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Everything posted by Arclite

  1. One day, one day I'll get the Track 700 or 325....and TD3's....and a Virus....and a coiler....and F2 intecs....the list goes on and on....
  2. Beppe, don't worry about the boots. I'm happy with Aaron's Winds. And if anything, I have a pair of Reactors but the aren't intec compatible
  3. When I put them on the night before i went up to Summit, the toe felt tight. after about 10 minutes of wearing them, it was better. The on the mountain, about 2 hours into the session, the boot was so tight, i couldn't feel my toes. The only reason I got blisters on my heels was probably because i unlatched the buckles when I was walking to the car...
  4. 27.5 mondo but more comfortable in a 28 mondo I'm borrowing Aaron's Burton Wind boots and I have a pair of 27 Raichle 324's with intecs, but they are wayy too tight. I have blisters on my heels from sunday.
  5. eh, not really. But i know enough spanish to order a bean and cheese burrito with steak Dad tries to teach me Italian sometimes
  6. Summit it is All though i do want to hit up bear sometime
  7. Nahh, i dont mind. It's kinda fun
  8. Who's ready for some carving on Sunday? Let's just hope they still have snow ;) Fo Sho: 1) Me 2) Andrea 3) Albert 4) Kerry 5) Lorrie
  9. Well I wouldn't say its my best work, but i thought it came out nice and nice bails Albert ;)
  10. nope, you're wrong this time. this one, i know
  11. Are you talking about how the snapshot that it shows before it plays says "Aaron" "oldvolvosrule" or the credits? because the credits aren't in any order
  12. Bingo bango bongo, there it is! <object height="295" width="480"></object><object height="295" width="480"> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGrPmRJ3Iac&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="295" width="480"></object>
  13. I've been editing the video since 9:15 tonight. Only a 2 hour project The movie is done, and I'll upload it tomorrow and put it up here for all you guys. Who's up for next week? If they still have snow...
  14. Hey Richard, do you plan on being up in Snow Summit on sunday? If so, post a reply on the Feb. 22nd thread
  15. Hey Dennis, which mountain do you plan to be patrolling on sunday?
  16. I take it your name would be "Beppe?" Shall I add you to the list?
  17. As soon as I re-read it, I could understand. Aaron, you outsmarted me this time, i forgot how closely related Spanish and Italian are. And WAHBAYYUM, your on the list
  18. Andrea, would you mind translating?
  19. hey megtrimix, are you gunna be up at summit on the 22nd? Post a reply on the thread if you are
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