have shipping where you are? Thanks! I'll reimburse with beer too even though that's a given. SR and loon are opening soon. "White ribbon of death" kind of riding. 

  3. Rob- silver pass. Loon and Loaf as usual. Maybe more. Sunday river sometimes too. Also got a peak pass for Crotched and Attitash. Sure we'll be seeing each other. 


    Mitch- shipping is a bit much if I remember correctly. $60ish? (Correction $30 for 1 cover) I'll continue to use bath towels for now. 

  4. looking for a new or used BTS kit with yellow springs. all pieces/parts/pins/etc. going on Track 325's mondo 30. 


    also looking for yellow bumpers (TD3 E-ring) for power plates. anyone have a set they'd be willing to part with?


    while i'm at it, this stuff too...

    sazuka toe/heel replacements (pairs). i think i may be able to order them from Rodgers/mothership in Lincoln?

    board bag and/or wrap for alpine board (170-185cm boards). two of em

    thanks for looking and appreciate any leads.

  5. this is probably more redundancy, but my experience was that i placed an order for some parts/accessory items on 10/20/17. i got an automated email stating my order had been placed. i had checked my account to see if the charges were there. pretty sure i saw the charges, but not certain... assuming it went through because my last experience with buying boots took about 30 days. (however, i had consistent communication prior to my purchase assuring i was getting the right boot) i've sent and email to bomber recently, but also checked my cc statements. there had been no charges. cancelled the order i suppose, but i saw no charges and a credit to wash itself. it never went through is the obvious conclusion. i would suggest perhaps checking your cc statements if that's not to obvious of a statement. good luck and hope all alpine enthusiasts get refunded (or communicated with) and all this legalese blows over asap. maybe '19 season. we'll survive

  6. nice review. not exactly the tool for the day given the snow conditions. bottom line there. when the conditions are right, just slay down a couple of those linked elbow turns and you'll get it. (even though the elbows are cheating). compare softies to running gates and you'll get it too (there's a can of worms).


    i never wanted to succumb to stepping into hardboots. why? been on softies since 86-87ish. i'm not a skier. that'll be the day i'm almost too old to really snowboard. then i tried it. a couple years later, it's safe to say that i had a snowboarding problem that got exponentially worse. initially, i had some very similar thoughts as above, but needed more, then more, then more and still more. just learning while doing. dialing gear is key too. there's definitely some technical tuning, adjusting, making right for you, etc. it's can be a pain the neck sometimes, but worth it for the downhill ride. then there's the technique... it feels soooo good until you see yourself on a video or picture. Alpine opened the door to plenty more in snowboarding for the rest of my life. who'm i kidding? alpine is life.



  7. Dave is such a common name but i think you mean me since rob and i conversed about this via text and phone calls? just lurking around bomber and saw this so sorry for the delay. never got an email either Derek. i have a place to stay if i can make it. pretty sure i will. 2/27 to 3/3 correct?

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