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Posts posted by jonbass

  1. It's easy to think that sports stars make too much money for playing children's games. They're not curing cancer, right? Or are they? If millions of people think it's fun to watch people skate around with sticks and shoot a rubber disc into a net, then those players deserve a fair and substantial share of whatever the market brings in, even if that means millions of dollars. What they then turn around and do with that money is what matters. Many, dare I say the vast majority of, millionaire sports stars are incredible philanthropists. Even if they lavish themselves with a life of opulence, they still have to pay people and give people jobs to support that lifestyle. I guess if they kept all their money in a safe in their home, then they'd be truly greedy.

    As for spending money on Olympic facilities and training for athletes, it seems that we as a species have agreed that sports are a good and healthy thing worth supporting.

    I tried to find tickets for the next Vancouver Canucks game. The cheapest tickets I could find were single tix at $77.50. Imagine a family of 4 going to the game. That's $310 without snacks, programs or merchandise. It can be tough for many families to make that purchase. Is it worth it? Maybe. It might be an unforgettable memory...

    Would it not be more efficient if some of the money used by athletes to to pay people and give people jobs to support their lifestyle stayed with the fans so they could use it to support their own lifestyles? ha ha...a bit of a circular argument I guess.

    There definitely are some incredible philanthropists in the professional sports world. Much of what they do is bring attention to important issues through their status and high visibility in the media. Kudos to them.

    I would argue (most likely unsuccessfully) that we don't just pay athletes to play sports. As people who spend large amounts of money on our sports, we realize that for the most part we participate in them for the love of the sport. Don't we really pay athletes to be role models for future athletes as they continue to improve at their sports? Does that cost millions per athlete? Maybe. This is just a point of view of course.

    With hockey being less popular in the US, I have heard that it is much more affordable for a family to go to a game. It sounds like hockey in these places is in a precarious position as they try to pay the player's high salaries .

    Sorry for being off track. I love hockey a lot so I tend to rant about it.

    The Olympics definitely motivate new people to join sports. The other benefit of the Olympics is that sports facilities get built where they normally may not. Hopefully these facilities are available for everyone interested in the sports to use.

    The Arts and Sports are humanities greatest achievements. The time I spend playing sports with other people or making music with others are the highlights of my week. It is just my wish that it was affordable to more people. I am not disputing the value of sports. I do wonder if the current economic system is the best way for everyone to benefit from the value of sports.

    Whew! another essay! Oops! Didn't mean to put you to sleep. :sleep: :p

  2. Nice video Pat. I want to get on my trials uni more. I like the skinny riding around 6:00. I wish I had the balance! Last year I fell in love with my 29er on the trails and never really got back into trials. I haven't had much chance to take out my touring uni yet but it looks like it will be a fun summer!

  3. My Vampire, metal construction, let's me get away with all kinds of stuff that I could'nt even contemplate on a glass board, be it long or short


    Would you say it is better to get your technique together before you switch over to metal boards? I was contemplating getting a metal board over the summer but i am still trying to get my technique sorted out as I am just getting back into carving.

  4. on that note jon, why are you spending thousands of dollars to slide down a hill when you could use that money to help others?

    Sorry for sounding soapboxish.:o I don't think I can help but sound hypocritical on the subject.

    I think it has a lot to do with how I'm getting jaded on professional athletes, particularly hockey players. It has a lot to do with their behaviour and their arguable position as role models. I guess I envision sports programs being built from the bottom up instead of the top down.

    I try to put as much as I can into the youth sports programs here. We buy hockey equipment for kids we know that can't afford it. We have also sponsored kids to travel to competitions as everywhere is far from here. I supervise after school sports programs when I can. I have even driven local kids to their hockey games who don't get the parental support they need to get them there on time or at all. You are right though, I could and I should be putting more into helping others. I am very fortunate that I have a great job that affords me an excellent standard of living. It is good to be reminded every once in a while of your blessings. Thanks Jack. :)

  5. It's too bad that image is so important in this sport.

    "We want to keep the cool factor in snowboarding, we don't want it to go speed suits," said U.S. boarder Nick Baumgartner, who felt the Canadian team's pants broke a gentleman's agreement among racers that pants would be kept a certain width. (Baumgartner was later eliminated in a qualifying round.)

