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Posts posted by Ray

  1. Originally posted by mtnpig

    How come you want to release such a prized piece? Are you under weight for the stiffness? Just curious, wanted to add to the pile.

    mtnpig, very good question. Indeed, this is a very prized piece!

    The reason is very simple for me. It is not the board for my style... has nothing to do with underweight... it's not really "that" stiff (in comparison to my VIRUS and POGO's).

    I started hardbooting 15 years ago and developed a certain style (like many of us) and always tend to go back to the narrower boards (18cm max.). I.e. I bought a POGO Impact last January, a fantastic board, with a 19cm waist, but even find that one to wide for me now (selling it as well I guess).

    The SWOARD is an "excellent" board developed for the EC style (as promoted by the EC guys). We all (most of us) have seen the great videos and even enjoyed Patrice and Nils in Aspen. The board does what it's suppose to do!

    I just have a different style. I think maybe a more racy style, many who know me call it Eurocarve, hmm. I just ride the way I "feel" it.

    So my decision was to clean up a bit and sell what I don't really use to much...

    Also, two seasons ago I bought a Coiler FC, but found that the board had just not the "snap" I wanted and sold it... Coiler is a great brand with very nice boards, but it was not me.

    The good is that I tried many different boards so far, the bad is it costs me some $$$.

    And everyone who bought a board from me knows that I only sell stuff in excellent condition.

    Are you interested in the SWOARD ;)


    PS. Let's go ride in Mammoth!

  2. Originally posted by bodaro

    I have Burton Wind. The flex is good but the toe area is super tight and I have a bunionette (bunion on small toe) as a result.

    I need new boots but fear that the Raichle SB 413 or DeLuxe LeMans will have the same fit - narrow toe, wide heel.

    Does anyone have experience comparing the fit between Burtons and Raichles? Any ideas here?

    Related question: for freeriding, would the LeMans or SB413 be abetter choice?

    I rode the Burton Wind and Fire, also rode the Suzuka and still ride the Indy. The Deeluxe are wider in the toe area than the Burton.

    If you select a ThermoFlex liner the way suggested by Fin, you should be able to resolve your issues.

  3. I agree with Randy.

    We are all doing this to have fun! Let's get along.

    Everyone's style is somewhat unique.

    ... and so far we all got lucky to be able to choose from many different equipment options

    out there, so it will (hopefully) fit or help to develop your personal style... my opinion.

  4. Originally posted by Surfer_D

    Hi Guys,

    I have to buy some new boots for this season. Can you recomend any good ones?

    I'm searching for full carving boots. Currently I owe Reichle boots, I have no Idea what the model is but it's 5 years old and it's killing me.

    On deeluxe site they have 3 models. WHat do you think about Suzuka model?



    My opinion is that it does not really matter what board you ride.

    What matters the most is that the boots delivers the best possible fit for your feet.

    I have tried many boots with many different boards in the last 15 years and perfect fit will bring you the best results.

    Both, the Deeluxe Suzuka and the Indy are a good choice.

  5. Originally posted by Tim Tuthill

    Ray: Can you guys stay over a few days? I will be up on Tues. Trying to get Frank and Terry to go also. The whole mountain opens today. Bondo will be there too. See ya Tim


    Have to be back in the office by Monday morning, but am back up next Thursday again...

    Btw. Seems the coverage is really good (locals say) so we might have some big time fun up there.

    See ya soon!


  6. Originally posted by nekdut

    It is confirmed. I am going this weekend, carving on Sat and sunday. It'll probably be an AM board weekend for me (burton coil), but if the base is really as good as they say, the Donek FC179 may come out to play.

    Who's joining me? Ray? OVR? D-sub? Randy??:p Let me know!! :D

    Will be there for sure!

    Not sure what board yet as well, all depends... most important for me is to be in the snow this early in the season.


  7. Originally posted by Ladia

    I am thinking to get a new toy. Virus Rocket or Dragster.

    Any info there? How they compare to other boards, stiffness, etc.

    Thanks Ladia


    I just received my VIRUS Terminator Custom. In terms of craftsmanship I can say, just amazing! How it rides, I have no idea yet... To choose the right Virus is also very much depending on how heavy and tall you are.. actually shoe size can play a big role as well. The Rocket (Carving board) has a 17.5 waist. If you have shoe size M30 you will ride with pretty steep angles! The Dragster is a more an all terrain board with a 19.5 waist... I would suggest to get in contact with Frank at Virus and tell him what you want the board for... he will give you good advise.

