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Posts posted by leeho730

  1. I started eo enjoy speed once 1) I got GPS so that I wanted to outdo myself in terms of max speed 2) informal racing with friends of mine....

    Carving on slow and medium speed is fun but also high speed cruising and high speed cruising followed by g-force turn is also fun for me... But everyone's different... Isn't as scary as motorbike riding....

  2. I was thinking of using dynafit TLT5... Bloody light, has got fairly soft flex for snowboarding if hard tongue is not used, sole length is even smaller than hardboots one size smaller (my 25.5 tlt5 has smaller footprint than head/deeluxe 24.5). People rave about the boots for splitboarding, too.

    The only problem is that those AT boots need special bindings for the skis and there is no lean adjuster, although I've heard new ones (12-13) come out with adjustable lean position, albeit limited.

  3. You'll love Donek incline. I love mine. Carves well, slides well, lands well, pops well, floats well, slices well. It feels less playful than NS Titan, prior ATV, Swoard dual, though, and a bit heavy. Very, very durable.

    I recommend getting some very flexible binding such as burton race and add flex to your boots using BTS. You can then use forward stance to carve in the morning and change to duck stance to play in the afternoon. Don't have to bring any extra equipment on the mountain.

  4. Skier - soft booter - hardbooter for me. Started hard booting with an old board with flex 80 rental ski boots- hated it back then. Still thinks BTS is probably the greatest invention for HBers.

    Now even for split boarding I go for dynafit. People have been saying SB is best for powder. I find HB equally enjoyable on powder but everyone's different.

    Now I'm scheming to convert two friends of mine...

  5. Agree with the article. True, on average women are inferior to men physically but there are always exceptions and I bet Lindsay Vonn is better than most men ski racers in the world, i.e. there are only handful men ski racers who are better than her. What can I say slaves to the rules those bureaucrats are, following the rules for the sake of following them...

    But it's going to be a tough nut for Lindsay to crack, it took several hundreds of years for men to allow women to vote...

  6. The reviewer also noted that by using hard tongue, super stiff race cuff and tour&board sole modules (featuring heel moon part) on UPZ boots, he could replicate krypton ID's characteristics. Review noted that after the mod, he felt less need of lift in the binding. Problem was that since the tour&board heel considerably thickened the toe and heel parts, he had problem fitting the modded boots to F2 binding due to its fixed bail length. For F2 binding users, using ski sole modules might be better to make sure that buckle and bail would fit.

  7. Someone did review of krypton Pro ID on alpine carving setup somewhere...

    The reviewer overally liked it. He used 11/12 SG full carve 170 with sigi plate.


    Super stiff

    Fairly adjustable in terms of forward lean and side canting

    3 buckles were more convenient

    Increase in pressure control due to in-built heel lift and beam structure at the sole, allowing rider to crank much more pressure

    Strong edge feel during heel side turns


    Too stiff for beginners and intermediate level riders

    No flexsion so more fatigue on lower leg

    In conclusion, good boots for racers or advanced riders looking for maximum responsiveness and pressure control. Recommended flex 90-120.

  8. Yes, I have not made my argument clear.

    I am not talking about play or the mechanical "slop" of the system. I am focusing on a certain aspect of what is being discussed: the difference between a two piece and one piece mounting system.

    The ability to pedal (twist) a board and plate combination does not come from the use of a two piece mounting system. It comes from many other aspects of the plate itself which is the connector between the feet and dictates this feel.

    If I took our original 5mm BP that is very firm in flex (longitudinally and torsional) and all I changed was the mounts and made them two piece, would that plate now twist significantly more? I don't think it would.

    The answer to more torsional flex (pedaling) is the plate itself. Our new 4mm Lite plate (now available) uses the same exact lower mounts that are one piece (UPM). This plate uses a much thinner and narrower core profile and has quite a bit of material removed from the waist. The result, a plate system with tremendous torsional flex that you can pedal at low speed. This performance has nothing to do with the mounts being one or two piece. It never has.

    Oh, all I wanted to say was that two-piece mounting system would allow different amount of travel for one edge to the other.

    It's because when the board bends, due to convex sidecut, the edge that is not being carved on will not bend as much as the one that is working.

    I have included the picture to better illustrate my point.

    So the 'lateral movement' seems a bit different from torsional flex... And if the plate allows limited degree of lateral flex, then the single axle mounting system can compensate such lateral movement of the board during carving...

    But whether this is critical or not, I don't know. Many people are happy with the performance of BBP, so it may not be that important.


  9. I believe fin and Sean are talking about two different concepts here.

    Sean is talking about toeside edge and heel side edge flexing independently, whereas fin is talking about plate-controlled torsional flex, i.e. twisting of the board across the entire width of the board. It may sound similar but a bit different.

    As a board bends during carving, toeside and heel side edge draw different arc, albeit by a small amount. What Sean seems to say is that AF plate allows this to happen or the plate does not hinder such flexing.

    2-axle plate, on the other hand, locks heel side and toeside arc. So 4mm lite plate allows two different arcs to happen by torsional twist of the plate.

  10. About health system

    The biggest problem is that 1) Nowadays it costs so much to become a health practitioner such as doctors and dentists and that costs gotoo e patients 2) people are greedy and doctors and dentists are no exception 3) the only way I can think of solving the problem is government forcing the prices but that's against market economy and doctors and dentists hate anyone who try to control the prices 4) therefore I can see that there is no solution to the problem. It's like we're expecting gasoline prices to drop, not gonna happen.

    Might as well embrace the future of higher cost for everything...

  11. Considering Burton is currently re-structuring the company by discontinuing some brands such as Forum, highly unlikely.

    Burton getting into Alpine market will certainly help grow our numbers... So we can only hope.

    More info:


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