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Posts posted by Colozeus

  1. Inseam * 0.607 = stance width will get you real close to where it should be.  I think I even mentioned this before with you.  Or maybe someone else.  Lots of new folks to keep track of.  Anyway... do that.  Also, try some heel lift in the rear and do this: http://beckmannag.com/hardboot-snowboarding/hardboot-binding-configuration

    I'm pretty sure you did. I'm not even sure why i did 17 inches. I just went with the smallest stance the inserts would allow and it felt comfortable in my living room. Not so much on the slopes. I'll read up on that link. Thanks. 

  2. Read Two Raven's post.  Excellent write up that deserves 'Sticky' on BOL.   'Pressing down' is the key to bend a board.  BTS will allow you more easily to press down.  Her 'Knee-Knee-Hip-Tuck' drill will lead you how to press it correctly. 


    Hoped to meet you at slopes but didn't work out. If we get colder weather one more time, I may go up again, but not optimistic at this point. 

    Awesome deck you got. As Big Canuck said, widen your stance little bit to have more freedom on rear leg. O

    Gotcha. Will read that post and also widen my stance. I'm looking at bts springs right now, will probably order them. 


    Yeah, i'm actually very depressed that our season is coming to an end. I just want to hibernate until the next season. I might do a seven springs trip next week since it looks like they will have more snow friendly temps. 

  3. Just accidentally hit my back button and what was a very detailed post will be a bit more concise now. *sigh*


    New board, coiler EC 165 6.5 Stiffness +5 decamber 9-12 vsr. 



    Took it out on friday and it was a very awkward first experience. Basically it felt like i couldn’t turn the board at all. Probably because i’m used to more of a soft boot setup with 30f 20r angles. I ended up doing a few runs, and by the end of the day i could do some ok rotational carves at lower speeds on a mild blue. But only after i had my rear boot in walk mode. Here is my setup


    track 325t mondo 26


    50f 45R 3 degrees cant in rear

    17” stance


    Thoughts? I know the stance is quite narrow. I usually ride 18.5 on my soft setups. And i can carve really well in them. (rossi templar magtek 153. Soft boots are K2 Maysis DB, an awesome soft boot)


    I’m probably just not use to such a stiff boot and high angles. It felt like i just couldn’t turn the board at all. Perhaps i rely too much on my ankles to initiate turns? I was thinking of lowering the angles to 45/40 or lower and then working my way back up. And also widening my stance. 


  4. Still available. 460 shipped (continental US). I'll be in Jackson Hole starting this saturday for a week. Otherwise, i'm located in DC. Can do a local pickup there if you want to meet me at the resort one day. Bindings not included. 



  5. Glad to hear of the success when back on soft boots, and that's great that you're working with Bruce on a custom board.  You'll find that length and SCR he's going to build you to be very slinky.  My Kessler 168 has an 8-12M VSR, and even at 175ish lbs, I can pretty much fold that thing in half.  

    Oh nice! I like "slinkyness" especially on the narrow slopes. 

  6. I ride the 'Ghee and it is a fun place to carve.  I have caught fleeting glimpses of carvers there before, but not very often.  We like to keep the 'Ghee secret and let people that fly in from back East stack up the lift lines over at Jackson instead.  However, since Breeseomatic has spilled the beans.......


    The 'Ghee is known for its powder (and it is getting some this weekend).  When it does snow they don't groom much but there are groomers to ride otherwise. 

    Cool. thanks

  7. There is nothing in Jackson for alpine rentals that I know of.

    Head over to the Idaho, Montana and Wyoming ride forums and post there. There is a thing called Carvers Out West (COW) going on soon. If you ask nicely you might be able to borrow someone's personal board for a few runs.


    Cool thanks, was just debating if i should take my hardboots since i don't have a proper alpine board yet. (bruce is building me one :-D)

  8. Just curious if anyone is interested. It's a nice board, carves really well in a soft boot setup. I just find it way to stiff for my tastes. Perhaps someone with more powerful legs and wider west coast runs will appreciate it more. Just gauging interest. Board is like new. Ridden 5 times now. 

  9. 12/12


    Once again, it was brutal.  Felt like below zero with gusting winds.  Lifts were stopped for few times due to the gusts.  Slopes were basically turned to ice from 6 pm since we haven't had any new snow nor man-made snow for last few days.  Somehow, I noticed there are few rollers appeared on bottom of Snow Park, which were not easily seen from above.  Upper Angel Drop & Home Run were not too icy.  Didn't get to ride Farside last night. 


    It was first day of this season for se7en and took less than 5 runs to get back where he left.  


    Are you still going tonight? Let me know. You mentioned you had a board i could try out. If so, i'll bring my hardboots, otherwise i'll just be softbooting it on the eliminator. 

  10. You can't compare a Burton Custom to a F2 Eliminator Carbon 153!

    The one has a 7.3m SCR the other one a 10.3m SCR. Build with carbon inside You should make way wider turns, or push it much harder with Your legs.

    SBX snowboards are not good for carving, they are build for to go straight downhill as fast as possible. You wouldn't find turns on a SBX course which are usable for to carve. The turns there are allways banked.


    I'm starting to realize that. 

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