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Posts posted by kinpa

  1. Kathy shined on the HOT, or was hot on the shine not sure wich, i'll post proof later.

    THANKS Troy!!! I'm trying.... maybe I'll have my sh*t together before NICE..... I know I can't keep up with the big boys, but my goal has always been to not keep anyone waiting too long!

  2. Had a great day yesterday on a new to me board! The Hot Shine rode well... And yes, Bryan, you will see proof! There is video... Hahahaha! Thanks to Slopetool and B0ardski for putting up with me.... And it was kinda nice riding out of uniform for a change.

  3. ok, how silly (stupid?) is this..... I got approved off work for Monday - Thursday that week, but not Friday?????? ARGHHHH!!!!! more than slightly annoyed right now. If I didn't have two years of perfect attendance (that's how I won my iPad!), I really would consider calling in sick that day..... how much you want to bet that Friday ends up being the perfect groomer day complete with blue skies and sun!

  4. So I just showed my daughter the new helmet.... She says " what happened to Buck?" I guess I never realized my helmet had a name.... Sheesh! Actually, that helmet has been with me longer than her (she's 11). Guess it is time for a new one.... No, not a new daughter.... No one could quite ever replace her.:nono:

  5. Does it mathch your goggles, gloves, pants, board, boots and iphone? As we know all accessories must.

    too funny! since I'm an instructor, I'll stick to black..... it's always been a safe bet with all the different color uniforms I've been in over the years!!! iphone??? HA!!! this poor ole lady isn't worthy of an iphone!!! my non-smart phone doesn't even get a signal at my mountain which is perfectly ok with me.... and now that you mention it, the new boots are more blue than black..... just great.... going for a black and blue color scheme! how appropriate

  6. Sounds familiar. A wrong fitting helmet will give me an unbearable headache within 2 minutes from a pressure point in the middle of my forehead. I've often had to 'fine tune' the helmet to feel comfortable. I also used the Boeri line for years with luck, but could not find them at the end of last season, so started trying on everything I could. I found that the GIRO line fit me well. I also wanted a hard shell over the ears and went with the Sestriere model which feels fine out of the box :biggthump.........

    Put an offer on one on eBay... Thanks! We'll see how it goes. If it doesn't fit me well, I'll pass it on to my son!

  7. Yes, I have a funny shape head. I admit it. Actually, it's a long oval. Means if it fits on the sides (over my ears) then it's way to tight on my forehead and I end up getting a bad headache. With bicycle helmets, it's easy to get it big and add padding on the sides. Can't exactly do that on a ski helmet. After 10+ years of good service, I think it's time to retire the Boeri. :( I do like the hard ears though. Any recommendations? Thanks. I need to know what to ask Santa for......

  8. I wondered why my ears were burning :)

    After riding today, I don't know, I pretty much had my ass handed to me.:smashfrea I need to ease back into this.

    Nice to be wanted though. Ed must be glossing over the stories.:confused::ices_ange

    It's ok Bryan.... My first day wasn't very pretty either. Ya got a whole month to get it together! And if you can't? Well, you could always come ride with us ladies! Hehehehe

  9. Thanks Kathy and Russ, I talked it over with Octavio, and we decided to drive...'cause we want to bring ALL our gear, not just the 2 boards that they'll let us fly with. That means we're going to have an open seat in the car - we'll see if we can find someone to fill that seat. (Bryan?)

    Come on Bryan.... You really should come ride with us......

  10. bet we could arrange a airport shuttle for you nicers especially if a few came at the same time

    We will probably stay at the Howard Johnson's or one of the other hotels in that area so if you need a ride up the mountain in the mornings, I'm sure we could help out some with that

  11. Safety has to come before fun... Don't forget that! As far as sending them with an instructor? I know my kids know how to majorly push my buttons! My daughter skied with me holding on to her much longer than she really needed when she first started skiing! Maybe it's different since they are twins, but I would think they would have fun riding with their peers! Yes, they might not like going back to easier terrain, but it needs to be done so they can learn control and how to be safe. Are you willing to force them to do things they may not want to do? One of the first things I would teach a beginner level of any age is how to stay in control. It's part of the responsibility code. You said you brought them this far? Is the crash and burn technique really them learning how to be in control? I just hope they, or anyone around them, doesn't end up getting hurt. Sorry if I sound a little bit harsh, but it's something you really need to think about.

  12. ^

    You have my sincere condolences.

    Exactly why I've decided this is a good year to work more on my SKI teaching technique. At least he didn't exactly tell me that I had to teach in soft boots. He'll get to see me ride for the first time on Saturday. And just to humor him, I set up my teaching board duck.... Could be interesting....


  13. I've seen video of Steve using a harness with his littlest... Both of them on boards...I don't know how he did it! It may not be fun for them, but you've got to get them on easier terrain otherwise you are never going to break them out of that "style". Would you consider signing them up for lessons with a pro? They may be more willing to try something different than they would with you. I got so frustrated with my daughter going up the rope tow, that I had to ask another instructor to take her. Same thing with the chair lift the first time. My daughter has always been pretty slow and cautious though. The crash and burn style you mentioned is exactly why I don't think real little kids should be on boards anyway. Yes, there are always exceptions, but most lack fine motor skills. Are your girls pretty athletic? Most ski areas will take kids on boards by age 10 for lessons. I taught a lesson to a girl last year that was probably somewhere in the 8 to 10 range. She, too, preferred heel sides. Once we discovered her Burton boots with the Velcro and the grow system were not snug on her leg and managed to get them tighter, she did much better.

  14. I have twinn 10 yr.girls that are "falling leafs" and for the life of me, I can not get them to commit to toe side. Im thinkin it doesnt help that Im on Step-ins and a carving board...... it just isnt the same.... but Its nice to be able to pop out and pick up the carnage! So, my issue is.... Im lookin for a suedo carving board that will perform as a skidder, Im thinking I want to equip it with Bomber risers with Flow Amp 5's that I have from awhile ago. I do have a metal Coiler AM. IDK..... Sorry Bruce, just askin! So any advice on a board that I can pretend to be a skidder and maybe carve a little too would be much appreciated!:freak3:

    Probably not what you're looking to hear, but I'll tell what worked for us (me, an instructor for 20+ years and my daughter who is now 11). When she was smaller, maybe 7 or so, I used to put a hula hoop around her and ski behind her. She would hold her hands on the hoop and on her hips. I would ski behind her to control her speed and just get her riding in the fall line on very gentle terrain. Then I could turn the hoop like a big steering wheel. Took a couple of times, but she got it. Last season she missed with a broken foot, but she's almost solid on linking turns. Should have it this year. Also, do the girls do falling leaf on toe side too? Or only heal? Do you have some very gentle terrain to start slow? Steve Pro got his son going at an early age, I'm sure he'll have some good ideas too. Of course, if you are trying to justify getting a new board....

  15. Either way Becki and I will be there Sat. I'll bring waxless backcountry skis and tele if the lifts don't spin.

    see ya there:biggthump

    See ya there? That's ok, you didn't miss much. Opening tomorrow... I'm not going though... See you next Saturday. Ed can't go and I'm going to be a skier this year. Long story.....

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