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Posts posted by jonbass

  1. Taking a shot in the dark here,

    but Im guessing racers replace their bindings far more often then us mere mortals :) hence the low risk of breakage.

    I bought my first TD2s two years ago and hope to put another 3 on them. Id go bankrupt if I had to buy a few pairs of bindings every season, but for racers it might be a fact of life, and no matter how you cut it, F2s are way way cheaper than bombers.

    I think you are right. High level racers probably replace bindings and parts fairly often compared to some recreational riders. There is also probably a fair bit of maintenance going on too which could prolong the time between failures.

  2. Never tried LARPing. I actually had to look it up. Really!!:D

    Couldn't view the vid because I'm not in the states.

    My wife is usually pretty embarrassed to go mountain biking with me. i thought it was just me...hmmm

    Here a good trials video. No clowns, juggling or elves! :D

  3. I just saw someone mention unicycling as a way to cross train on another thread and I was wondering how many unicyclists we have in this comunity. Anyone ride a unicycle out there? What type of uni and what type of riding?

    I have 2 unis, a Kris Holm KH 29 with a Magura brake and a Nimbus 19" trials uni. I mostly ride trails but work on some trials stuff every once in a while.

    Unicycling is a lot of fun. It doesn't really have the speed factor that some carvers and mountain bikers may be looking for but it makes up for it with focus and balance.

    Any unicyclists out there?

  4. uni-cycling is fantastic for building balance skills!

    I totally agree. I have found that unicycling is such a fantastic workout. Especially riding single track trails. I ride a 29" uni and it is just the right amount of speed versus leverage for climbing hills. I got away from it toward the end of the summer and I sure noticed how I'd lost some strength in my core. I'm going to ride my smaller unicycle inside this winter as a fun way to build up my core. There may be a club near you that meets in a school gym. It takes a few days before you really can ride around but if you stick with it it is really rewarding. Wear lots of protective gear too as it helps with the confidence factor starting out.:D

    Casper Carver are you on unicyclist dot com?

    For those cold winter nights when you are stuck at home, the Wii Fit has a fun snowboarding game as well as some other balance games. I want to check out the Shaun White Snowboarding game as it uses the balance board as well. I don't play much though...I have a short attention span. ;)

  5. I won't contest the equipment is the best, but is the sport? I hope some good Olympic exposure will bring some new people in to the fold, but was it ever more popular? I am asking this as I never used to pay attention to it enough to know a difference between the late 80's lets say, and now.

    I think alpine was more accessible and popular back in those days. Or it could have just had more exposure. Snowboarding videos would have sections showing racing and freecarving (I used to live for the Peter Bauer/ Jean Nerva parts) and some competitors were less specialized and would compete in both race and freestyle events. The snowboard community was a lot smaller back then.

  6. So I went to a ski shop today to try on boots just to make sure about my mondo sizing. I think I am more confused than ever. They carry Rossignol and Salomon boots there. I tried on both in 26 and 26.5 mondopoint. I know that I wouldn't go any smaller than that but I'm not really sure about 26 or 26.5. I found that one pair of 26s felt bigger than another 26.5s. My toes were firmly touching the end in the 26's and just touching in the 26.5's. I did feel how much the boots pack even after wearing them five minutes. Overall I couldn't really tell the difference between the sizes. I didn't get to try all the same makes in different sizes as they didn't have much of a selection.

    One of the people at the shop (she is actually the manger of the connected snowboard shop) was very emphatic that my toes shouldn't be touching because she said they will freeze. Mind you, she also didn't understand what I was talking about when I told her that I was looking for hardboots. She was trying to get me to try on softboots and had never heard of a hard shelled boot...:eek::confused:...sigh. I probably know more about snowboards than her and I've been out of it for 15 years. It is actually more of a fashion boutique than a board shop ;). There was a snowboarder at the ski shop that was pretty helpful but didn't have any hardboot experience.

    I know people are emphatic about wearing snug boots but is it worthwhile to go with a pretty snug 26.5 as opposed to a really snug 26 just because it is so cold here?

