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Posts posted by milkman

  1. I don't know how I ended up here, but damn glad I did.

    Just found one of my favorite carving vids. Thanks TR for pointing it out:)

    Cliff, thank you for providing the inspiration over the past 15 years or so.

    It was a photo in Snowboard life, circa 1997 that had me hooked looking for the ultimate bottom turn. I'm sure I wasn't the first, and won't be the last to say thank you.

    Wish you many good turns in the New Year!


    Many kind words, thank you very much. I wish you a happy New Year and some solid bottom turns coming your way. Folks like you make the effort so much fun. I will be posting some classic circa clips along with current stuff all winter long. I am feeling the love!

  2. Hey milkman what angles are you set at. Your riding is how every new alpine/softboot rider should try to emulate, smooth and controlled. Great videos

    I ride front foot steep...65 degrees or so...back more open and it varies upon what mountain I am riding here in Aspen. At the Milk I keep it pretty open around 48 degrees but move it more closed when the terrain is steeper so I dont boot out. I have thoughts on why I believe boards are becoming to narrow for free carving (not racer) but thats for another day! Thank u for the props on the videos. I look forward to shooting new talent this winter here in Aspen. I will for sure be high lighting the different riding styles of those who roll into town. I will be at Highlands every Weds morning (if the sun is out and its good) casually hosting a reserved carving run sesh and also at the Milk (still working out the details). Like I did years ago. Should be fun, hope u can make it for a rail.

  3. Cliff: Well said, my friend, well said. Let me qualify my 'more than necessary' comment above: If you or anyone has ever seen the film documentary 'Dogtown', or been sitting in a surf lineup, or sessioned a pool or skatepark, or had a bitching carving day on the slopes, we've all experienced that moment when we concentrate our rage, angst, concerns of the day or week, and focus all of our energies into the next run or next move or trick. Aggression. This aggression is not meant to harm or destroy in a permanent sense. It's an expression that allows us as surfers, skaters, or carvers to express our commitment to line, style, and focus on the moment. Board sports are a dance form that allow for all types of expression from the dancer. Aggro-riding styles are what I cut my teeth on. Your style of diving and driving into the turn is what I was trying to convey in my 'more than necessary' comment. Not so much a compliment as a way of saying that this guy is saying something with his riding. He's dancing, driving, diving, and he owns this hill. I look forward to seeing your riding style on video as much as I can. Your aggro style tells me you are surfer first and you carry this over to your on-hill antics. Keep that stoke up my friend!!!

    Still riding my Maverick,


    Hi Mark,

    Thank u


  4. I thought it was a compilation of riders, my bad. The Milkman has a certain style that can be seen on the clip along with the ponytail. He throws himself into the turn more than might be necessary. A very committed turn initiation that is a reminder of our surfing roots. Thanks for the vid!


    I may throw myself into turns, but never felt it was more than necessary. Way easier to ride without the pony tail. My roots are surfing, my vision is surfing when carving. That really bothers some on Bomber for whatever reason, that I refer to my style of riding as "surfstyle carving". Its not surfing, its snowboarding with a vision and feel that myself and some other surfers have when laying it out and working the hill depending on conditions, crowds, tide, wind, swell size and direction! My favorite swell direction at the Milk is out of the north w/ a touch of west.

  5. Wow, that's a great perspective that Cliff (Ahumada) used for the slo-mo video. And, I did not realize that he was using clothing and equipment that changed color while carving. This is truly a breakthrough in fashion awareness for all of us carvers. :)


    I know...my wife tells me I am a walking fashion statement!

  6. Thanks SBS!

    Pure Carve guys are my favorite crowd to watch!

    Someone told me before and this close up slomo confirmed it, Cliff rides with HUGE underhang on the front foot! Surf background showing, I guess... I always struggle to initiate my toeside carves with too much underhang.

    A question: Are these mostly older clips? In other words, is Ahumada still on a Maverick, or he switched to a newer board?

    Not sure what you mean by HUGE underhang? The clip is from last year. I still ride my Mavericks. I demo boards for fun throughout the season. I still ride Nordica boots and sno pro bindings.

  7. There is a small, but at times very loud minority on BOL that feels their equipment is the only option (some on softboots). The reality is that almost all BOLers are stoked to see anyone carving on anything and many of us ride a wide range of equipment. I am really sorry that Cliff Ahumada (milkman I presume) and some others have the impression that things are otherwise.

    I got to ride quite a bit this season with Dickie Moon. It was a pleasure. He speaks very highly of you.

    Thanks for the videos.



    I am stoked that you are friends with Dickie. Because of carving I had the great pleasure of meeting him, hanging with him and becoming friends with him. He is quality.

    I think I get the scene on BOL, it is a great place with all walks of life who are passionate about having fun on the snow!

  8. Kevin HOW ARE YOU BRO? It has been so long, stoked to find you here on BOL.

    Snowboard Life ruled! For those of you who do not know Kevin's past, well all I can say is that the mag he created was the bible for carvers back in the day. Killer photos, articles, geez such incredible goodies packed in that mag! Kevin's passion for carving is unmatched. Please email me Kevin noah@sopris.net lets get caught up. Do you still play the guitar?

  9. My buddy Al Morris...Curlage...Curley hit a tree last week on Radars skiing after carving for 10 straight days, blew his right knee out and shattered his left knee. To say the least he is down for the count. He had just recoverd from a broken shoulder while dirt bike riding in October and a blown out back in February, ouch. Wish him luck if you could!

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