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Posts posted by GavinB

  1. Thanks John.

    Much appreciated.

    I had decided NOT to go to Aspen as it all seemed too expensive ...

    BUT ...

    I just booked my round trip air ticket from Portland OR to Aspen CO for $453 and reserved a bed in the Dorm Room at the St Moritz (even though I originally did not want to stay in a Dorm Room as I thought there would be 10 beds or so, but there are only 3 apparently) from the 28th Jan thru the 12th Feb at $49 per night....and as you guys assured me ... I do NOT need to rent a car ...so the whole trip is now very much affordable ... hence it is all booked and paid for.....so...I am FINALLY going to ASPEN after putting it off for the past three years !!!!

    Thanks again for you advice !!

    You made my trip from a NON STARTER into a Booked and Paid For "Two Week Learn to Carve" in Aspen trip. Can't wait !!!

  2. Anybody know anybody in Aspen who has a reasonably priced room for rent for 2 weeks in Jan / Feb 2012 in Aspen?


    Anybody know of a condo or some such thing to rent and share?

    A place near the Limelight Hotel would be great, which is where I would like to be ... just don't want to pay their prices for a place to sleep.

    I've never been to Aspen before, but really want to go this Feb ... so any info / advice / places to share etc will be much appreciated.

    Not interested in Dorm Rooms. If I do not have to rent a car ...that will be a plus. Ride Share from Denver would be good to if anybody arriving on the 28th as well... I can be flexible on arrival date ...preferably earlier than later though. I do not drink or smoke. When not snowboarding, I'll probably be working on a laptop much of the time. So won't be a bother to anybody I rent a room from or share a condo with. I'll be mostly with the WCS / Pure Boarding Crowd.... But I'll be there to learn as much as I can from anybody who has the patients to show / teach me more about EC / Carving.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. Hi CarvingScoobie

    I just bought some Level Gloves and not sure I like the "BIG BULGE" of the wrist guard under the fleshy base of my thumb. Seems like my wrist rolls towards my baby finger when my wrist is pushed down on a hard surface. (not sure how to explain it) I think I prefer the feeling of my MANZELLA / THE BEAST gloves when I push my wrist down on a hard surface. But I am told the LEVEL Gloves are great for wrist protection, which is why I bought them. Just feels like that bulge will hurt if I hit my wrist really hard on an icy surface.

    I tried to see that link you posted:


    but it is dead ...

    can you please let me know which gloves you were referring to and post a current link to them.


  4. Bola spent forever with me when I needed my first pair of Hard Boots Fitted. He made sure they were what my feet needed and sent me around to make sure I got what I needed to get the perfect fit. He even met me on the slopes and gave me his time helping me learn. I have nothing but great things to say about him. So much so that the OLD unused snowboard from LONG AGO that I found at a Garage Sale will go via UPS to him as a GIFT for all the time and advice etc he has given me over the past few years. My only problem with Bola is that his shop is in Boulder CO, and I live in Hood River, OR.

    I wouldn't hesitate to send somebody to or back to his shop. My advice is go back and sort it out ...or call him on the phone before hand and make sure he will be in the store when you get there.

  5. Well I have never seen nor ridden a Snurfboard ...

    So have no comments to make on them....

    But I sure have seen similar guns blasting away like the one that Dave ESPI showed in his post.

    As I told Dave ... they may not be listed in the dictionary under CARVING ... but they sure can CARVE a TRENCH of Destruction through those looking towards the barrel end of this monster.


    This should be listed under fun things to do ..

    when there is no snow ....

    actually it is awesome fun even when there is snow !!!!

  6. The problem with the Movie is that it is so darn good ... ....that I want more... but will just have to settle for the "Replay" button. (which I do keep using)

    Hopefully Jonas will be inspired to do the longer version at some point. I'll be first inline to donate some more $$$ (even Euros) at that point. So ... Hurry up Jonas ... before it is $100 to the Euro !!!!

    The donation I made for the movie is the best $$$ I have spent on this sport to date and truly appreciate every minute of those seven minutes and all the time, trouble, money and personal financial risk that Jonas and crew put into the movie.