    Home stretch! Boots and then I'm carving! ...As soon as the hill opens. :D

  7. I bought some TD2 standards from the classified. I may try to pick up some F2 bindings as well if they are cheap enough just to compare.

    Board - Check

    Bindings - Check

    Just need boots. If only i had hung onto those bright pink koflachs!;)

    Dumb question. When I measured my mondopoint, i did it in bare feet as that is what they did here.http://www.bomberonline.com/store/boots/Sizing_boots.pdf

    Does anyone measure their mp wearing the type of socks they would wear while riding?

  8. Oldsnowboards

    Here's those old pics of me riding in the pink Koflachs and a Burton PJ. There is also one of a Santa Cruz Tau in the halfpipe for good measure. i actually don't have many good snowboarding pictures. My riding buddy was horrible at getting the timing right. I was too. If only I have a digital camera back then!


    Does anyone remember Wave Rave Clothing? I think it was made in Colorado. I loved that stuff!



  9. Some might argue that you are already going too big at 26 as both your feet measure under 26.

    I re-measured my feet a couple of times and I think I did not do it correctly the first time. I was in a rush and did not do it very carefully. After doing it again, my feet measured around 26 cm. One a bit under, one a bit over. I stood on linoleum with my heel to a flat wall with no trim. i marked the end of my foot on the floor using a dry erase marker and then measured that length. I may redo the process again and have my wife mark the length. I guess i'm obsessive :freak3:;).

    I am a bit nervous about boots because I don't really have the option of going to a boot fitter here. I will probably buy a couple of used pairs and then sell the ones I don't like.

    You can pm me about the Cateks but I am waiting to hear about some TD2's. Would I use the long or short ones? I don't know much about the Cateks yet.



  10. Jon, is it time to give back yet? :eplus2:

    What old gear do you have all dusty in the rafters? Trade for new gear?

    How about some photos of you in day-glow during your race days??;)

    Come on , we know you have them :nono:

    What subjects do you teach??

    Ha Ha. I don't think I have much from the old days. I think there is maybe a box at my mom's with some arm and leg armor. There used to be a pair of the old white Burton race gloves with the zip off armor but I don't know if they got thrown out (They had holes in them). I think I saw an old black, pink and purple Kemper board bag kicking around too. That stuff might not be around though as my mom has been cleaning house. I sold the old Koflach's and Burton Freestyle boots with the neoprene liners and all the boards. My last year of riding I worked at a snowboard shop and we got board to use but had to give them back at the end of the year.

    I think i do have some pictures. I try and dig them out.

    I am a music teacher at an elementary school. I also freelance a bit as a musician.

  11. So I bought a board. An Oxygen APX 165. Thanks Boris. Can't wait to ride.

    I came to the realization that I wouldn't be getting just one board. I figure I will know better what I want once I start riding again. This board will get me out and I can ride a lot of different terrain. When I used to ride pretty seriously, I had 6 or 7 boards in a season, 3 or 4 at a time. I doubt I will go back to soft boots though.

    I'm not sure about boot fit. I want to try on boots but but I doubt there is a pair of hardboots within 500km of here. I was thinking of going to the local ski shop and trying on boots. I'm not saying that I'm buying ski boots!:eek::nono::D I just want to get a feel for mondo sizing before I buy snowboard boots. Do they fit similarly?

  12. I like the AM Coiler. The metal one is stiffer?

    The metal boards are new to me too. Is this always referring to the topsheet? I am assuming that it makes the board stiffer and prevents torsional twisting? I have seen the term titanal used as well. What is this?

    I also have a question about bindings. When people post pictures of them, they are usually spread out in pieces. I am trying to figure out what all the pieces are. There is some sort of rubber interface between the board and binding used for dampening vibration. Then you have cants if you want to lean the bindings in. Some sort of aluminum/steel ring that mounts to the board and stays on the board that allows you to adjust the angle of the stance. Finally the bindings themselves held down with the four or three hole(Burton) plates. Is this correct?

    Do most people buy extra sets of the rubber parts and aluminum rings if they have extra boards and just move the bindings between the boards?

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