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Everything posted by bluesurf

  1. all right i have found the right community for my issues. First my hard setup is burton reactors from the 90's and burton performance plates. Togeather they are as good flexing as i want a hard setup to be. really only issues are hard landings and the opening of bails in air(not experienced that yet). I don't know why i feel the need to try a stiff softboot only that it seems right to me. (a couple more days on hard setup may put that to rest). other thing is the deals that can be had right now. as for the 3rd strap and locked back i really like the idea and wish someone still made them. So who has the parts to convert my ride cads to a third strap? I think i would only need it in the front. here are my riding issues that maybe you guys can help me with. I bought a ns legacy 174 "rc" for soft conditions, but i like it so much i want to ride it all the time. thing is it is terribly hard to carve heelside. so i bought a premier 172 to try out and see if it is different or more similar to my old board. funny thing is i have the same heelside prob. they carve good in soft but when you hit hardpack they want to layflat. Is my problem that i am trying to rail a really big board. Should i be looking for a 165ish for a harder conditions board and keep the 174 for soft conditions? thanks for any input. I am 6'1" 230 sz 11 been riding 20 yrs. funny thing is the 174 is so stable i have been in the park a lot, more than i have been in atleast 7/8 years. it has made it fun for me again.
  2. I have been riding hard boots for a few weeks now and mostly like it on my freeride setup. 0 foot pain, gobs of control etc. The only real complaint is landing jumps/rails. The bottom of my feet kill from the rigidity. I have heat moldable footbeds so i tried that. I want to try a real stiff soft boot and see. I currently have dc allegiance. Boots are stiff but they packed out almost a size, their footprint is huge and i ahve amajor pressure point on my ankle. i will be selling these soon. My question is, are the salomon malamutes or the burton driver x really stiff? which one is stiffer? Which one would be closest to an old pair of reactors that are really soft now. (i know i am trying to compare 2 diff things) which one has more padding in the tongue? I would try them on but not a single store near me has either. thanks for any input.
  3. demo days are def cool. i wish they still did them, but the problem was we mainly saw the same lifties and shop employees year after year. so the reps just stop doing them as they felt the cost was not justified as these people buy on proform anyway. general public didn't want to waste time when paying $75 + for lift tickets.
  4. dave i would love to do demo days, but there just aren't that many anymore atleast around here. nevermind demoing stuff that i actually want to ride. so i find the best prices i can and demo on my own dollar. It was great when i worked for a shop and then santa cruz. At that point i could ride whatever i wanted. Back to the topic i could and prob will rock the soft setup on powder days but that is it, i had too much fun with the hard boots on so much control and no pain. the muscles in my feet are not the prob as i am on a board almost all year long ( wakeboard ). it is just from the pressure of me making my bind too tight. I try to ride somewhat loose and I just can't do it. This could be because I used to ski and had really good equipment no slop and great control. I'm also sure if i could drop 15-20lbs that would help a lot too, whatever. i thank you guys for all your replies, Brad.
  5. The problem i encounter is any slop in my setup drives me crazy. it causes knee pain and foot pain for me. so in turn i tighten my boots too tight and my bindings even tighter. the pain for me is on the top of the foot. I have custom footbeds, i have tried flows (nxt frx) ride cad to no avail. so i did break out my really old hard boots and bind. I didn't make it on the chair and one of the binds broke. so i kept a hardboot on front and a soft in back. I had the most comfortable and fun day on a board in years. 0 pain issues. i kept my stance exactly as i ride it soft. i was railing through trees with the greatest of confidence and laying out some nice carves on the steeper groomers, i even hit the park and it was great. next time out i will try it with both hard boots(it was kinda fun watching everyone try to figure out what the hell i was dong though). Thanks for all the input and suggestions. As for boards the NS will work out fine as the setup i have is pretty soft compared to the newer carving setups. plus i don't want to change the style of riding i do i just want to be comfortable. does anyone specifically make hard setups that are softer and meant for all mtn applications?
  6. I am tired of making 2-3 runs and nearly being driven to tears over the pain of riding with soft setup. I currently have a NS legacy R for powder and a NS premier. I have some old burton reactors which seem to be fairly soft and an old set of plates that aren't too stiff. will i be doing any damage to the boards with a set up like this? Are there hard setups for this sort of application. I just cant stand the pain anymore and i can't ride without carving. any ides suggestion appreciated.
  7. board currently is on ebay. thanks for looking. Starting bid is $100.
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