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Posts posted by jtslalom

  1. Took my daughter riding today (Friday 12/27) at Mountain Creek. We stayed on the sugar slope. She is just getting topside turns down and linking full turns. It's pretty cool to watch your own kid ride. Conditions were good although the crowds were not. It got crowded right around 11:00. We ended up leaving about 11:30.

    Yesterday morning was good as well. Conditions were a little softer yesterday than they were today. Again the crowds really started to pack in around 11:00.

    I will be riding tomorrow morning with Dave from 8 am until it gets crowded. Zero-g is now open and i would hope that Great Northern opens soon. Conditions should be pretty good. Hope to see other carvers out there.

  2. JohnnyLo,

    I went yesterday for 2 hours in the morning (Tues 12/17). I had the day off and made it there as they opened. Conditions were pretty good. At north there is only one main trail open but it splits to Sianara and the sugar slope at he bottom. Sianara is pretty nice. MC has been making snow like crazy. I think they will have a lot more slopes open by this weekend, even with the warmer weather coming. Think about day trips for next week.


  3. Mountain Creek will more than likely be open top to bottom by this weekend 12/14/13. They have been making snow for the last 24 hours and the weather calls for some great snowmaking temps over the next week or so. If they are open top to bottom I will be riding the north peak this Sunday morning from 8 - 10 am. Hope to see other carvers there.


  4. Mountain Creek has been making snow for the last 48 hours as of 8:39 am Tuesday 11/26/13. we have had some light dusting of snow here in Vernon over the last couple of days but nothing significant. Tomorrows weather calls for quite a bit of rain but the next few days after that look prime for making snow. It may be to soon to call but I bet MC has an early opening this year. Lets all hope they do.


  5. Be sure to check the Vernon PAL website for the Mountain Creek season pass sale. The next dates of the sale will be Saturday Nov 9. Hope to see a lot of carvers at Mountain Creek this year. It looks like ski racing will reopen on Bear Peak this year. Hopefully there may be some snowboard gates set up as well and hopefully some type of team.

  6. This vid got me remembering when snowboarding was different and cool and fun to be part of because of it. That's gone now.

    Maybe that's some of the draw with alpine.

    Funny how that idea hasn't really hit me. I think snowboarding today is not much different from when I started in 1988. I still ride hard, try new things, and ride with the same group of guys I rode with in 1988. With the exception of terrain parks and the advancement in equipment nothing has changed for me.

  7. Mountan Creek is the same as Stratton when it comes to opening the lift. If you have a seasons pass you can ride the lift at 8:00 am on the weekends. If you don't have one you must wait until 9:00 am to ride it. It is great if you are a pass holder. My advice to you is to buy a seasons pass for next year and take advantage of all the benefits is has to offer. I'm happy to hear that you set those bindings a little steeper. It will definately help your heelside turns so long as you drive your turns with your knees. We will have to ride together next year. I am done for the season. Fishing and coaching my kids takes most of my time now so I won't be riding again until next season. See you then.

  8. I just rode at a small ski resort in New York state this past weekend. It has 35 trails with an 1100 ft vertical drop. The resort is called Plattekill which is located in the western Catskill Mountains. As I was seated in the lodge I saw a flyer for enting the ski resort for a full day for $2500. It can be rented only on Monday through Tursday. The rental includes a working staff with an open cafeteria. I thought it would be a good idea of maybe looking at this resort for the next East Coast Expression Session or possibly some other large gatheing of carvers in the East.

  9. Nick,

    Its tough to say. I ride with my buddies whom live in Vermont. I just follow the pack. I think we stayed on Rams Head Peak for the afternoon ride. Mostly blue square runs and maybe a diamond or two. In the morning I'm pretty sure we rode Killington Peak and rode quite a few diamond runs and some blue square runs. None of which were all that steep. With exception to Bear Peak, Killington doesn't have to many steep runs like Whiteface or Stowe. Most of their diamond runs are very carvable. I would say do the same but I don't really know what you are looking for. Have fun

