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    Kamloops, British Columbia

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  1. I have a pair of 2011 ATB's just sitting and gathering dust. Size 7.5 (27mp). I wear a 10-10.5 US shoe. These are in very good shape. Looking for $300 CDN obo ($230 USD as of today). Shipping extra.
  2. Still have the boots for sale. $300 obo. Unused for the last 2 years.
  3. Bump - board is sold. Will sell the binding and boots separately.
  4. I have the TD2's (2008) and the UPZ ATB's left (2011) - the board is sold. Both have been quite lightly used and the boots are in great shape. Bindings have the yellow bumpers and extra pads. 3 and 6 degree bases. Boots are UPZ ATB 7.5 (27). Very good condition with only a few minor scuffs. I wear a size 10.5 shoe. The liners are 7.5 and the boot is 299 mm. $350 for the boots, $200 for the bindings, obo. I am in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Buyer pays shipping.
  5. Bryan

    TD1's for sale

    TD1's for sale with 4 cant disks (0 deg, 3 deg, 2x6deg). Good condition, work fine. $150 with shipping in Canada or US.
  6. Just ordered my ATV 171. Kept the normal stiffness after talking to a Prior rep. Any problems with riding TD1's on it? My old board started coming apart near the rear binding after switching to the plates. I think this was due to the increased pressure on a board that was meant for softies.
  7. I think since you've been on plates, it is tough to go to soft boots. That said, I find that increasing your angles (30&25 for me) on the soft boots and setting the bindings back a bit will allow you to generate most of the carving power on the tail of the board and will enable a decent carve. Probably not your ankles, just a little different technique than with the hard boots (not so forward charging). I thought I was a damn good carver with my soft boots, until i switched to plates. The difference is huge, and I'm betting that most soft booters don't know what they are missing.
  8. Thanks for the replies...looks like 2 to 1 for the ATV vs the 4WD so far. I ride in the Canadian Rockies at Sunshine, Castle, etc, and quite often out of ski hill boundaries.
  9. Hello all, I'm looking for an all mountain board. Currently I'm on a Ride Mountain 163 (27.5) waist with plates and hard boots. I've noticed that switching to plates has allowed me to really ramp up the speed in cruddy powder and moguls, but I have trouble switching edges really quickly when things get tight. My board is falling apart more every ride, so I think the time has come to buy a plate specific AM board. I ride 95% of the time on ungroomed terrain and in lots of powder, generally on black to dbl black runs. I'd say I'm an intermediate carver but don't want to focus on purely carving. Any recommendations for a board? I'm 6'2", 175lbs, size 10.5 boot. I'm torn between the Prior ATV 171 (23.5 waist) or the Prior 4WD 174 (21.4 waist). Donek Axxess would also be similar to the 4wd I think. Any advice? Bryan
  10. I recently picked up a pair of UPS Aigner boots and TD1's for my first hard boot setup...looks like I may have missed something. The heel bails seem too wide for the boots. I can pop the boot out pretty easily. Are the UPS heels a non-standard size or are the heel bails available in a smaller width? Any suggestions? Bryan
  11. Bryan

    raichle sb4

    I would like to see a photo of the boots if still available. Thanks
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