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Posts posted by xolufus

  1. Nope - didn't win this year, but will try again for the 2015 run...I also heard that they were doing at least one or maybe two qualifiers right before the event - based on the different classes; but I can't find out anywhere - what those different amateur age group cut-offs are ??? Being over 50 - I thought - I'd better try and get in somehow...you know, before I die...

  2. Sale is tentative on the 172 w/ Missionman (sent you an email) ... 182 IS AVAILABLE, soloplanker if you want it, paypal me the $ 250.00 to:

    xolufus (at) earthlink (dot) net

    And make sure all of your shipping info is included and I will ship the deck immediately...your message setting doesn't seem to be turned on - on this forum...


  3. Amitche,

    It depends on your riding skill level, as well as your height and weight and what type of terrain you plan on riding...also, as far as ski boots go - there are several threads here (on BOL) that discuss the pros + cons of that...Based on your other posts, it appears that you may be looking for a complete "entry level" alpine snowboard setup...email me directly at: xolufus (at) earthlink (dot) net w/ all your info and your boot size, preferably in mondopoint; and I can hopefully help set you up...


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