    Oh, one more thing, money should no be of any concern (Euro and shipping)...

  8. Originally posted by D-Sub

    28" isnt 5-6 feet tho!

    anyway...that would be pretty impressive

    anyone know what the earliest opener ever was there?

    D-Sub, ups, you are correct, "28" isnt 5-6 feet tho!"

    Let me explain what I did (You know how it goes when news/rumors break)... I posted a quote from a friend of mine from Mammoth, who just talked to ski patrol and they told him that they just got of the mountain and that the mountain received up to 5-6 feet of snow in some areas... and now the talk is to open Thursday...

    My feeling is the website is not updated in real time and also does not post any of these inside information :confused:

    Anyway guys, this is fantastic start for the season and hope to see you all this weekend ;)

    and yes, it's official now:D


  9. Originally posted by D-Sub

    thats odd. site says 18" total this month and still opening nov11.

    if its true thats insane! I wonder what the earliest opener ever was.

    I was at bear mtn once on Nov1. thought that was pretty fckin early

    Of Mammoth Mountain website:

    New Snow (Main Lodge):

    Storm Total: 28"

    It's not 100% yet... like I said, the talk in town is...

    Well, we will see. Maybe we get lucky... hmm, what board am I taking... ;)

  10. Originally posted by Hans

    Hi, Ray

    Do you have some specs of this board?

    Is it the new wide extremecarvingboard of VIRUS?

    Did you had the opportunity to fit some new VIRUS/UPZboots with Frank? Just curious to wait for the new VIRUS website to come. Just gonna try my new STROLZ Raceplates (boots) this season.

    Greets, Hans.

    Hello Hans,

    NO, this is not the Extremecarving board of VIRUS!

    This is a 165cm board with a 17.1 cm waist... I (170cm/5'7; 75kg/165lbs) love the shorter boards

    if they are build the correct way! Yes, I tried the UPZ boot as well and liked em...

  11. Michelle, I like your view of this a lot!

    Another interesting point is that this typical engagement ring thing, is mostly common here in the US. In Germany, where my wife and I (am married over 16 years now) from, nobody of the regular people would even think about to buy a ring of the value of three monthly salaries (as nicely advertised)! This has absolutely nothing to do with money, but just with a tradition more common in Europe. The exchange of a plain wedding/engagement band does at the work. No major diamond ring, no disappointment about a diamond maybe to small... Sure, if you want to buy your wife some nice jewelry, feel free anytime. I guess no wife would object. There are many opportunities to do so. Anniversary, Birthday, maybe her first child, or maybe just a regular day during the week.

    Love does not know money, nor can money/jewelry buy Love.

    But one thing I have to say, very well done by the industry...;)

  12. nekdut: Hope we get some snow in Mammoth soon, it's time... 27 days to the opening... ;)

    Ahh, just got word that my new toy shipped as well (from Germany) Ordered a VIRUS Terminator Custom...

    after I visited the VIRUS facility last month, I had no choice but to get one of these beautiful beasts for myself.

    Such art and to perfection handcrafted board was a must for me to have...


  13. It might be a little early to find the right buyer at this moment, but who knows...

    I am selling my SWOARD I purchased directly from Jacques @ www.extremecarving.com last season.

    The board is a 161 hard and in great condition. The serial number is #0006! Only used a view times.

    I paid 790 Euros plus 92 Euros shipping for it.

    Please email me if this board would interest you.

    More info about the board here: http://www.extremecarving.com/swoard/swoard.html

    Could also package with a set of F2 Titanium bindings.

  14. I can totally see that statistic to be true!

    Only time I got injured was when I was riding a noodle with softboots back in ’90.

    Hurt my left ankle so bad that I still have to deal with it today from time to time.

    No more softboots for me...

    Totally injury free for the last 14 years carving…;)

  15. Just ordered another 4807...

    I own/rode the 4807 168 for the last 3 seasons and could just not hold back to get the 178 at this price as well...

    The 4807 is probably not the very best fish tail out there, but something everyone should own at this price... my opinion

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