    "It's the integrity of the sport," fellow American Nate Holland told The New York Times. "I'm a snowboarder through and through, and boardercross is a freestyle snow-boarder's race. I think it should stay that way."

  6. How about spending the money we spend on the olympics on youth sports programs and low income housing instead of high end athletes and overpriced facilities that serve only a small portion of the population? Let sponsors take care of the professional athletes.

    I am as excited as anyone for Canada to win gold in hockey but I don't like the fact that taxpayers paid the way for millionaire hockey players to play at the olympics. They should have paid for the privilege.

    I see so many kids that can't compete in sports because their families can't afford the travel and expenses. I wonder what you would see if you looked at the household incomes of kids in high level competitive sports and compared it to the average household income. It costs kids almost $10000/yr to play rep hockey up here. I know a couple of families that have 3 kids in rep hockey. They aren't poor families (although you would think that they would be after dishing out that coin each year :eek:).

  7. Congrats guys, you know who. No spoilers here.

    I hate NBC-I hate NBC-I hate NBC-I hate NBC-I hate NBC-I hate NBC-I hate NBC-I hate NBC-


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    I hate NBC


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    I hate NBC-I hate NBC-I hate NBC-I hate NBC-I hate NBC-I hate NBC-I hate NBC-I hate NBC-

    Haha! So...;) you're not fond of NBC?

  8. JJ's 2nd qual run was incredible, he was way behind after the first run.

    this would be great coverage, but I cannot believe this is at stupid cypress.

    What a difference it would make if this was at Whistler. The conditions for the Men's slalom skiing looks much nicer.

  9. I'm glad NBC can find the time to show two whole runs in between the commercial breaks. :mad:

    move to Canada! ;) Is it possible for a Canadian to make a proxy server so our American buddies can watch the whole thing on line. ctvolympic.ca is showing the whole thing but i doubt it's available in the US.

  10. ECES is supporting Tyler, it would be nice if the announcers were hardbooters, one of them actually said they drag their hands to act as rudders to make the turn

    I was thinking of more of a universal fund that any riders could apply for. It is awesome that ECES is supporting Jewel.

  11. It looked like a few riders have gone inside the stubby on a specific gate on the blue course. They haven't mentioned it. I was sure a couple of them would be DQed but they weren't. i am assuming that they have to go outside the stubby. Maybe the course judges just can't see. Poor Sigi. The weather looks awful.

    It's pretty crazy how many riders are there on their own dime. maybe we should start an international fund for supporting racer if there isn't already one.

  12. Sorry to hear about the break Steve. Let it heal and come back charging!

    I broke my ankle in hard boots years and years ago at Nakiska at a race. I was doing some carving between my runs on an unfamiliar trail. i was in the middle of a carve and the hill had a sudden steep drop. i lost contact with the ground and flew through the air sideways, tumbled a bit and ended up in some trees with a broken ankle, broken binding and cuts on my face and arm. it can be done. In fact, if something clumsy and painful can be done I have probably done it! :D

  13. Not meaning to be negative (I think sports funding is important) but i would much rather see a million dollars go to a youth sports program, funding for kids to play sports who can't afford it, or even a literacy program. This whole "Own the Podium" money for the top end athletes gets me worried. I hope that the amateur and youth programs don't end up losing funding if Canada has a disappointing finish in the olympics. I am imagining that after the hype of Vancouver, there could be a pretty big drop in funding for sports in general...i guess i am being negative. Sorry.:o

  14. I was buzzed by 2 ski patrollers the other day. They passed me on both sides with little room to spare on the widest run on the hill. There was no one else out there. I'm getting tired of inconsiderate people. I might just move into the woods and avoid them altogether! :rolleyes:;)

  15. Any suggestions for all around skis for ice and crud and everyday cruising. I'm about 6' 230lbs. I think i would like to be able to turn pretty tight. I don't think skiing will be about speed for me. Forgiveness would probably be good too.

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