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  1. I saw him last month at Molltaler Glacier, Austria. He was really better than this video. I watched many WC racers but Sigi has very pure technic with showing every move like educational dvd...
  2. So we'll wait and see the reviews. Anyway, Thanks a lot guys....
  3. or five huh ? ehhehhe :) U are right anyway, but for now that is what I can get, hope I'll order one for next years... But really do you think that serials can be much different from any F2 or any etc... Serials are about 1250 $ here but I'll get very good discount for them :D But i dont know anything about the customs prices especially after shipping and taxes... :(
  4. Hello everybody, I'm new here in bomberonline, reading your threads and trying to learn something... :)) I live in Turkey- Istanbul, here we cant find such brands and products about alpine sb. Just few dealers and few products. So its very poor market in Turkey for now. There is a shop, they started to import Kessler serial production boards, does anybody knows about these???? They also should have the same Kessler Technology and quality, but i cant be sure... if there's someone over there to help and inform me, I'll be glad.... Thanks a lot....
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