  10. SnowboardingJ,

    It seems like you have alot of questions. I can only tell you what I prefer and to be quite honest I am sort of an odd ball when it comes to equipment preferences. You must remember that I am riding soft boot equipment ONLY. With this in mind I can tell you that I ride my softboot angles at 63 degrees back and 60 degrees front. I like my back binding a little steeper than my front. The reason for this is so that my back knee gets driven into the back of my front knee. For the years I rode hard boots my back binding was 69 and the front 66. Compared to what I see other guys ride, these angles are relatively steep. Again the reason for the steepness is to drive my knees together. I like to turn my board by first flexing my ankles and then driving my knees. I see alot of softboot riders ride using only ankle only. In order to accomplish carving your board with mostly ankle flexion your binding angles are better off at low to moderate angles. One of my buddies that rides soft boots and carves using mainly ankle flexion rides around 20 degrees front and back. I believe Ken (Sict2) rides with angles around 20 degrees. I will ride with angles this low only when riding moguls and in the woods. However in order for me to carve and truly round my turns I need to drive my knees into the turn. That is why I ride with such steep angles.

  11. Mountain Creek wasn't bad this morning (Sunday 3/10/13) Me, Ken and Dave got the first chair up and rode from 8:00 to 11:00. Conditions were stiff but carvable. A slip of an edge here and there but all in all riding was ok. As always Ken and Dave looked pretty damn good carving. Ken circled the lift tower 3 or 4 times. We met snowboardingJ on our very last run. It's good to see some new people in hard boots. Nice making turns with you. Hopefully we can hook up again before the end of the year. If not then next year. Dave and I will be making a Hunter trip next Sunday. I'm sure Joe and John will be coming along and hopefully others will be interested as well. Hope to see other carvers there.

  12. I will be riding at Mountain Creek tonight Wed. 3/6/13 at North and Sunday morning for the first chair also at North. This weekend is suppose to be fairly warm. I may try to get out late Saturday afternoon for some bump riding. Hopefully there will be a big enough crowd on Saturday day to create bumps on Zero-G and Devils Bit. Hope to see other carvers and bump riders there.

  13. I purchased a pair of Burton Ion soft boots yesterday. They are the second stiffest soft boot Burton manufactures. Wow are they stiff. I compared them to the boots I already have which are an old pair of Burton Ruler boots from about 8 years ago. That is the time when I started getting back into soft boot riding from hard boot riding. At that time I had thought that the Ruler boots were super stiff. Well they are nothing compared to these Ions. They are so stiff that I feel like I'm riding in my old Burton Wind hard boots.

    I can't believe how far soft boots have come since the late 80's and early 90's. I remember riding in Sorell boots with ski boot liners in them. Almost no support what so ever. Now the technology is so advanced that every time I am soft boot riding it almost feels like I am riding in hard boots

  14. My daughter had a softball hitting clinic yesterday. Her coach Ozzie was showing her how to drive her right knee and torque her lower body as she swung the bat. At the same time this is happening she should maintain a quiet upper body. I was so surprised that he used those exact words to describe batting. I immediately thought of riding. From hanging around ski coaches so much I was always taught to drive my turns with my knees and maintain a quiet upper body. It's funny how proper body position transcends all sports and not just riding.

  15. I didn't know there are carvers going mountain creek, could have use some advice on setting.


    I will be riding at MC on Saturday morning for the first chair and possibly Sunday morning for the first chair. If you can make it there early we can ride for a few runs. However there are quite a few plate riders at MC and many more carvers. You just have to be there at the right times.

  16. Sounds like you had a fun day. Its good to get the kids out. I rode Killington today (Friday 2/22/13) WOW conditions were insanely good. I rode with my old buddies Dennis and Bobby. These guys can turn. All in all it was a great day.

    I will be riding MC this Sunday morning for the first chair. As far as snow coverage is concerned, I wouldn't be to worried. There is no real threat of warm weather for some time and it looks like we may get some snow by the end of the weekend. See you there.

  17. I rode today at Killington (Friday 2/22/13) WOW conditions were down right incredible for riding. I can definately see why people like to ride there. Wide slopes and awesome conditions. I was in heaven. I saw 2 or 3 hardbooters from the lift but never crossed paths with them.

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