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Everything posted by metrix4211

  1. I AM set up, two ravens! Cant wait to go for my first run! Thanks again bryan for setting me up with the right gear. Saved me not only tons of money, but frustration and headaches that comes along with being a newbie. Quick question though for zoom and buell or any lightweight riders out there. I understand the purpose of bts but how exactly does it "feel" or how does it affects ones riding if it is attached to a softer flexing boot?
  2. Thanks Bryan! Cant wait to see the pics. Let me know a good time to contact you tomorrow.
  3. Thanks Inkaholic. I definitely will. Thanks everyone for the valuable advice. Seems like the consensus right now is a softer boot. What about the Indy with BTS? I know this will cost me even more money but will it be helpful for me in the beginning and in the long run. Its funny, my boots will cost about 4x more than my board (Sims MFR)
  4. Hey bryan. Youre right I'm very enthusiastic about trying out carving. Unfortunately, i'm also getting very inpatient and just dying to try it out :(. Anyway, where did you see the suzuka demos for $150. Seems like the only thing i see right now are the indys and stratus pro on sale.
  5. Thanks two raven. It's very classy of you to point out the sale even though you're trying to sell something.
  6. Thanks BRYAN. I think I'll go over to Boulder as soon as I can and talk to bola. I know, I cant wait to get on the snow
  7. Thanks brian. Actually i've been talking to scott from carvers almanac and he's also been very helpful and generous with his time like yourself. However, his advice is to go to a stiffer boot to force proper technique. Haven't contacted Bola yet. Do you recommend I give his shop a call and talk to him directly?
  8. So i finally got my self sized by the local ski shop and it turns out I'm a mondo 24. I found a brand new Deeluxe Indy and a Head Stratus pro for about the same price, both on sale. I know these are very stiff boots which may not be appropriate for a newbie. Id love to find a suzuka but I cant find any within my budget. The first two are already $100 more than what i wanted to spend. OUCH!
  9. thanks vapor. Anybody use stock liner that are not moldable?
  10. Probobly a dumb question but do you still have these boots. Worth a try
  11. Hi everyone. Got bit by the alpine bug and I cant wait to get started. I bought and old SIMS MFR (impulse buy) as my starter board. Some of you are probobly laughing but we all have to start somewhere :). Anyway, I was thinking of buying an Deeluxe Lemans. I'm not interested in racing at all, just the pure enjoyment of the perfect carve that I've heard so much about. Anyway, the Lemans that im looking at does not have a heat moldable liner, just the standard. Should i get it or spend the extra bucks and get and suzuka? By the way, I'm 5'4, 155 lbs
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