    Everybody, especially those who ride alpine boards, should help him out by making a donation and downloading his movie. Even if you just like snow sports or watching SUPERB action sport movies .... Jonas's movie "CARVED" is well worth watching and well worth every $ donated and some more.

    AND .... maybe more importantly ..... If you ever want to get a friend or family member into the sport ... I can think of no movie anywhere .... that will get their blood racing and excite them enough to go out and buy an Alpine Board and start learning to CARVE like this movie will!!!!

    I know from Paragliding ... when you show friends and family paragliding movies ...even us pilots get board watching them .... and friends and family walk out the room ... but with Jonas's movie "CARVED" .... I cannot imagine a single person on the planet ... not thinking that this is a totally amazing movie and not getting the urge to try CARVING. This movie has to be the BEST recruiting tool ever.

    Once again ....

    You did a GREAT job Jonas !!!!

    Thanks a million !!!!

    (You deserve a Million $$$ as well)


  7. Suzuki DRZ 400 .... great now for running around town .... perfect for retrieving my van at the top of the mountain after paragliding ... when I am not able to TOP LAND .... and lots of fun on the old logging trails around here in Hood River. BUT ...I would love to get a BMW GS1200 for long distance...but will probably only get that after I win the lottery !!!

  8. Hey Lee

    I was snowboarding at Mnt Hood Meadows in Spring time this year .... I bought a Spring Pass for $119 .... what a great deal ...... so I agree 100% .... Meadows is far better than Timeberline ... but Meadows is closed now and Timberline is open ... and I have to get as many days on the snow as possible ...to catch up with the rest of you on this forum...so here I am at Timberline for now.

    Yep ....Hood River is totally awesome .... I am moving up here in September .... that is why I just started learning to Kite Board ... I also have two Kayaks, a Paraglider, a Mountain Bike and a Dirt Bike. Hood River is PERFECT for all these ...not to forget Snow Boarding.

    I plan on renting a house for six months or so when I get here, while I look for a house to buy. So ....any of you out there with Alpine Boards .... will be welcome to stay over if you are coming into Hood River to ride at Mnt Hood Meadows this coming winter.


  9. cid:002101c8db4e$2271bb30$6501a8c0@Gavin Well I sure struggled from 8 AM till 11:30 PM to see the movie. At first I managed to download the 1080 version which was jerky on my Desktop. I then had trouble with the Wireless Connection where I am staying in Hood River. Eventually I ended up at a coffee shop using their connection and then I had trouble with QuickTime and had to download Version 7. I had some great help from Jonas along the way though.

    Well, now that I have seen the movie .... I have one huge complaint ... It is definitely not LONG enough and I am sure everybody who sees it will say the same. (Well, maybe not those Brat Ski Kids in the Timberline lift lines). Hello !! What were you thinking Jonas????

    That is like giving a recovering Alcoholic one little glass of Whiskey or some Fat Lady who has just lost 200 lbs one tiny chocolate. Of course they (we) are going to want more. For those of you who are old enough to remember the movie "Oliver" ... one line from that movie definitely applies here .....


    Other than that ..... Jonas ... you did a GREAT JOB !!!

    Totally awesome. I have been scouring the internet for good Carving Videos ..... and NOTHING comes close to what you did here !!!!

    Now I can finally go to sleep with a smile on my face.

    And ...

    Hopefully dream that it was me in your movie !!!

    Thanks again ..... you deserve more than our donations.... I truly hope it makes it onto the big screen or TV!!



  10. Well I had no trouble downloading the 1080 version ...

    It was just too jerky to watch on my computer ...

    It is the 720 version that I am having trouble downloading.

    It definitely seems stuck at 21% now.

    this is my 2nd attempt at the 720 version ... both got stuck.

    I'm no computer expert ... but presume that if the 1080 downloaded with no problem ... the 720 should do so as well.

    Will give it a rest and try again later.


  11. Yep .... that is EXACTLY what I am talking about ...

    but "oldsnowboards" did warn me earlier to hurry up and get up here before the "ski Kids" arrived.

    Unfortunately I had no choice ... this is the only time I could be here. So will be back amongst those crowds tomorrow. At least I get to go snowboarding tomorrow, while most others cannot !!! Unfortunately will have to go early ... as it is going to be pretty warm up there tomorrow.


