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Posts posted by xolufus

  1. dragonrider,

    It depends on so many factors...The way you ride, where you ride, conditions - your boot size - stance angles, etc....

    BUT for me the move from 18/19 ww to 21 to 23 ww evolved from the following:

    1) I opened up my stance and drastically increased my bias...

    2) I shifted my stance farther back on the board and shifted my weight more forward when I ride...

    3) The invent of the variable scr makes boards ride narrower - in my opinion...

    4) I'm riding steeper and steeper terrain and search for deeper snow and like the added flotation of the increased waist width...

    5) When I do Pure Free Carve or EC - I'm able to do it on well groomed - extremely wide runs w/o much "traffic" - so the edge to edge transition is no longer so important AND my ability to force a longer VSR board into quicker turns has just simply progressed...over years of alpine riding...

    6) I finish my full days at they same time ski patrol sweeps the mountain, so there is little or no interference and I tend to ride extremely fast on these last runs - like scary fast...so a width of 18/19 is too unstable for my confidence level...

    7) Finally much like Troy (bOardski) - during the middle of the day I ride switch/fakie a lot and the wider boards are easier to rotate - even on steeper terrain...

    That's pretty much it, as well as the fact that the last board Sean made for me was 23.0 and it worked exceptionally well for my style...


  2. Just gonna chime in here...have dealt w/ Wolf - absolutely NO issues and he asks good questions...eBay is by far an "easier" route to go - you get almost no questions and almost always higher prices (including the %'s that eBay takes) and everything I've ever listed sells in 5-7 days max...BUT BOL is a community and I prefer to sell here - because I know the people the equipment goes to OR it goes to a newbie who wants to get into the Alpine side of the sport or is a serious collector of vintage equipment; which is of GREAT value to me...

    But I will say this - the sheer number of questions I get on this forum - from people that are NOT really interested in actually purchasing - can drive one...a little bit "nuts"...


  3. Yes - All the boards in the pictures were set up for - at least riding in and near the trees...as last season we had a ton of powder days and with the evening winds...all the eastern facing slopes slopes would have powder on them for the next day - so notice that all the stances are set pack and I'm riding w/ an even more peculiar angle than normal....

    The best powder board of the lot...is the Donek Axis - See how far back the stance goes at 177cm compared to the rest and it's variable scr help a lot...The Monster did have really great flotation though and I had plenty of days on it (10-12) in pretty deep freshies....

    Also note that Sean made me a board that he brought to SES that pretty much replaced all of the four boards shown (Promad 179) - that ended up being my go to board for the remainder of the season along w/ another prototype style board that Sean made me that I call the Isabela 181 and that with my Nirvana 180 - that Bruce made me w/ offset bias and reward shifted stance - those three I rode so I don't need the four that are for sale...

    You can see pics of what I've pretty much have my quiver boiled down to...below: I really at this point love the trees and riding hard boots in the bumps and the pow...Carving - the pure form is always available at Vail and The Beav as they groom so many runs - continuously...

    Hope that helps...





  4. Off-Season Sale:

    1) Coiler Monster 188 w/ 23.0 waist and 14 scr purchased from BOLer - jamesong last fall base and top are an 8.0/10.0 has been professionally tuned one time...($ 350.00 shipped to the lower 48)...SOLD!!!

    2) Donek Axis 177 w/ 21.5 waist and variable scr 10.5 to 12.5 - I am the original owner base has not been touched purchased two years ago from Sean - very light use top and base are a 9.0/10.0...Never been ground...($ 400.00 shipped to the lower 48)...

    3) Coiler VSR 177 w/ 20.0 waist and variable scr 11.0 to 13.5 - I am the original owner of this purchased from BOL two years ago...very little use...top and bottom are 9.75/10.0...never been ground...($ 500.00 shipped to the lower 48)...

    4) Coiler Nirvana Balance 174 w/ 21.0 waist and 12.0 to 14.0 scr purchased from BOLer - cliffh last fall base and top are 9.0/10.0 has been professionally tuned one time...($ 500.00 shipped to lower 48)...

    NO bindings are included...others that I have dealt w/ via BOL know the quality of my stuff...email me directly @ xolufus (at) earthlink (dot) net THANK YOU...

    All boards would work well for the 175-205 weight range...




  5. Kurt,

    This is off-topic, but there is a vintage Burton Backhill, the exact board that Bruce was looking for on eBay at a really albeit expensive, but very fair price - I tried to PM and email you but we've been traveling and when we returned home our internet was out and they can't fix it until tomorrow - so I'm literally sitting in a Wendy's stealing their wireless - I had to buy a large order of fries, because I felt bad about doing so - so please paypal me $1.49 as reimbursement ASAP...

    I also sent you a text and left you a VM...


  6. rjnakata,

    I did get your PM, but your second in line - as Bryan (www.oldsnowboards.com) contacted me just before you...I've got a call into him to see where he stands and will keep you posted...Also, if I remember correctly - I purchased an excellent condition Madd 180 a few years back from you ???? (Awesome board - great transaction)...

    Kurt, (Big Canuck) was going through some grind/kind of withdrawal so he forced me into selling it to him - so he could get his fix...

    This 158 is supreme - never/ever ridden anything like it - don't care about new tech - it is a ride that is as unique - as it is challenging and never ever has anyone come close to duplicating it...I will say the Promad 179 that Sean (Donek) built me early this last season - although completely different in overall design - rode really similarly - and was a tad more versatile - looking at the two boards you wouldn't think it, but it really reminded me of the "action" the Original 158 has...

    I will keep you posted...after I speak w/ Bryan...

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