  12. Hey Cindy

    Thanks for the advice .... I really don't pull the "I'm an adult" line ..... I basicaly do just what you do .... "Excuse me, No ...you cannot get past .... You can also wait in line" !!

    But find that going later and staying later is the best solution as most of the Ski Kids are tired and hungry and want to get back to the lodge by then and all the lanes start opening up.

    Anyway ... yesterday we went on a Great Motor Bike ride up to Mnt Adams area ... then for a Kayak across the Columbia River and UP the White Salmon for a little way.

    Did not see a single Ski Kid along the way ... Was a GREAT day... but HOT .... was a record in Hood River ...99 degrees !!!


  13. OK LeeW


    you are a TRENCH DIGGER and I am just a lowly SKIDDER..

    you lived here for THREE years and I am just a NEWBIE...

    you have CONNECTIONS in the lift lines and I have NONE...

    Rub it in while you can ...

    BUT ....

    I am going Paragliding this afternoon with Brad ...

    and Brad drives the SNOW CAT up at Timberline....

    so hopefully my months of being an UNCONNECTED, NEWBIE SKIDDER are soon to be over !!!!

    (well maybe not the SKIDDER part)


  14. Yep ...This is day # 22 on the snow for me since I arrived here at the end of May ...

    So I have stood in the lift lines MANY MANY times over the past 22 days on the snow (with very few rest days in-between)

    So ....

    At the risk of offending some folks out there ...

    I am reporting what life is like in the Timberline Lift lines ...

    as a lone Alpine Board Rider ... surrounded by hoards of younger Summer Camp Ski Race Team Kids.

    At first I was very accommodating of the kids in line and let them do what ever they wanted to do, that is ... push in-front of you all the time.

    BUT ...as of today .....

    I am READY TO KILL these little Ski Race Team Brats in the Lift Lines !!!

    My patients has finally run out !!!

    Now I don't take any of their crap in the lines anymore...

    I am probably becoming the most hated snowboarder in line at Timberline !!!!

    They just try and push to the front of the line when their friend in the front calls them .... (God Forbid they should ride with a stranger).

    and they think that the have the RIGHT to just push in-front of you when you were in the line long before them.....

    because they are on some school race team etc ... or have rich parents who never taught them what a line is !!!

    Well now I am sick and tired of them and do not let them get past me anymore !

    I even stood up to one of their moms today and told her that she had to wait for me to go first !!!

    She was behind me and says to me that she has "FOUR" ....

    I said I don't care how many she has and that she can wait for the next chair after mine !!! She actually expected me to step aside for her and her three kids!!!

    (I should have told her to stop acting like a FOUR year old)

    (I am trying very hard not to be RUDE though) !!!


    I have run out of patients with them .... they are actually making the snowboarding experience UNPLEASANT !!!

    BUT ... they leave around 11:30 AM so I have peace and quiet until 1:30 when the ski lifts close for the day !!!

    So I am now going later and staying later ...so only have to deal with them for less than two hours !!!

    IF they had SINGLES lines set up at all lifts all the time ...it would solve the problem right away ..

    but they just let everybody converge .... so those who arrive in the line after me ...now have to wait to get on a chair after me (what a BIZARRE concept) !!!

    Anyway I am bigger and stronger than them .... so I get to go on my chair when it arrives !!!!

    I just wish I could bring some LA GANG BANGERS up here and put them in the line !!

    They will sort these little brats out in one morning !!!!

    I can promise you one thing ... the next day there will be absolutely no pushing to the front of the line or line cutting etc !!!

    Other than that ..... the snow has been good for me from 11:30 till 1:30 on Magic Mile and Palmer and virtually NOBODY on Magic Mile or Palmer then.... as the Racers pack up and leave by then and the snow is still pretty smooth and not slushy or sticky yet ... except for much lower down!!!

    GREAT for me !!!!

    My legs are very tired but I keep going every day !!!

    Will take this weekend off ..... maybe go Paragliding instead.

    Then finally head back home on the 5th July !


  15. Hey Carp

    I tried to send you a message (re the gloves) but it was returned to me.


    RCPT TO generated following response:

    550 Invalid recipient <johnc@sbc.com> (#5.1.1)


    Please let me know when you have corrected your address on the forum ..... or send it to me.



  16. Any night will be fine for me ....

    So I'm sure I can just fit in with what ever the majority decide !!!

    Glad to hear it will be at Meadows !!!

    Just one thing .... if you are going to be using those tall gates that we have to wear body armor for ... I have little interest in doing that ... as I have no interest in doing any racing ... but if you are going to be using those short "stubby things" ... I am all for doing those ...

    I have just been having fun and learning a lot with those short "stubby things" .... and have been watching the USA SKI teams and summer campers etc bashing their way through the tall gates and that just does not seem like any fun to me.

    BTW. Timberline was FREEZING COLD this morning !!!!


  17. Well .... I'm moving to Hood River around September ...

    So I am definitely in ....

    Went through some gates for the first time today ....

    Have no interest in Racing ... but had great fun doing them ... and obviously a great learning experience for me .... and judging by my performance today ...I need all the practice I can get.

    I don't drink beer .. so as with my paragliding buddies ...

    I presume I will end up being the designated driver for Snow Boarding Race Night ....

    AND ... I have a big van ... so great for car pooling from Hood River !!!

    Meadows would be preferable for me .. (Closer to Hood River)... but will go where ever you decide to have it.

    On another note .... I am having a blast riding with John and Galen at Timberline (Mnt Hood) ... while on our three day course with Snow Performance .... Sean, Mike and the other Gavin are great ... but more about that in a later post. (Today was my 18th day on the snow this trip ... and plan to hit a total of 27 Snow Boarding Days by the time I head back South on the 5th July)

    And on another note ... Bryan .... After watching Mike Jacoby ride the past two days .... I can see why he beat you ....even though I have never seen you ride !!!!



  18. Hey MikeT...

    Thanks for the tips.

    Snow was great....

    My legs may be stronger than yours...

    But I'd switch mine for tired legs any day ...

    If only I could look as good on the snow as you did today!

    (as good as your carving...that is ... not your face) !

    Thanks again to you and John from Seattle who was up here as well.


  19. Hi Kimo

    Thanks for the info ... (and to the rest of you who replied)

    Do these seem like the ones you have ..

    according to the write up ...

    They claim to keep your hands warm, dry and seem pretty darn tough.


    Don't think I can go wrong with these!

    What do you think ???


    PS.... Almost had to have Brain Surgery like you today ....

    I fell really really hard on the HARD "ICE" .... landed on my head.

    I thought I may have bleeding on the brain I hit so hard !

    IF I was not wearing a helmet ... I am sure I would have been dead or a long time in the hospital ..

    but I was fine .... a few minutes later I was racing down the slope again ..

    but a bit more cautious / nervous than before I hit my head !!!

    I HONESTLY believe that if I was not wearing a Helmut today .... I would have been either DEAD or in VERY SERIOUS TROUBLE at the hospital !!!!

    Afterwards I was even doing multiplication and checking in my mind customers names and matching their dogs names etc..

    to see if my Brain was still in ONE PIECE with no blood causing swelling etc ....

    12 hours later ... I still seem "NORMAL" ...NOT A DROOLING RETARD !!!!


  20. Sorry to read about the loss of your dog ....

    I don't have a dog anymore ..

    but have a pretty big Dog Walking Company in the Los Angeles area ...


    (but hoping to move to Hood River in September this year and hopefully keep the business going in LA)

    We take a lot of dogs hiking in the mountains every day.

    Have been doing that for almost nine years now ..

    so many of the dogs that started with me back then ...

    are getting really old now and dying from old age or tumors etc. Rather sad.... and hard to see their moms and dads so upset.

    BUT ... the best thing seems to be to get a new puppy !

    SO .... if you are looking at new doggie ...

    take a moment and look at a FRENCH BULL DOG !!!

    That is my favorite recommendation right now ..

    Which does change from time to time..... From Dobermans, to Rottweilers, to Australian Shepards etc and now FRENCH BULL DOGS !!!

    I had to leave my Doberman in South African when I came here .... I was DEVASTATED !!!

    Hang in there .....



  21. Hi Hans

    Thanks for the info links ..

    but they don't seem to go anywhere...

    all that comes up is:

    "Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms."

    Can you please check and repost correct links...


    is it something weird with my computer ????

    Thanks again


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